Right Wing Nut House



Filed under: General — Rick Moran @ 7:39 am


Here’s some excellent fisking done by the guys over at QandO regarding a NY Times story about what a great job Kofi (What? A crook? Me?) Annan is doing. (BTW, make sure and vote Questions and Observations for “Best Group Blog” here):

“You know, when the New York Times starts an editorial with the following sentence, you pretty much know where the article is going:”

‘The assault on the United Nations is escalating.’

“Well, there you go. An assault on that bastion of international legitimacy, the UN. And, of course, it’s an unfair assault:”

How about this bit regarding corporate scandals, where the Times was all but calling for the Guillotine for offending CEO’s:

Although, it would be interesting to replace the words “Kofi Annan” and “The UN” in this article with the words “Ken Lay” and “Enron” and then try to imagine any conceivable circumstances in which the Times would print that article. When it’s Enron, we need to have immediate prosecutions, lengthy prison sentences, and, hopefully, nasty jailhouse assaults during a long, post-conviction prison stay.

But when the proprieties of Kofi’s Crowd are suspect, then we must all avoid a hasty and unseemly rush to judgment. Indeed, like OJ Simpson’s tireless search for the “real killers”, the NYT seems to be urging us to look elsewhere for the real culprits in the OFF scandal.

“The United Nations bureaucracy does not bear the primary responsibility for letting Saddam Hussein amass a secret treasury estimated by official investigators at $10 billion to $21 billion.”

Wha? Who? WTF? These bozo’s from “The United Nations bureaucracy” were in charge of not only overseeing the program, but making sure that Saddam wasn’t using funds to re-arm himself! If they don’t bear the “primary responsibility” then who does? Mickey Mouse?

The QandO guys make the same point along with having a few choice comments on the overbloated, overweaning, overfed international weenies who make up the UN.


Perhaps the woman recognized as the Grande Dame of Washington moonbats is Civil Rights Commission Chairwoman Mary Frances Berry. She’s been around in one capacity or another since 1977 and is one of the most publicity hungry bureaucrats in Washington.

Now that her term is up, perhaps we can finally say SEE YA! (and don’t let the door hit your fat ass on the way out).

But, not so fast…Apparently, Ms. Berry is delusional and may require hospitalization; this from Powerline:

“But Berry balked at leaving now, arguing through a spokesman that she and vice chairman Cruz Reynoso, who also is being replaced, have terms that run until midnight Jan. 21, 2005. The White House maintained that their six-year terms expired Sunday and that Berry and Reynoso had been replaced.”

Hindrocket sums up her life and career nicely:

“This grasping effort to hang on to “power” for a few more days is typical. Ms. Berry has been an embarrassment for twenty-five years, as has the Civil Rights Commission. Only the magic phrase “civil rights” has prevented the Commission from being a laughingstock. That phrase, thankfully, is no longer enough. Mary Frances Berry, one of the most biased and partisan figures in American public life, RIP.”

UPDATE: Not that Hindrocket, Deacon and The Big Trunk need my endorsement, but you can vote for Powerline here in the category of “Best Blog.” This is a hard category to judge hence, I haven’t made up my mind yet. In their favor, Powerline has some of the best writing around. I also like the layout of their site…clean, crisp, with no extraneous BS.

Maybe some day when I grow up…

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