Right Wing Nut House



Filed under: Blogging — Rick Moran @ 6:27 pm

Don’t ask me how it happened but apparently The House is a finalist in this year’s Weblog Awards for “Best Conservative Blog.” This is quite an honor and I would like to thank all of you who voted for me.

It occurred to me while picking up my jaw from off the floor that there are dozens of sites much more worthy of recognition - many of whom may not have even been nominated. Moonbattery, TMH Bacon Bits, Cao’s Blog, Kender’s Musings, and Stop the ACLU are a few that come to mind. These are serious thinkers and excellent writers who are dedicated to the conservative cause. They have also been blog buds and consistent in their support and encouragement of me during the entire time this site has been on line.

For that, I thank them. And for all of my readers old and new, I hope you continue to visit and offer me your wit and wisdom.


  1. Hey, thanks for the mention. I was nominated, I just didn’t make the final cut. However, I did make the final cut under law blogs…competing against Volokh, and SCOTUS!!! Wow! Just an honor to be nominated. You’ve got my vote.

    Comment by Jay — 12/4/2005 @ 8:24 pm

  2. Congrats Rick, don’t be so modest. You’re one of the finest writers out there.

    Comment by Santay — 12/5/2005 @ 7:56 am

  3. The Weblog Awards

    We made it! We are in the finalists for the Best Law Blog We need all the votes we can get! We are up against some big competition. Help us out!
    We’ve also got some friends we suggest you vote for.
    Rightwing Nuthouse in the Best Conser…

    Trackback by Stop The ACLU — 12/5/2005 @ 12:30 pm

  4. Rick,

    I have to second Santay. You are among the best conservative bloggers in the whole ’sphere. The real shocker would be if you don’t win, not that you were nominated. You are worthy! You are worthy!

    Good luck,


    Comment by Barry — 12/5/2005 @ 4:08 pm

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