Comments Posted By obamathered
Displaying 71 To 80 Of 152 Comments

'Bottom Rail on Top'

Rick Moran:

Why do you get mad when I say that liberals don’t hate America? It challenges your wacky beliefs - your entire ideology is based on the fact that the left is evil and hates America. Without that, you have nothing - your worldview collapses in a heap.


I hope that made you feel better. I obviously don't get mad when you claim liberals like yourself don't hate America because I know they don't. No, I got mad because you made a profoundly ignorant comparison beween disloyal opposition to a hot war to ridiculing a president because he couldn't snag the Olympics.

Of course, you won't admit what you did because any pretensions you have to intellectual integrity would be destroyed--at least in your mind, because any objective reading of your OP bears out precisely what I claimed and you have denied.

Nothing in my world has collapsed in a heap. It certainly would take someone of considerably more intellectual heft than you to make that happen. But today your mask has slipped just in the event anyone had a doubt what you actually are. And frankly, regardless of your ideology, you should be ashamed of the false analogy you put forward. I realize you aren't, but I can't help be hold out hope.

It is not an analogy. I never intended it to be and you and other ideologues seem to be the only ones taking it as such. I am not comparing war to the Olympics. That is incredibly simplistic and shows you have a mind incapable of processing information correctly. I am showing a similarity in attitudes - it has nothing whatsoever to do with the examples given. There is no reason to give more or less weight to one example or the other. It is the attitude that is at issue - and I pointed out that both right and left suffer similar ideological delusions.

I can't believe I have to explain it as I would to a ten year old.

And why do you brand anyone who disagrees with you a liberal? I can't tell you how simple minded that charge is as it relates to me. You obviously haven't a clue what a conservative or a liberal is - which is par for the course for someone so enamored of their own ideological conceits.


Comment Posted By obamathered On 14.10.2009 @ 16:04

Richard Bottoms:

As a former soldier I am outraged at what has been done to the United States Army, the troops, and most importantly the military families ground done by back to back to back to back deployments. Meanwhile bloodthirsty chest beaters can’t seem to find their way to the recruiting office.

No doubt there were hardships. However, there was the highest rates of re-enlistments ever recorded, something you blew off as a cash inducement. As for "bloodthirsty chestbeaters," I will take them over America-hating poseurs who pad their vet status.

Comment Posted By obamathered On 14.10.2009 @ 15:35

Richard Bottoms:

You can question whatever you want, but the OP addresses that very point: Hysterical reaction to criticism that conflicts with your worldview. No Democrat could have been a soldier, we know this because chickenhawks like Rush and Hannity, and Beck tell us only Republicans are patriots.

Of course no one claimed a Democrat couldn't be a soldier. I served with many. No, the guy you called out said you weren't. I concur. Not even a socialist who served would have been ignorant and/or callous enough to equate the Olympics with a war, as Moran and you both insidiously did.

What's "insidious" about it? And you and the rest are exaggerating. There is no equivalence between the two except as examples of excessive, idiotic ideological fervor overcoming reason and logic. I accuse both sides of the same thing - and you get all hot and bothered because I don't agree with you that the left hates America?

You are a perfect, living example of which I write. You read into what I write exactly what you want to and ignore the argument itself. Why do you get mad when I say that liberals don't hate America? It challenges your wacky beliefs - your entire ideology is based on the fact that the left is evil and hates America. Without that, you have nothing - your worldview collapses in a heap.


Comment Posted By obamathered On 14.10.2009 @ 15:29

When a substantial minority, let alone a majority, of the Right actively roots for the defeat of the United States in a war get back to us. In the meantime, engage in all the intellectual dishonesty you wish.

Even a substantial minority of the Democratic Party wanted the United States military to lose Iraq. But you know that, and it doesn't go along with your false little narrative, now does it? Unless, of course, you equate the Olympics with military conflict, in which you are one of the most ignorant sons of a bitches ever to delude themselves into thinking they were intelligent, let alone a member of the intelligentsia.

Comment Posted By obamathered On 14.10.2009 @ 12:37


You are right. Even the defense of this award is hilarious.

Comment Posted By obamathered On 9.10.2009 @ 15:24


And incidentally, unlike many others here, Ken, I never voted for Bush, either although that forced me to stay home in 2004. He was too moderate for my tastes.

Comment Posted By obamathered On 9.10.2009 @ 14:38

The House GOP, for example, put forward a very detailed and workable health care plan. The GM/Chrysler "plan" is a ridiculous joke and sop to the UAW. Both corporations will be bankrupt by 2011, according to most analysts.

But you miss the point, Ken. This isn't even about ideology. Obama simply is incompetent as an executive. He laid out a thoughtful approach to Afghanistan and then backed away when the polls went south, for example. A president must be as good of an executive as he is a politican. Obama simply lacked the skills for the job, and it was painflly obvious even before the election. You obviously are an Obama partisan and don't see it yet, but his election is a national disgrace and marks the second inept Administration in a row. Qualifications matter, and as big of a joke as Palin was she had run something. Obama had not, and every day we feel the sting of it.

You likely will be similar to many early Bush supporters who came to realize the folly of their choice.

Comment Posted By obamathered On 9.10.2009 @ 14:28


"I believe it inevitable that even if the GOP mounts some kind of comeback in 2010, it will be shortlived. The systemic contradictions inherent in the movement as well as a continued disconnect with the concerns of ordinary voters will spell defeat of what will almost certainly be a movement candidate for president in 2012."

You have laid the predicate for a 2010 excuse. I suppose that if Obama continues to unravel and looks as vulnerable in 2011 as congressional Democrats do now, you then will write his pending defeat means nothing.

Where to start? Maybe with acknowledgement that poll after poll after poll shows Americans have grown more conservative, not less, since Reagan. Similar polls show rejection of larger government, despite your claims of disconnect. Maybe that the Bismarkian Big Government "conservatism" you implicity or perhaps inadvertently endorse was a hallmark of the Bush/Rove Administration, which you rejected. So maybe Big Government conservatism is a good thing only while the GOP is out of power? Maybe that Disraeli was separated from the socialist welfare state by a century. Kirk would seem to support your theory but/for the public doesn't want the change you claim.

You reject empirical data and distort history to support theory, yet you decry others as "ideologues." Jesus Christ, man. You have descended into utter dogma and might want to re-evaluate a few of your shibboleths.

Comment Posted By obamathered On 8.10.2009 @ 13:27


" But the point made by many on the left - that Limbaugh is considered so mainstream and respected that even political leaders cower in fear of his influence with the base - is well taken. When some pissant lefty blog, or the equally invisible Olbermann/Maddow/Schultz trio at MSNBC (which is the nexus of lefty kookery) spout off about conservatives, you don’t find too many Democratic Congressman imitating them (although Alan Grayson sure tries hard, doesn’t he?)."

Imitate? No. Kiss their asses? Every freakin' one of them that can fit into the DailyKos Insanity Circus Circus. This included Obama and Hillary Clinton in 2007.

Do you live in an alternative universe? For someone who has claimed to base his opinions on reason and examination, that isn't a good place to be drawn so often.

Comment Posted By obamathered On 7.10.2009 @ 16:13


It has taken the Left a mere eight months to implode and you worry about disc jockeys. Jesus Christ. The day some left-wing loon is crazy enough to become concerned about Keith Olbermann or Rachel Maddow...well, they won't. This has become a bizarre fixation on your part, especially since the ground has shifted so rapidly back in our direction.

Steve nailed it. Frum, proving the Blind Pig analogy has some use, even came close when he acknowledged the need for a variety of talents and voices in any political movement. I note you hail from Bob Michel land. It must pain you to know the journey through the wilderness soon will prove a short one. Bob liked it there. Modern conservatives don't.

Comment Posted By obamathered On 5.10.2009 @ 20:26

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