Right Wing Nut House



Filed under: General — Rick Moran @ 11:39 am

Say goodbye to Superhawk.

For more than 3 years I’ve been posting as Superhawk, a rightwing fanatic whose bilious rants have given more than one moonbat the knipshits.

When I first began to use Superhawk, it was to maintain a certain degree of anonymity, a safe and comfortable refuge from the rhetorical blasts of critics of all stripes. Then when I started this site last September, I used the nickname to establish a seperate identity. Having a semi-famous brother who works in the media, I simply thought it best that I be known in my own right - albeit a silly nickname - rather than being identified as so-and-so’s brother.

Now that I’ve been published a few places (see my article in The American Thinker tomorrow) I’ve decided to drop the nickname and “out” myself. From here on in, “Superhawk” is retired.

One more note…blood is thicker than water, politics, and friendship. You got a problem with my brother, write ABC…don’t bring it to the House.


  1. Does this mean you’re not going to be posting any more rightwing rants that give libs the knipshits?

    Comment by Cao — 5/12/2005 @ 12:11 pm

  2. *sniff*

    Ah, Superhawk, we hardly knew ye… Well, Rick, I hope you will still forgive us if we slip up and type “SH” upon occasion.

    Good for you! I’ve thought about doing the same, but I like my pen name too much (sentimental value), and it’s not as if people can’t find me out anyway.

    So, welcome to the blogosphere, Rick Moran, LOL!

    – R’cat
    CatHouse Chat

    Comment by Romeocat — 5/12/2005 @ 12:32 pm

  3. Happy Outing!

    Comment by Margo Demers — 5/12/2005 @ 12:41 pm

  4. So you’re posting about coming out and knipshits in the same post, huh? Okay… ;)

    Comment by Ogre — 5/12/2005 @ 1:24 pm

  5. Cool! Since I know your name, I will tell you mine, but don’t tell anyone…my name is Jay! ;)

    Comment by Jay — 5/12/2005 @ 1:44 pm

  6. My image of you flying around defending Truth is GONE!!!! Gone I tell you.

    Comment by Kender — 5/12/2005 @ 5:45 pm

  7. Hey Rick…doesn’t it feel good to come out of hiding? I feel like I went into hiding when I started blogging; I have been online for so long I thought everyone knew me. LOL. I don’t have anything to hide so I may get back to being ME as well.

    Comment by Raven — 5/12/2005 @ 6:08 pm

  8. Gardener of The Ridiculous Army
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  9. Nice to meet you Rick!

    Barry Ready
    The Palmetto Pundit

    Comment by Palmetto Pundit — 5/13/2005 @ 6:05 am

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