Right Wing Nut House



Filed under: General — Rick Moran @ 10:29 am

A trip down my blogroll:

Ace has some thoughts about Lori Benson who, thinking she was just helping those “agrarian reformers” in Peru ended up in the hoosegow for 20 years. You remember Lori. She was the lefty who felt that being incarcerated in Peru’s Yanamayo prison at 12,500 feet above sea level in solitary confinement eating bad food and sleeping with smelly Peruvians was a raw deal.

OH FER CRISSAKES…IT’S PERU! What the hell does she expect? The Ritz? Or maybe she’d like to be transferred to some US prison…like, say the Lincoln Correctional Center in Lincoln, Ill. I hear they need a lead for “Evita.”

Allah is still on hiatus…or still depressed over his beloved pin stripers’ loss in the playoffs to Boston. Come back, little Allah, come back. (Note: According to Ace Allah is pulling more votes than anyone in his category at Wizbang’s “Weblog Awards” even though he hasn’t blogged a word since October 21. What does that say about the intelligence of bloggers? I dunno…I keep visiting his website every day thinking that picture of Derek Jeter (”Pony Boy”) will start to talk.

UPDATE: The Commissar was kind enough to point out that Allah is, in fact, a RED SOX FAN! Well, that explains it. He’s died and gone to heaven (and joined those 72 virgins for a little slap and tickle…)

Jeff Quinton is blogging the Ohio recount. The suspense is killing me. Will Diebold be brought to justice for its part in the conspiracy to rig the Ohio vote count? Will Republican thugs who prevented blacks from voting be exposed as the agents of Karl Rove? Will they find all those missing votes so that John Kerry can be declared the rightful winner of Ohio and hence the election…?


Greg at Belgravia Dispatch fisks some moonbats at the NYRB right smartly. As targets, these guys are just too easy. If they were clay pidgeons, they’d be as big as pie plates.

Mike at Cold Fury is also on a short hiatus. What is it with these big shot bloggers that feel they can take off any time they want to with not so much as a by your leave to the rest of us? Well, at least he’s giving us free ice cream (make mine Ben and Jerry’s Chunkey Monkey, please.)

Frank J. I back on his meds and doing well. This post should remind one and all of the efficacy of unilateralism and the very reason America came into existence:


Related note: If you haven’t seen “Team America,” here’s the theme song. As a former actor and musical theater buff, I can tell a hit Broadway tune when I hear it. Link via Vodkapundit…another one of those big time bloggers who took about a month off after the election while the rest of us slaved away making the world safe for democracy, women, children, and stuffed animals named “Alfredo the Great.”

The Professor blogs the growing scandal re: bogus newspaper circulation figures. Do you mean to tell me that newspapers lie to advertisers about how many people read their product? I don’t know who’s more at fault here…newspaper execs or the suckers who believe that advertising in newspapers actually works.


Kerry Haters (Yes, they’re still thriving) has one of several posts I’ve read today about the group therapy session for Kerry supporters who’ve become unhinged as a result of the election. Instead of therapy, can I recommend some good old fashioned self-flagellation instruments? Say, some whips and chains? Also fun to try with a willing, adult partner. May I suggest Mistress Mona? She’s in the book.

Jeff Goldstein is a very funny fellow. Looks like besides discovering the joys of lesbian sex, Martha Stewart has begun her descent into the 4th level of hell.

The South American Horse Slaughterers have a link to a contest that I’ve just GOT to enter. It’s a dead pool. Whose gonna die in the next year? My landlord? My lawyer? The workers’ comp nurse whose countenance and attitude is reminisecent of Nurse Cratchett?

UPDATE: It seems the dead person must be a person of some eminence. In which case, I nominate Jacque Chirac. Why? First off, he’s a ferner. And I just can’t stand ferners. Second, if he talks one more time about the application of international law to the US as it relates to our defending ourselves without mentioning the French, he’s gonna find himself hoisted on his own pitard (I’m not sure what that means, but I always wanted to use that bon mot in a sentence…like, “Johnny hoisted Janie on her own pitard. Johnny is a VERY bad boy. Johnny went to prison where he was raped repeatedly by someone named Big Al…”)

Finally, Pat over at Brainsters blogs about Jeff George’s return to my beloved Bears. Blessed with a first class arm, a second class mind, and a no class attitude, George has been on every pro football team in existence, including the Hebrew Oilers (Oh wait…they’re a baseball team). The sad fact is that my beloved Bears are at least two years away (for the third time in 6 years) of being in contention for anything besides the first pick in the NFL draft.

I give George one quarter playing at soldier field before the boo birds come out.

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