Right Wing Nut House



Filed under: Government, Moonbats — Rick Moran @ 7:31 am

As we are constantly reminded by liberals themselves, the left in this country is made up of “reality based” citizens, people who are grounded not in faith but in reason and rationality. We are also told that liberals are the smartest, the most compassionate, the fairest, and the sharpest among all of us. In short, liberals are simply “Good” with a great big capital “G.”

Of course, if they are indeed “reality based” we never seem to get an explanation as to why belief in New Age nostrums like the magic properties of pyramids, or talking with animals, or belief in astrology all seem to be part of the cultural hooey propagated by the more enlightened leftists among us. I guess “reality” has its limits even for liberals.

That said, one thing the left has been very good at these past years is mind reading. Also, remote viewing. And have you ever met a liberal that doesn’t exhibit many of the same characteristics of a fortune teller? They themselves think that they have unquestioned psychic ability. But given their track record in political soothsaying as well as divining the future of Iraq, the best one could say is that the jury is still out on that one.

Take your average lefty. The soon-to-be-replaced Armando at Daily Kos will do. Here’s one liberal who has used his extraordinary second sight to condemn the NSA intercept program before any of the details regarding exactly how it works have been made public:

We are not debating “how much power we should cede the White House.” There is no debate. The Constitution provides for that. Last I looked, no one has proposed a constitutional amendment.

On Bush’s illegal domestic warrantless surveillance, no one is debating how to “strike a balance between civil liberties and national security.” That debate is the Patriot Act debates - the previous one in 2002 and the current one raging.

Indeed, there is no real debate about the Bush Administration’s illegal acts. No serious person is adopting or defending the nonsensical views of John Yoo and Dick Cheney that the War on Terror has made Bush King. The defenses are preposterous and everyone who knows a little bit about the subject knows there is no serious debate.

If my stockbroker had this kind of soothsaying ability, I would be rich beyond the dreams of avarice.

The phrase that really jumps out at those of us who are members of the non-reality based community here is “illegal domestic warrantless surveillance.” The fact that no determination has been made that it is “illegal” (in fact, the Justice Department, lawyers at NSA and the FBI, as well as White House lawyers all concluded the program was legal), or that it targeted solely “domestic” entities (in fact the program targets foreign subjects who communicate with people in this country), or that the entire intercept program was “warrantless” (in fact, no one knows jack crap about this aspect of the program), and that it was a “surveillance” program (no one knows jack crapola about the technical details so that saying it was a surveillance program is just plain guessing) - all this can mean only one thing; Armando should get in immediate contact with the James Randi Educational Foundation and agree to submit himself to scientific testing regarding his psychic abilities. The Foundation will give:

a one-million-dollar prize to anyone who can show, under proper observing conditions, evidence of any paranormal, supernatural, or occult power or event.

By my own calculations, Armando has shown evidence of having psychic ability, remote viewing acumen, attributes of a soothsayer, and perhaps even a knack for palm reading. These powers may not be unusual among liberals which is why Armando isn’t bragging about them. But for the rest of us mere mortals, it’s like, you know, magic!

Maybe Armando will give me the name of a good liberal stockbroker. I could use some help after all that dough I invested in Air America….


  1. Liberals = realists = bullshit!!

    Think about it friend. If you think that the liberal MSM did a good job of covering the Katrina problem, you’d better wake up real quick before the rest of us make that happen!!

    Comment by Mescalero — 1/2/2006 @ 11:33 pm

  2. I think a case can be made that many conservatives have become the romantics and the dreamers. In a sense, one always has to be a dreamer to start a business. The challenges, ill omens, and outright hostility that face any new enterprise always loom larger than life (and sometimes turn out even worse than anticipated!)

    You have to be a romantic to wish to have more than one spoiled-as-hell child. You have to be a dreamer to choose a career because it interest you, whether or not you will ever be able to buy a Bentley.

    You have to be a Walter Mitty romantic to run into a burning building before the fire department gets there, on the chance there are sleeping children inside.

    Comment by Michael L. Cook — 1/3/2006 @ 12:29 am

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