Comments Posted By scrapiron
Displaying 71 To 80 Of 176 Comments


At least the left wingers are happy. A high level terrorists death overrides the news of their "tide turning" election they "lost" in Calif and the hype (lies) being spread around the country by another 'Kennedy' drunken druggie. I'm waiting for one left wing dim-wit to wake from their drugged fog and realize that they lost in 2000/2004 and President Bush is not running in 2008. It's good that there is no Republican front runner, that really confuses the lefties when they don't know who to campaign against. I guess they'll just have to continue to campaign against the U.S. military and see how many more Americans they can get killed. Ninety percent of the American and Iraqi deaths in the past two years lay at the feet of the lefties, liberal congress members and their supporters in the antique anti-american MSM. I think they should be held legally responsible for the support they have provided to the terrorists. For the most part they have comitted hanging offenses.

Comment Posted By Scrapiron On 8.06.2006 @ 10:20


U.S. out of the U.N. and the U.N. out of the U.S. Problem solved.

Comment Posted By Scrapiron On 7.06.2006 @ 22:05


All i've saw on the internet the past 30 days was, the way the 50th in Ca. goes, the way the country goes in Nov. This was supposed to be the final nail in the coffin of the republican party, what happened, and is KOS now 0 for 500? A blind hog finds an acorn once in a while but KOS can't find his a** with both hands or one winner out of thousands of chances. Yep, the dim-wits need his leadership. LMAO

Comment Posted By Scrapiron On 7.06.2006 @ 11:36


Coulter is most likely refering to the group of 9-11 family members that turned grief into greed within 30 days of 9-11. You should have saw and heard the bunch that didn't think 8-10 million dollars was enough when we really didn't owe them a thin dime. I watched them during the 9-11 hearings and they are a bunch of self serving, point the camera at me bitches, just like Sheehan, but a few are much better looking than the witch.

Comment Posted By Scrapiron On 6.06.2006 @ 23:21


Not only are they using the same photo's, they are using photo's of people killed by the terrorist in an execution of enemies (friendly peace loving Iraqi's) of the terrorists, and stating that the slaughter involved U.S. forces. In other words they use any photo they can beg, borrow or steal and glue it to the current story.
We can be sure that the news (sic) media and the democratic party will be 100% responsible for the next major attack on U.S. soil, as the canadians have figured out. They just found a group of home grown terrorists with enough explosives to destroy several large building and kill hundreds/thousands of people. These terrorist are acting out of loyalty to no one but are operating on hate alone. They, left wing democrats and media types have been and are supporting the terrorists organizatons for some unknown political reason. I suspect their hate has turned to insanity. The recent article by another insane Kennedy should prove to everyone that the left is now ready for the rubber room or the hotel of many bars.
I can't hate people like this, but i really pity them and their families. They have let a small group of anti-americans (communist dominated left wing of the democratic party) drive them to the point of insanity that they would now destroy their own country and kill their own families to satisfy their wounded ego's. Whats really ironic about the lefties is that they have to know that the crazed Islamist they are supporting hate them as bad or worse than they do the average american. No one likes or trust a traitor and the traitorous media types and left wingers will be first in line at the head chopping block.

Comment Posted By Scrapiron On 3.06.2006 @ 11:47


Left wingers and traitors (one and the same) who want the U.S. to lose the war even if it means the death of their own families in the future fall for all of these same stupid stories. The terrorists have the leftie cowards on a string and they do the same song and dance every time the string is pulled. All of the massacre stories fall apart as soon as someone with a brain investigates. The latest is that an Iraqi 'news reporter' who has been arrested more than once for his connections to terrorism broke the story. Give me a break, everyone with a video camera is now staging 'massacre's'. I hope this one falls completely apart and John Murtha is arrested, tried, convicted and shot. I'll volunteer for the firing squad. I'm sure i could be successful in a kill in 20 or so shots.

Comment Posted By Scrapiron On 2.06.2006 @ 18:08


Exit polls are wrong because only the mentally retarded (aka democrats) will stop and tell some a**hole who they voted for. Come on, people that are capable of walking and chewing gum at the same time won't participate in any of the sham polls, or they lie to the idiots conducting the poll just to screw them up. The antique MSM keep pushing the results of their polls as a propaganda tool. They know that you can ask a 'selected' group of people 'selected' questions and get the answers you want. Unfortunetly they have a large part of the population (again retarded democrats) fooled so they keep pushing the sham polls. I love to see it when more and more people figure out the slime media. The firings and layoffs at the Anti-American WAPost and the NYT should let the nuts that run them know that large groups of people aren't listening to their lies anymore.

Comment Posted By Scrapiron On 2.06.2006 @ 11:10


Hate has really evolved to insanity in the left wing. Now we have an elected official in NY saying that Chuckie Schumer would shoot the president between the eyes if he thought he could get away with it. I don't think this is a casual remark, someone has been discussing this before the speach. Maybe the idiot and Schumer need a through shakedown by the FBI/CIA/NSA and the NY attorney general. Something stinks worse than normal in NY.
It seems the lefties in NY have denied that we are facing a terrorists problem until the Homeland security money is cut and now they're screaming they're all going to be killed by the terrorists. LMAO

Comment Posted By Scrapiron On 1.06.2006 @ 17:59


Thirty years of so ago we were destined to live in a deep freezer within a few years. Now we have a few weird weather experts predicting we're all gonna burn up, but we have 10 times as many experts saying it's a crock and all we're having in a normal weather cycle. Based on the lack of evidence and result of the scare 30 years ago i believe the 'panic' crowd is just that, a panic crowd with no facts. Algore is too stupid to get in out of the rain on his own. Reminds me of a newly hatched turkey standing in the rain with his mouth open until he drowns.

Comment Posted By Scrapiron On 27.05.2006 @ 19:57


ABC along with the other alpha news organizations have lied to the American people for so long that i find it hard to believe that even the simple minded lefties would believe a word they say. The only thing true in any major broadcast/publication is the comics and i've noticed a definate creep of left wing politic's (aka lies) into the comics. Why corporations would pay a dime to advertise in these rags in beyond me. Guess that's why i cancelled all of my subscriptions except the local town paper and never watch the big four (ABC,CBS,NBC,CNN) mouthpieces for any enemy of freedom.

Comment Posted By Scrapiron On 25.05.2006 @ 10:31

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