Right Wing Nut House



Filed under: General — Rick Moran @ 5:55 am

A 20 year old Iraqi has claimed responsibility for the toy soldier brouhaha that erupted last week when both the AP and MSNBC ran with the story of an American soldier taken hostage by terrorists only to discover later that the “soldier” was in fact, an action figure doll.

This from the SITE Institute:

A message is currently in circulation on Jihadist message boards in which an Iraqi by the nickname of “al-Iraqi4” admits to being behind the hoax of the US soldier’s capture by the Mujahideen [using a toy soldier that he named John Adam]. While some message board members prayed for the hoaxter’s guidance toward righteousness and resorted to God for judgment, others were furious at him for “demoralizing” the members.

Follow the link for a hilarious photo.

Here’s the kid’s “confession.”

In the name of God, the Most Merciful and Most Compassionate,

Soldier John Adam is [only] a toy.

I am a 20-year old Iraqi young man. I am unarmed, independent and do not belong to any party or group. I apologize to all the parties and everyone, for I meant nothing by that [no harm].

The picture was a scheme that I made up with a toy that I bought with $5.

Today I am announcing that this news was made up, and that the picture was of a toy that I worked on with the help of some children.

I cannot provide any information about me because, as I mentioned earlier, I am unarmed, and any information about me might jeopardize my life and the lives of my family [members].

My apologies to everyone.

The poor kid is scared witless. He should be. Somehow, I don’t think those gimlet- eyed al Qaida roughnecks like being made to look like clowns.

Time for the kid and his family to skeddadle.

Apology: I would have given a “Hat Tip” to the blog that led me to the Site Institute except, like an idiot, I lost track of where I was. The site I got the link from was linked by another site that listed about a dozen sites posting on the story. I was about 3 links removed from the original blog when I found this.

Anyone who knows where this link was posted, please leave a comment with the URL…I’ll update the post with a HT to both the original site and you.

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