Right Wing Nut House



Filed under: General — Rick Moran @ 8:11 am

When I was about 7 years old, my mother took me and my siblings from our home in Mt. Prospect to the loop in downtown Chicago. She wanted to do some Christmas shopping at the Marshall Field store, which back then was the middle class ideal of nouveau riche . I remember seeing the young kids hawking newspapers on the street just like in the movies:


I mention this because if newsboys were around today and if the press ever started to print the “news” that comes to us via the moonbats at the Democratic Underground, the entire city of Chicago would be so convulsed in laughter that “The City That Works” would be renamed “The City That Can’t Stop Giggling.”

Try this one on, newsboys circa 2005:


This is too easy. Proper fisking of moonbat droolings requires a modicum of effort. But this is like USC playing Slippery Rock in football. It’s like the New England Patriots playing my beloved Bears. If it were a little league baseball game, it’d be called on account of the slaughter rule. It’s not a mismatch…It’s a slam-dunk-katie-bar-the-door-in-your-face-full-fledged-nuclear-wipeout.

To wit:

Whoa_Nelly: “Anthrax: Why did the “threat” stop so suddenly? have been wondering why there was such a spate of anthrax threats/findings/deaths just after Bush was selected in 2000, and then why did all so suddenly stop? Was this a Rove/Bush scheme to begin the state of terror in the US?”

Sentinel Chicken: “They were trying to use anthrax to drum up support for … their planned war in Iraq. They were trying to create an excuse to attack Saddam. When 9/11 happened they had all the excuse they needed for their war plans. They found out it was semi-traceable later. This is why when people talk about 9/11 conspiracies I think they’re looking at the wrong crime.”

fertilizeonarbusto: “Dust for Shrubby’s fingerprints…I always thought all of that smelled.” (HT: John Hawkins at Right Wing News)

Their logic is impeccable. It’s the kind of logic Lucy uses in the song “Little Known Facts” in the musical “You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown:”

Do you see that tree?
it is a Fir tree.
It’s called a Fir tree because it gives us fur,
For coats,
It also gives us wool in the wintertime

And way up there,
Those fluffy little white things,
Those are clouds,
They make the wind blow.
And way down there,
Those tiny little black things,
Those are bugs,
They make the grass grow.

Is that so?

That’s right. They run around all day long, tugging and
tugging at each tiny seedling until it grows into a great
tall blade of grass.

The DU moonbats have nothing on Lucy. Here’s more:

MadAsHellNewYorker: “It was after 9/11. only democratic leaders (Daschel and Leahy were the two most prominent Dem’s to get letters) who were in a position to oppose the patriot act received the letters. No republicans ever got an anthrax letter.

They stopped because the administration did not need to keep the Dem’s in line–they had already showed them who was boss.”

Warpy: “Right, I think the original plan was for a much wider “attack.”

They planned it to justify their war against Iraq, the centerpiece of their idiotic foreign policy of imperial domination.

9/11 happened and the attack was scaled back to just those people who needed the most intimidation: journalists (including the one who published photos of the Bush brats falling down drunk, an attack that proved fatal) and Democratic congressmen. They just couldn’t resist those targets, and that’s how we know who ordered it.

Typically arrogant and hamfisted, they never expected the wide contamination as the spores exited through the paper of the envelopes, nor did they expect it to be traced to Fort Detrick so quickly.

This isn’t “speculation.” Speculation is postulating an outcome based on known fact. The only thing we know here is that the intelligence quotients of these moonbats aren’t measured according to The Wechsler IQ scale. They’re measured in accordance with the Richter scale for earthquakes. Judging by the exchange above, I’d say combined their IQ’s may reach a 5.0…no great shakes.

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