Politics Watch bills itself as “Canada’s Political Portal. It looks like a very nice news site with dozens of useful links to stories in major Canadian publications as well as some really nice photos and a slick, professional layout.
That’s why I’m kind of at a loss to explain how, amidst all of these links to major publications and all, there’s a link to to little old me! Rightwing Nuthouse!
If you follow the link above and go down the left side of the page, 2nd column, you’ll see a box headed “Politics Watch: Morning Briefing” And there it is…7 links down is my post describing the Adscam scandal entitled: “Adscam: Truly Elegant Sleaze.”
There are no other blog posts in this box, only links to newspapers and magazines.
Now believe me, I’m flattered to have such a professional looking publication link to me. Being a tiny website with no more than 400-500 hits a day, I’ll take any exposure I can get. But doesn’t this, um, violate the Publication Ban imposed on Adscam testimony? If not, then I’m very happy to have the exposure for my writing that such a professional looking website can offer (if they need an American correspondent, I work for peanuts).
On the other hand, if the information in my post violates the ban, won’t these people get in trouble? I realize there are dozens of brave Canadians who are ignoring the ban and blogging like crazy about the scandal, but these guys might be a little too conspicuous to avoid detection. Should I email them and point out what they’re doing? Should I save them from being held in contempt? Should I do the right thing?
Nah…I need the traffic.
The publication in Politics Watch of a link to my post that gives details of the Adscam mess may not violate the Publication Ban after all…at least if Judge Gomery decides to lift it:
In another update, CTV confirms that Justice Gomery will decide this morning whether to continue the publication ban now that Jean Brault’s testimony has been completed, and of course reported through this site and others. As I mentioned before, an end to the ban would be the best possible result, as Canadians would get first-hand reporting on the courtroom testimony and all the information they want on the scandal.
However, if Justice Gomery does not lift the ban, my source has prepared an update which will be sent later today to me. I assume that will cover the testimony from Monday and Tuesday, and possibly the cross-examination yesterday. If it comes through — which is completely at the discretion of my source — I will post it as soon as I’m able.
I hope that won’t be necessary, Capn’. If it is though, we’ll know where to go to get information that peoples in a free country like Canada have a right to.
How fleeting fame…. Hawk, they either took it down, or it scrolled off into the ether, but I couldn’t find the link there anymore.
– R’cat
Comment by Romeocat — 4/7/2005 @ 12:11 pm
Nope…Still there as of 12:20 CST.
Comment by superhawk — 4/7/2005 @ 12:22 pm
Ooops, my bad - you’re right, it’s there. Can’t figure out HOW I missed it.
Old eyes, I guess [pout]
– R’cat
Comment by Romeocat — 4/7/2005 @ 12:28 pm
glad its over - was getting exhausting keeping up with all the news - but I got to discover great blogs like yours! Best regards!
Comment by Darcey — 4/7/2005 @ 3:23 pm
Congrats on La Shawn Barber giving your blog a plug on MSNBC. You get more famous every day.
Comment by The Owner's Manual — 4/7/2005 @ 5:16 pm
Am I on TV? Can CNN see me? ::::wavin::: Over here! HI MOM!!!!!!
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