Right Wing Nut House


24 ‘TILL “24″

Filed under: "24" — Rick Moran @ 3:43 pm

With only three nights to go in the series (the finale will be a two hour long roller coaster ride, thank God!), I thought I would try a new feature for Sunday night in which you, my loyal “24″ fanatics, can give me your wildest, funniest, and/or most outrageous speculation on how Jack is going to save the United States for the fourth straight year.

First, some speculation from me and a set up:

1. Who’s the mole? Who gave Marwan the trasponder codes for the football? Where did all the American mercs who are helping Marwan come from? How were they able to kidnap the Secretary of State way back in the beginning of the show?


2. Will Marwan be able to launch the nuke? What city is targeted?

Yes, and say goodbye to D.C. As if to prove the show’s conservative tilt, the writers will nuke Washington and fullfil a secret fantasy that conservatives have harbored for more than a generation.

3. Is Paul really dead?

Yes, but would it suprise you if when the episode started tomorrow night his heart magically started to beat again?

Get the idea? Give me your best and I’ll do a post tomorrow night before the show with the best speculation!


  1. OK, I’ll play.

    Son of Secretary of State in cahoots with Audrey. Never trust an Audrey!

    How about St. Louis? Very mid-west.

    Paul is still dead.

    Now as to how to stop the nuke. Could it be that someone inside the operation to damage America actually gets cold feet and his over riding love of country makes him act in his and his families own interest and he F****up the plans with Jacks help?

    Could this, well…… never mind…….

    Comment by diamond — 5/8/2005 @ 7:42 pm

  2. hey, I just left a comment and it didn’t show up, where did it go?

    Comment by diamond — 5/8/2005 @ 7:44 pm

  3. Doh, I missed the last two episodes and had no idea Paul was critical…kind of saw it coming though.

    Here’s a wild-card mole: Tony

    Comment by Scott — 5/8/2005 @ 9:10 pm

  4. I. I just can’t see Audrey as the mole. That would be really.too.freakin.much. (N.B.: according to the FOX-24 website, she’s still a Raines.) My bet: Heller himself. He’s too important to have been gone from the show for so long, barely a mention for hours. Alternates: Mike Novik or Paul Raines (despite his sacrifice for Jack, they still haven’t adequately resolved his possible complicity IMO).

    II. When nuke is launched, it will be intercepted mid-air with less cataclysmic results. Would be too ridiculous to have two nukes go poof on American soil in 3 seasons. Target: D.C.

    III. Paul alive? Sort of a Beatles conspiracy in reverse? Nah. I say: requiescat in pace, poor misunderstood guy (or maybe not; see above), yet he’ll live on as an organ donor.

    Comment by The MaryHunter — 5/9/2005 @ 9:17 am

  5. !. I believe that Walt Cummings is the mole. As the political adviser to President Logan he is in the unique position as a trusted aide to waver Logan on critical decisions at critical times.

    2. The nuke will be detonated in the atmosphere off the East coast after Jack, while not able to prevent its launch does change its direction.

    3. Paul is dead.

    Comment by Tim McFall — 5/9/2005 @ 1:31 pm

  6. Of all the potential moles, Audrey remains the best best given her proximity to her father and subsequent access to sensitive information.

    Paul remains dead. Only the Jack Bauer character has Resurrection Privileges.

    The nuclear armed missile is successfully launched. However, the dynamic duo of Chloe and Edgar identify a critical flaw in the computer chip designed by Sabir using the information from his captured laptop. This flaw either messes up the missile’s guidance system leading it off-target, causes a failure to detonate, or creates a more manageable “dirty bomb” situation but short of a full detonation.

    As for the ending, we see Jack Bauer alone. After failing to protect his wife in Season One, continued guilt over not being the father he should have been to Kim, shooting Nina in cold blood, having to kill Ryan Chapelle, and then having Paul save his life only to have Paul ultimately lose his life as a result, we see a mentally and emotionally-destroyed Jack reaching for his service weapon, pointing it at his own head and then……..dark screen “6:58″ 6:59″ “7:00″

    Remember, in the first episode of Season 2, he briefly flirted with the idea and then later, had to be talked out of sacrificing his life by the nearly dead George Mason. Not to mention his drug addiction in Season 3. I mean how much more can this guy take?

    Comment by Paul — 5/9/2005 @ 2:46 pm

  7. Bonus Speculation on FGE and Chloe: some koochey-koo (or at least a tender moment) when Chloe finally freaks out at the end of the show for killing that guy and Edgar comforts her, even as he weeps for his dead ma.

    FGE and Chloe: definitely made for each other, complementary halves of the same yummy geek pie.

    Comment by The MaryHunter — 5/9/2005 @ 3:53 pm

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