Right Wing Nut House



Filed under: Moonbats — Rick Moran @ 9:01 am

There’s quite a ruckus on the left side of the blogosphere over one Jeff Gannon who, in addition to being something of a gadfly, hanging around the White House press room without much business being there, also happens to be gay. This has caused a virtual explosion of finger pointing and charges of everything from lax security (laughable…liberals could give a crap about security) to Republican hypocrisy.

Well, Superhawk has a messgae for Kos, Oliver Willis, and the rest of the lefty blogs who think this is such a big deal. This from an AIM (Accuracy in Media) press release:

WASHINGTON — Accuracy in Media charged today that a liberal activist and associate of Ralph Nader has been obtaining access to White House press briefings while claiming to be a legitimate news reporter.

Russell Mokhiber, who sells a $795 a year newsletter that bashes corporations, attends the briefings to make obscure anti-Bush political points. Recently, for example, he asked spokesman Scott McClellan whether President Bush violated one of the Ten Commandments by invading Iraq. Mokhiber, who told AIM that he has never taken a journalism class in his life and was denied a permanent White House press pass, posts his ludicrous questions and answers on a far-left web site under the title “Scottie & Me.”

It seems clear it isn’t a question of Mr. Gannon not being a real journalist that’s upsetting to Kos, Oliver, and his moonbat cohorts. It’s a reaction to the fact that he’s gay; a curious concern given their world famous tolerance towards members of that oppressed and put upon minority group (whose members happen to earn more and be worth more on average than people in the so-called “straight world.”)

And Paul over at Wizbang has some helpful advice for those who live in glass houses:

If you want to make the case that yours is the tolerant party and the Republicans are intolerant, spending a week in a gay bashing free for all probably is not the best way to make the point.

How true, how true. But then, following that advice would require brains and a modicum of political acumen.

Tell me again which is the party of tolerance and compassion?

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  1. I have no use for Kos or Willis et al. but it is clear that their interest in this affair has nothing to do with any intolerance of their own toward gays. It is their delight in pointing out supposed hypocrisy of a Conservative Republican being gay as if this faux journalist’s sexual preferences cast aspersions upon an administration that is so anti same gender marriage that the President wants to amend the Constitution to prevent it. Kos & Willis may, indeed, be hypocrites but I don’t detect any with regard to their reactions to this affair.

    Comment by Craig R. Harmon — 2/15/2005 @ 3:26 pm

    There’s quite a ruckus on the left side of the blogosphere over one Jeff Gannon who, in addition to being something of a gadfly, hanging around the White House press room without much business being there, also happens to be gay. This has caused a vir…

    Trackback by The Wide Awakes — 2/15/2005 @ 3:27 pm

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