Right Wing Nut House



Filed under: General — Rick Moran @ 7:18 am

It seems incredible but for some in the west, the goings on in the Ukraine are looked upon as nothing more than a CIA sponsored coup d’etat–an effort using slick marketing and western media manipulation to deny the “legitimate” winner of the election, Viktor Yanukovych, his rightful place as President. This column by the aptly named John Laughland is one example of how the moonbats (especially in Europe) have come to hate the idea of freedom:

“Whether it is Albania in 1997, Serbia in 2000, Georgia last November or Ukraine now, our media regularly peddle the same fairytale about how youthful demonstrators manage to bring down an authoritarian regime simply by attending a rock concert in a central square.”

“Two million anti-war demonstrators can stream though the streets of London and be politically ignored, but a few tens of thousands in Kiev are proclaimed to be “the people”, while the Ukrainian police, courts and governmental institutions are discounted as instruments of oppression.”

To me it’s Laughable (pun intended) to compare 2,000,000 citizens exercising their right of free speech in a free country with a “few tens of thousands” (try several HUNDRED thousand) who are taking their lives in their hands by defying the police and governmental institutions which are not only “instruments of oppression” as Mr. Laughingstock mockingly puts it, but wholly owned and managed subsidiaries of a foreign power (Russia).

The fact that Laughingboy can’t tell the difference is revealing of a moonbat mindset that yearns for authoritarianism. These are the very same people who opposed overthrowing Saddam, embraced the now deceased Arafat, and coddle the socialist Venezuelan dictator Chavez who recently received a prize that Mr. Laughoutloud would appreciate; the (I kid you not) Gaddafi International Human Rights Prize, presented by that Champion of liberty, justice, and brown-shirted, jack-booted thugs everywhere, Daniel Ortega.

So what’s Laughaminute’s problem? Orange clothing!

“The demonstrations in favour of Viktor Yushchenko have laser lights, plasma screens, sophisticated sound systems, rock concerts, tents to camp in and huge quantities of orange clothing; yet we happily dupe ourselves that they are spontaneous.”

The only “duping” going on here is one of self-delusion on the part of Mr. Laughtrack and his fellow tin foil beanie wearers. Is the opposition organized? Yes, and that’s what makes them so effective. The spontaneity of several hundred thousand people braving winter weather (in Kiev, no less) and living from minute to minute with the idea that soldiers and/or police will start in on them with truncheons and rubber bullets should prove the point to even moonbats like Mr. Laughoff.

Is the west assisting and encouraging the dissenters? Gawd I hope so! Standing up and being counted with people who desire freedom used to be what the left was all about. And even though Mr. Yushchenko is not the ideal democratic vessel, there’s no doubt he represents a truly independent Ukraine; not the toady to anyone, be it Moscow or Washington.

Here’s Jesse Walker writing in “Reason” magazine:

“Thousands of Ukrainians establish enormous tent cities in Kiev, braving the cold to protest an election they say was stolen. Volunteers distribute stew and coffee, warm clothes and medical care, balloons for children. Students seize government buildings; the workers there feed them. The staffers at UT1, the state TV station, declare that they’re tired of “telling the government’s lies” and announce, live, that they’re going to join the protests. Outside the presidential administration building, demonstrators put flowers in the shields of the riot cops—an echo, surely deliberate, of one of the most famous images of the ’60s. Members of the central resistance group, Pora, urge the police to disobey if the authorities tell them to crack down. Thus far, the order hasn’t come—in part, Pora suspects, because the government is worried it will be refused.”

Walker points out that Pora has received assistance from some western financed organizations;

Otpor, the group that overthrew Milosevic, received some funds from the U.S. government via the National Endowment for Democracy and the Agency for International Development. Veterans of Otpor helped train the Kmara movement in Georgia, the Zubr movement in Belarus, and the Pora movement in Ukraine. The revolutions they inspired—part Yippie street theater, part Gandhian resistance—got a hand from some of the same financial sources, including George Soros’s Open Society Institute. Washington has endorsed them warmly.”

The fact that the NED and AID receive money from Congress does not, by a long shot, make them tools of the American government. And anyone who thinks George Soros has any connection to the CIA or American intelligence doesn’t know anything about Mr. Soros’ megalomania. Soros has his own axe to grind in that part of the world and it doesn’t include letting America share in his dream of empire.

Besides, according to the Capn’, the Ukrainian Rada has now voted to oust the government:

“The vote also demanded that a new interim government be formed, one of national “trust” to shepherd the political crisis to an end. That means Kuchma will have to name a new PM, one that the inflamed Rada will accept, for the transition to either a recast second round of elections, which is what Yushchenko wants, or a rerun of the entire election, which is what Kuchma holds as his fallback position. It’s rather doubtful that anything except the former will convince the hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians on the streets to disband.”

Unless you want to believe that the entire Rada has been bought off by the CIA, Mr. Laughriot and his cadre of barking moonbats are going to have to admit that using seed money to help organize an opposition is a long way from planning and executing a coup.

For my part, you couldn’t pay me ENOUGH to stand outside in the cold waiting to get bashed over the head for ANY politician in this country…but then, I don’t have to worry about being thrown in jail for what I believe, do I?

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