David M
thanks for the link
wondered if you were of fighting age
i suggest that if you like war and call upon a war to be fought, then you should sign up for it
no? rather blog your way to freedom?
And what have you done lately to end the war? When was the last time you were arrested protesting Iraq? When was the last time you went to jail for your beliefs, chickenshit?
When was the last time you even went to a protest against the war? When was the last time you put your hide on the line for what YOU believe in, asshole?
Two sides to the chickenhawk coin, idiot.
Comment Posted By fusil On 9.06.2008 @ 19:40
how about the courage to admit that you are wrong and have been wrong all along?
How about an apology to American people that we are in a war over something we could not prove...WMDs?
How about the courage to admit that torture is wrong and that "24" is a TV script but the Constitution is real.
Used to be anyway.George W Bush needs to have the courage to admit that he is a liar. He would do that of course if he were also a Christian.
But that sort of self reflection is hard to find today in a Republican.
That's what I think is wrong with your approach. Courage does nopt just come on a battlefield.
It happens on a bus, or in a stateroom, or even once in a while, In the White House.
President Obama will save this country.
Thank you for Barack, Jesus. Thank you God Almighty for finally bringing a Black man in America this far. Finally.
Your sickness of mind is truly frightening - Hitleresque in your devotion to this fakir.
What is really incredible is that there are millions of you out there who, if McCain wins, will riot in the streets if Obama loses; stupid, petulant children throwing a tantrum because you didn't get your way. It will be a sight to see.
Comment Posted By fusil On 6.06.2008 @ 17:33
You should read the blogs from other countries.
Everyone is so proud of America for finally allowing a minority to compete for the chief executive position.
I am so proud to be an American today.
Comment Posted By fusil On 3.06.2008 @ 18:16