Right Wing Nut House



Filed under: Blogging — Rick Moran @ 7:29 am

I would be remiss if I didn’t thank all of you who took the time to vote for The House in the recently completed Weblog Awards. The best I can say is that I didn’t finish last. But the real value to me is that my participation sent a good number of new readers my way. To those of you who stopped by and liked what you saw, I hope you visit often and feel free to comment or drop me an email to share your thoughts on matters large and small.

Thanks also to Kevin Alyward whose yeoman work on the contest too often is criticized and misunderstood. I am fully appreciative of the the effort put into making the contest as fair and as fun as possible. I just wish people would not ascribe motives to Mr. Alyward that they themselves would never have. It bespeaks a special kind of ignorance - and arrogance - that those who accuse Kevin of all sorts of selfish reasons for developing and putting on the Weblog Awards place themselves and their own motives for criticizing on the pedestal of self-righteousness while revealing a breathtaking pettiness of mind and heart.

For myself, I was honored and humbled to be nominated. And for purely personal and selfish reasons, it made me feel good. If that is a bad thing, I plead guilty.

Once again, my heartfelt thanks to all who voted for me.

1 Comment

  1. I voted for ya….everyday. Kevin does an amazing job with the awards, and puts in tons of work.

    Good on ya’ for getting nominated…..you’ll get ‘em next year.

    Comment by kender — 12/19/2005 @ 6:02 pm

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