Right Wing Nut House



Filed under: General — Rick Moran @ 7:11 am

Robert Charles is a diplomat. A career foreign service officer, he recently visited Iraq to assist in training the new Iraqi police force. Flying in a helicopter over Bagdhad, Charles passed over some Iraqi’s who had come out of their houses…

“Below us, people come out into the streets. They are trying to process us as fast as we are them. They turn, pointing. Some smile. Are they pointing something at us? No, they are smiling and waving. Are they just waving and smiling? Yes. The soldier behind the machine gun sees them as well. He waves back.
Extraordinary. Did I really see this culture-bridging communication? Yes. Underscoring conversations with Iraqis in Baghdad, the majority of Iraqis and Americans in uniform speak a private language based on shared and unique knowledge — the language of hope.”

The language of hope! It seems like I’m belaboring the obvious but I have to ask myself, why this “language of hope” fails to make it into our living rooms when the press reports what’s going on in Iraq? Mr. Charles has an interesting take on this. Writing about the exchange of waves at “100 miles per hour”:

“They know and share the same basic hope for democracy, freedom, sustainable security, a place safe for raising children, an end to violence and terror.
Moreover, they know their hope is shared. It is a remarkable thing to witness. It repeats itself. An electric current of belief runs between them — even at 100 miles per hour.
This symbol gives the lasting lie to all the negative media, with their preternatural focus on tragedy. Blood sells, waves do not.
These Americans and Iraqis share a wordless language — and a belief that seemingly transcends religion, ideology, culture, personal history, sadness, resentment, regret and impatience.
Something big and good is most assuredly happening. Most Iraqis know this is all about the future: their and ours — intertwined, worth the fight, worth keeping faith. They understand America’s sacrifice has been real, our intentions good. In a swirl of emotion, most Iraqis appreciate what is happening and who made it happen.”

“Blood sells. Waves do not.” It’s sort of like “dog bites man.” Aren’t the Iraqi’s supposed to like us? After all, we liberated them, didn’t we? It’s much more of a “story” to interview Iraqis who are mad at us and want us to leave than writing about soldiers building schools or playing with children.

Every network does stories on what’s going well in Iraq. The fact that they do ten negative stories for every one positive one is simply the nature of the beast. It’s news when people die…it’s not when children wave.

Mr. Charles’ column can be found here.

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