As I write this, my Sitemeter is about ready to register the 500,000 visitor to this site since February 14, 2005. That’s the day I officially switched over from blogger to this hosted site.
I have also passed another milestone as I have reached 1500 subscribers on my Bloglines feed just yesterday. I still don’t know how that happened and if one of my subscribers could fill me in, I’d appreciate it.
As I recall, my average daily visitor total last February was around 125. A couple of weeks ago, that number passed the 2,000 mark and is continuing to climb. I have a host of people to thank for this milestone beginning with Michelle Malkin who has been a source of encouragement as well as frequent linker. Ditto for Captain Ed Morrissey. And blogbud Jay at Stop the ACLU who started blogging about the same time as I did and has become one of the true movers and shakers in conservative circles. And Hugh Hewitt who has helped promote this site with several links and been a source of encouragement behind the scenes.
Thomas Lifson of The American Thinker has been incredibly generous in offering space on his excellent E-Zine to showcase my writing while being a font of encouragement and support not to mention a great friend. Two other AT regulars Clarice Feldman and Herb Meyer have also been very supportive and frequent emailers offering their keen insights that have helped sharpen my thinking on a number of issues.
The number of bloggers who have helped me along the way is staggering. No list could be complete without mentioning my blogmama Cao of Cao’s Blog who urged me to initially start blogging and then convinced me to get this site hosted with the redesign. Cao, myself, and the group blog we started The Wideawakes have all pretty much grown together. And even though I haven’t had the time lately to put into that group as I would wish, I hope they know I’m still a regular visitor to many of their sites as well as a supporter of the concept of TWA which is that there is strength in numbers and supporting one another against the relentless attacks of our political foes is a satisfying and necessary goal.
Others who have been more than a little helpful include the curmudgeon of the blogosphere John Cole. Here’s hoping the Republican party comes back to where Mr. Cole is rather than taking John to task for not going where the national party is leading at the moment.
I can’t forget the Watcher and The Watcher’s Council. After almost a year I still enjoy participating in the Council’s activities. And the Commissar, And Jeff Goldstein. And on and on.
I know I have many loyal readers who try and keep my feet firmly planted on the ground by whacking me upside the head when I get it wrong. To them also, I say thanks for coming by and I hope you continue to visit.
All of these are people I thank way too infrequently. The half million mark in readership on this site is a good excuse to remember all of you who have helped and to thank you for all you’ve done.
Congrats, Rick! That’s a great accomplishment. Continue the great work. You’ve certainly earned every bit of the attention that you’ve received.
Comment by Palmetto Pundit — 1/23/2006 @ 5:47 pm
In addition to being wise and witty, you blog with energy and consistency. How do you come up with first rate posts every day? You must spend a lot of time at it.
Comment by Myrhaf — 1/23/2006 @ 7:16 pm
Congrats, you are way ahead of me!
Comment by Jay — 1/23/2006 @ 7:33 pm
Congrats, you are way ahead of me!
Comment by Jay — 1/23/2006 @ 7:33 pm
Congratulations, you’ve gone a long way fast. Keep up the 24 posts, my wife loves them.
Comment by Van Helsing — 1/23/2006 @ 7:42 pm
Outstanding, Rick. Congratulations on your success. And I see by the site counter to my right I appear to be visitor number 500,360, give or take a couple.
Keep up the great writing, and your numbers will only continue to climb.
Comment by Giacomo — 1/23/2006 @ 8:13 pm
Well done. Your hard work and great writing is definitely paying off. Please keep it up.
Comment by JR — 1/23/2006 @ 9:05 pm
Your efforts are greatly appreciated!
Comment by Fred Fry — 1/23/2006 @ 9:13 pm
Well done, very happy for you.
Comment by diamond — 1/23/2006 @ 10:57 pm
Imagine after another year……the razor wit and common sense that flow from this site amaze me……you are one of the hidden jewels of the blogworld….I have some polishing comound around here somewhere that I found in someone’s pouch……
Comment by kender — 1/24/2006 @ 1:16 am
Congratulations, Rick. You get the traffic because you do quality work.
Tom Bowler
Libertarian Leanings
Comment by Tom Bowler — 1/24/2006 @ 9:32 am
I found you when you blogged the Battle of Gettysburg this past July. (Being an amature historian, I thought that was really cool.) I”ve stuck around and read you just about every day.
Comment by Waidmann — 1/24/2006 @ 1:57 pm
Congratulations, Rick (fka Superhawk)!
I may not comment very often, but this site is one the best reads on the web! Keep up the great work!
(And you just happen to be a diehard Bears and White Sox fan, too! - I love it!)
Comment by Mr. Right — 1/24/2006 @ 2:20 pm
Nice work, Rick. I’m amazed at your ability to consistently create such high quality work. Keep it up!
Comment by Philomathean — 1/24/2006 @ 3:41 pm
Congratulations and thanks for your overly generous comments about me. But you deserve this. You are a great thinker, hard worker and an excellent writer.And my offer of a home cooked dinner when you visit still stands.
Comment by clarice feldman — 1/25/2006 @ 11:49 pm