@ B.Pastor
Fun with numbers! Thank you for nailing down racism to only 10^-21.
Assume the US population is about 3x10^8.
Generously assume half the people are against Obama. The "Opposition" becomes 1.5x10^6
Multiply the two numbers together...
10^-21 * 1.5x10^6...and you will find the racial quotient.
The point of this post is to help my son with his homework. Scientific Notation!
Just ask the man in the street if "scientific notation" is for him!
I may have made errors above.
Comment Posted By bobwire On 20.08.2009 @ 22:46
Just wait til I get to work...
Rick, because you have no health care, consider this option
Comment Posted By bobwire On 14.08.2009 @ 02:11
They may show up near your hometown.
As far as I can tell "Obamacare" was developed in the House. Why do you call it Obamacare except as a possible perjoritave?
A possible perjorative? Holy Christ, you really are pretty dense, aren't you?
Of course I use it as a perjorative, you ninny!
Comment Posted By bobwire On 14.08.2009 @ 01:50
@ Surabaya Stew
I hate to break it to you, but Rick is not the next John Cole. I offer up the following reasons:
1. Rick is much older than John, and more set in his ways.
2. Sibling rivalry prevents him from eating crow.
3. No photos of pets!
Comment Posted By bobwire On 17.08.2009 @ 20:31
For Rick the world is irredeemably divided between Obamabots and Palin zombies.
And I guess you are where? After all it's your division. Sign up.
Imagine a neither realm! you know you have it in you..
Comment Posted By bobwire On 10.08.2009 @ 01:32
"And if health care reform fails, it won’t be because of the hysterical fear mongering by Republicans and conservatives, but because they didn’t believe in reform enough to trust the legislative process and the give and take of democratic debate."
A rather sane end-of-an-essay remark. But if health care reform is so important that we can ignore the loss of life in Afghanistan, then where were the conservatives on the issue when they had the presidency and the congress?
Apparently loss of life means nothing to conservatives. Life begins at conception, but ends at birth.
For conservatives there is no health care crisis. The market is working perfectly. Why tamper with 'success?' Although they don't believe in evolution, conservatives sure are advocates of social darwinism.
One of these days I expect Rick to support a plan that includes himself.
Meanwhile he shrugs off the "useful idiots" on the right while failing to support any alternative which his party will never provide! Mr Reynolds has your number.
Comment Posted By bobwire On 9.08.2009 @ 22:23
Sarah Palin should pay for the health costs of her child, if she does not have insurance.
I am not aware of extra costs due to Down's syndrome, but OK, it's not my kid and if her husband's insurance does not cover the child then maybe she should not have walked out of her last job!
What's on offer is a public option, understand the word "option". This will help cover to a great extent all those people you hate that have no insurance. You should be glad that the health care for those types will be rationed. You will then outlive them.
As Rick Moran has no health insurance, he is taking a gamble. But it's a gamble he is willing to take. An adult making choices he is. Easier to do when you have no kids, nor apparently pets. How about some pet photos? Show us your humanity.
Comment Posted By bobwire On 9.08.2009 @ 21:22
Attention everyone! As far as I can tell Rick Moran has NO health insurance.
Rick just say yes or no. I will not ask for a certificate nor ask if it comes from your wife's side or your parents.
If you want to weigh in on health care reform, then let us know your basis.
Call me a proofer. Am I asking too much?
Comment Posted By bobwire On 6.08.2009 @ 20:29
Shame on you Rick. You wrote "The president has been forced to backtrack so precipitously for his “stupid cops” comment..."
Obama instead said the police ACTED stupidly.
But here you are putting "stupid cops" in quotes as if they were not your own words, but ones that came from Obama. Shame on you.
Pick up any book on relationship problems and you will find that couples must separate actions from the person itself. If one wants marital harmony, and still must criticize a partner, then you criticize the behavior/action and not the person.
Obama was criticizing the actions, but not the cops as persons. This maintains the dignity of all parties to a better degree.
Who among us has not behaved stupidly while still being not stupid people?
Why on earth would you put "stupid cops" in quotes, when they are your own words?
You have written stupidly. But you are not a stupid person. Were you trying to escalate this discussion? Own up.
Comment Posted By bobwire On 26.07.2009 @ 22:43
the second paragraph of your essay reveals yourself to be insane.
Functionally insane mind you, but still...
There may be those that purport to understand...but they expose themselves as the pretenders you hope to draw out.
No, no, no, Americans did not mark the passage of time as you suggest with those 'holiday's.
Americans marked the passage of time with Christmas and New Years.
You lost me with the second paragraph.
Comment Posted By bobwire On 31.05.2009 @ 01:54