Rick, you know, there's something to be said for college graduates. If otherwise, then just toss Zsu Zsu something to chew on.
Comment Posted By bobwire On 26.01.2008 @ 05:32
How can you fail to get behind McCain?
Aren't you tired of being smarter than the president? Good Luck in 55.
Enron, oops, another errant child of an enterprise gone tumorous. thank goodness we had a benevolent government to look the other way, otherwise we might get govt regulation!
Comment Posted By bobwire On 26.01.2008 @ 05:54
And just whom might desire that, after witnessing the Katrina response?
Is it any wonder people are perplexed about the next Republican leader? Where is Rove when we need him most. A whispering campaign, the man's a genius.
I can't get behind the stimulus package. Enough of these bailouts. We haven't seen this kind of intervention since Reagan and the Savings and Loans. Was that not $500 billion? Was that not in 1980's dollars?
And just why should Republicans be dispirited and disorganized? They had Congress and the presidency for most of eight years, surely enough to accomplish, what...(crickets chirping)? So enamored, the voters responded!
During those years the Democrats have been Republican enablers, so I'm no fan of the D's. Any parade, they'll jump in front of it. May they rot in hell.
Meanwhile, the next administration will inherit vast, deep, stinking piles of shit, and although Republicans will be buried neck deep (along with everyone else) in excrement largely of their own creation, don't fail to ignore their smug grins. Just pinch your noses, make it all go away.
Comment Posted By bobwire On 23.01.2008 @ 22:49
Rick, why do I get the idea you're a Sore Winner?
Comment Posted By bobwire On 10.12.2007 @ 18:06
Anything is possible.
"We can argue – and I have in the past on this site – that the Geneva Convention is ridiculously out of date, moldy in its thinking and laughably naive about men at war and the exigencies of the times."
can you please provide a link to your own writing on this issue? I am a latecomer. How about a link to the Geneva Convention?
Comment Posted By bobwire On 7.12.2007 @ 03:39
"There may be good reason to destroy DVD’s of interrogations."
Rick, please inform us when it's a good idea to destroy DVD's.
Comment Posted By bobwire On 7.12.2007 @ 03:35
We needed no permission to invade Afghanistan. We needed no permission to invade Iraq? Are you now saying we need permission to go after the 9/11 mastermind? Or is now Osama 'contained'? Is he still useful to us? Why can't we do the job that Musharraf cannot? Why the false impotence? Pakistan or bust!
Comment Posted By bobwire On 28.10.2007 @ 04:08
Osama cannot be captured because it will never occur in Iraq. He is our reason for existence abroad. He is the Che Guevara of Islamofascism. As such he has not outlived his usefulness. To think that BushCo missed an opportunity is to only be complicit in your own manipulation. And you know that could never happen.
Comment Posted By bobwire On 28.10.2007 @ 03:53
and I thought I'd been banned! Looking forward to checking in and maintaining coherency. Cheers.
Comment Posted By bobwire On 25.10.2007 @ 22:29
Looking back on my humble, fumbling beginnings (and my even more humbling present) makes me realize how much and how little has changed in my life as well as the wide, wide world of blogs.
I am a little wiser today, a lot better informed and more circumspect in my language (believe it or not). I’m a little more cynical about some things, less so about others
Sounds like a horoscope, something in it for those that can believe. Just hold your palm out...and receive if you will the wisdom. All it takes is a giving over of yourself to those that might have a greater clue. So Rick, are you the year of the pig, are you a Taurus, do you drive a Prius, are you one among us? Are you humonguous?
Where's the champagne? At least Drink Liberally has an outlet. What about the rest of us? I'll shout, just say when and where. Do no be so circumspect.
Comment Posted By bobwire On 24.09.2007 @ 00:31