Comments Posted By michael reynolds
Displaying 751 To 760 Of 839 Comments


Oh, Rick. It's not a race thing. It's a boy-meets-boy thing.

Like the heroine in every romance novel you find yourself drawn, almost against your will, to this charming stranger. Your head tells you "No! No!" He's not the guy for you. You disagree on so much. You're so very different.

But your head is protesting against the deeper knowledge of your heart. You can't long deny the way your heart flutters at his approach. The way your breath comes in little, sharp gasps when he touches you. At night, as sleep takes you, you picture him speaking, just to you, in that mellifluous voice.

And when you're with other candidates it's "Change! Change! Oh yes, yes we can!" that you cry out.

Methinks the blogger doth protest too much.

In the end he'll have you, he'll make you his, and you'll thank him for it. Excuse me, I mean you'll thank Him for it.

YIKES! I wonder if I should go to that de-programmer who specializes in making gays straight. Will that save me?


Comment Posted By michael reynolds On 27.07.2008 @ 10:32


So, yesterday he was Der Fuhrer and today he's Lenin? That scamp! Nazi, communist, carnival barker, empty suit, Muslim extremist, corrupt hack. He's everything from rent-seeking Chicago pol to naif to Hitler. That's quite a range.

It has become one of my daily entertainments reading conservative bloggers twisting themselves into knots trying to come up with just the right insult. The killer insult. The magic word-potion that will expunge the foul beast of hope and change.

It never fails to bring a smile to my lips. We're not even to the convention yet. What are you guys saving for later in the campaign? Was Obama the second gunman?

What's particularly amusing is that you're doing exactly what you accuse liberals of doing. They project their hopes onto an almost blank slate, and you project your fears. Obama's a Rorshach test revealing the deepest fantasies and secret thrills of the right's feverish imagination.

At this rate of progress he'll be Satan himself by late tomorrow afternoon. Unless he turns into Obambi again. Satan . . . Obambi . . .Hmmmm. The truth must be in there somewhere.

Maybe you ought to be afraid: he's obliterating your credibility without doing a thing.

Comment Posted By michael reynolds On 25.07.2008 @ 09:59


Just Hitler? Not the Emperor Palpatine? Ming the Merciless? Kodos and/or Kang?

There's an episode of Spongebob (yes, I have young children) where Spongebob and Patrick spread terror throughout Bikini Bottom after seeing a butterfly up close. Watching Republicans react to Obama is a bit like that.

Comment Posted By michael reynolds On 24.07.2008 @ 13:30


Besides, McCains only qualification seems to be him crashing his planes (five of them) and then getting captured. Once he was captured, he made propoganda films for the vietcong. Does that sound like ‘executive’ material. No it doesn’t.

I'll tell you what, jackass, how about we see how well you do living in a dungeon end enduring torture. See how many films you're willing to make. I'm willing to bet 30 minutes in you'd be ready to co-star with an amorous goat.

Comment Posted By michael reynolds On 23.07.2008 @ 15:49

First, I admire the hell out of McCain. He's everything I'd want my son to grow up to be. (He has a few characteristics I might skip, but who doesn't?) He's brave. He has integrity. He knows the meaning of sacrifice. Even when I disagree with him I believe he's trying his best for his country. I owe my freedom to guys like McCain. He's also, incidentally, witty and entertaining.

A few months ago (after the Lieberman/Correction episode) I emailed a blogger friend with my concern that McCain was suffering the early stages of cognitive impairment. I didn't blog about it because it's not the kind of thing one suggests lightly. But then he always seemed to perform very well in venues like The Daily Show that call for quick wit, so I stopped worrying.

This last week or so has brought back that concern. The CBS thing was weird. The Czechoslovakia thing too. Some other little things. There's something a little off about the way Lieberman and Graham seem to Mother-hen McCain. And there's the disarray of his campaign, which does not show a strong, sure hand at the top.

But I kind of hate to see you blogging about it now because that may mean there's really something to it.

I hope Obama wins. But I would hate like hell to see big John go out that way.

I've thought this way for about 3 months. I find it curious that the campaign didn't release any tests that would have revealed mental impairment including PET scans . Did he take any? My guess is no.


Comment Posted By michael reynolds On 23.07.2008 @ 10:49


Obama was always going to move to the center. Huge surprise, that, a candidate taking a big step to the center following a primary. Hide the children.

Obama always included wiggle room. He always said he would consult with the military. He never made it absolute.

In any case, it's no longer Obama vs. McCain, it's Obama and Maliki and Bush vs. McCain. Unless you're going to explain how a "time horizon" is not a "time line." (Granted, a horizon is an endlessly receding line, but that's a whole other problem.) Do the generals love a "time horizon" and hate a "time line?"

It's Obama's fault that Maliki is driving the bus now? Please. Mr. Bush had already agreed to Maliki's central demand, however disguised by WH word-parsing.

And in any case, Rick, I was under the impression that Maliki was the freely-elected leader of a liberated nation. You concede -- unlike some sad dead-enders -- that Maliki has basically endorsed Obama. So the question is this: if a timeline is so terribly, terribly frightening, why doesn't it seem to frighten Maliki? He's the guy who would be running for Switzerland if the product hits the fan. So why is he backing Obama, rather than his presumptive savior, Mr. McCain?

And while we're on flip-flopping, how is it you don't notice John McCain's sudden interest in sending more troops to Afghanistan? And how is it you fail to ask why McCain doesn't explain where those men would come from?

Comment Posted By michael reynolds On 22.07.2008 @ 09:08


McCain just lost the election. He had one and a half issues: Iraq and offshore drilling. Now he has offshore drilling.

McCain simply cannot go into a debate and accuse Obama of preparing to squander all our hard-fought gains in Iraq. Gains embodied in the Maliki government. Which just effectively endorsed Obama.

I like McCain enough that I actually feel sorry for him.

So. What do we do to kill time until November?

Dunno - count the times Obama will remind you of Adolpf Hitler?


Comment Posted By michael reynolds On 20.07.2008 @ 13:19


I don't think Obama is going to toady the Europeans. Obama strikes me as just a bit ruthless. It's one of the reasons I've supported him. He'll do what he has to do to get re-elected and to ensure his place in history. If that means getting along with the Europeans, he'll do that. If it means smacking the Europeans around, he'll do that.

This is why you're all failing to really hurt Obama. He's not a naif. He's not corrupt. He's not a radical. He's not weak. And accusing him of being a narcissist -- really? A presidential candidate who thinks he's just half a step short of being Jesus? What a shock that would be.

Obama is smart, cool and tough. It's why your joke contest will fall flat, and why your party's attacks on him don't gain traction: he's none of the things you think he is. He's not Carter. He's not Clinton. And he's not JFK. He's Bobby Kennedy.

Comment Posted By michael reynolds On 19.07.2008 @ 17:12


Law of unintended consequences, Rick. You're demonstrating that it really is impossible to write a good joke about Obama.

The problem is one of definition. One has to know the person one is goofing on. There have to be a few handles you can grab onto. Obama's identity hasn't gelled because he's an aspirational figure and a bit of a Rorschach test: you see a reflection of your own wishes. This is a problem as much (more actually) for opponents than supporters. It leaves one in the position of writing a joke not about the man but about what people imagine the man to be. The GOP is having the same problem in their attacks on Obama which all manage to be insulting to Obama supporters but never quite lay a glove on Obama.

Bush is incoherent, Gore was stiff, Dukakis was a soulless dweeb, Kerry was a drone, McCain is old. If the knock on Obama is that he's too pretty, too popular and too good a speaker you guys are in for a long election season.

Comment Posted By michael reynolds On 19.07.2008 @ 03:11


You have never been more wrong. Donna Reed had a whole Laura Bush barely-contained-sensuality-under-my-chaste-librarian-look thing going on.

Comment Posted By michael reynolds On 17.07.2008 @ 17:45

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