This morning, dozens of lefty blogs were buzzing with the news; Karl Rove would be indicted Monday morning by Patrick Fitzgerald for perjury.
In a very detailed article at the hard left site Truthout.org, Jason Leopold tells a story of marathon meetings between representatives of Fitzgerald and Rove, apparently trying to hash out a plea agreement as well as a meeting between Fitzgerald himself and Rove’s attorney Robert Luskin:
Robert Luskin, Rove’s attorney, did not return a call for comment. Sources said Fitzgerald was in Washington, DC, Friday and met with Luskin for about 15 hours to go over the charges against Rove, which include perjury and lying to investigators about how and when Rove discovered that Valerie Plame Wilson was a covert CIA operative and whether he shared that information with reporters, sources with direct knowledge of the meeting said.
It was still unknown Saturday whether Fitzgerald charged Rove with a more serious obstruction of justice charge. Sources close to the case said Friday that it appeared very likely that an obstruction charge against Rove would be included with charges of perjury and lying to investigators.
An announcement by Fitzgerald is expected to come this week, sources close to the case said. However, the day and time is unknown. Randall Samborn, a spokesman for the special prosecutor was unavailable for comment. In the past, Samborn said he could not comment on the case.
The grand jury hearing evidence in the Plame Wilson case met Friday on other matters while Fitzgerald spent the entire day at Luskin’s office. The meeting was a closely guarded secret and seems to have taken place without the knowledge of the media.
How much of this is true and how much is a figment of Mr. Leopold’s overactive imagination is hard to say. Certainly there are many who are following the Plame case who fully expect Rove to be indicted at some point. Others, like Clarice Feldman of The American Thinker, an attorney in Washington believe that Fitzgerald’s case is actually falling apart against Scooter Libby:
I’d say from the discovery proceedings to date, the Prosecution cannot and will not show that Plame was “classified,†that it cannot and will not show that disclosure of her identity caused any harm, that the person who did do that has not and will not be charged, that it has yet to show even potential harm, and that it is a far way from showing that Libby had the slightest motive to lie. And that the stench of selective prosecution is unmistakable
I think the case is taking on lots of water and the Prosecutor is quite frankly out of his depth.
Clarice, whose sources and analysis of this case have been spot on, believes that Rove is not in any immediate danger of indictment. This is apparently more reliable information than that from Leopold since NRO’s Byron York investigated Leopold’s claims today and found them wanting in accuracy:
I talked with Rove defense spokesman Mark Corallo, who told me the story was completely baseless. Part of our conversation:
Did Patrick Fitzgerald come to Patton Boggs for 15 hours Friday?
Did he come to Patton Boggs for any period of time Friday?
Did he meet anywhere else with Karl Rove’s representatives?
Did he communicate in any way with Karl Rove’s representatives?
Did he inform Rove or Rove’s representatives that Rove had been indicted?
No.So there seems to be nothing to the story, certainly nothing which any other reporter has seen fit to report. Which raises a question: What is going on here? The journalists who checked out the story, quite properly, did not repeat Leopold’s bad information. But for some media blogger out there, it might be reasonable to ask: Where are these reports coming from?
Where are the reports coming from? The overactive and fertile imagination of Jason Leopold. I have a feeling that if Rove is, in fact, indicted this week, Mr. Leopold will be the last to know.
Seixon has two noteworthy posts on Mr. Leopold. First, Everything you want to know about Jason Leopold but was afraid to ask” - a superior piece of research and writing. Then, a post on Leopold’s steadfast insistence that he is correct and that his two sources are solid.
George also informs us that VIPs conspirator Larry Johnson called him “a moron.” Coming from someone who said that the terrorist threat was exaggerated 30 days before 9/11, that’s quite the whopper.
Good work! Though I am certain the Cult of Leopold will still be reading Truthout and cheering his daily cheers ,”The Cargo Boat is heading in to shore!”
Comment by clarice feldman — 5/14/2006 @ 8:17 pm
[...] Earlier today, both the American Thinker and Byron York of NRO called B.S. Moran has the links and analysis. [...]
Pingback by Hot Air » Blog Archive » Truthout credibility poker: all-in on Rove indictment story — 5/14/2006 @ 9:25 pm
Wow. Is that a “cargo cult” reference? If it is, I’m gonna have to come back more often. Classy neighborhood.
Maybe if they call a press conference Fitz will return (indictments) and set up God’s Kingdom (Democrat win in ‘06) in D.C.
Comment by The Apologist — 5/14/2006 @ 9:38 pm
“the Prosecution cannot and will not show that Plame was “classified,”
That sounds pretty darn atwitter to me.
Comment by Dave Johnson — 5/14/2006 @ 10:04 pm
Apparently this is Larry C. Johnson admitting Wilson is leaking secret GJ information:
It is not just Jason Leopold. Joe Wilson heard the same from other sources. And, more importantly, Jason is reporting based on multiple, more than two, sources. His editors realized what a big story this is and did the appropriate checking before posting. They are called Truth Out for a reason. Getting the truth out.
It also appears that Larry, inadvertently… in his attempt to CYA Wilson (and himself — if this is Larry) because Leopold said tonight on the radio if the report ends up not true he will reveal his sources (Wilson being Leopold’s source) bloops and admits that He and Wilson are Leopold sources, otherwise how do they know their sources are OTHER than Leopolds?Sounds like Larry/Joe needed to out Joe before Jason does and highlight “3″…also, via TalkLeft Jason has now said it will all be announced NOW more like Tuesday or Wednesday — so much for 24 hours.
Larry admitting Wilson has sources on Rove/Fitz, he’s is leaking information and if the information is not true, well then it’s 2003 all over again.
Comment by topsecetk9 — 5/15/2006 @ 1:20 am
Leaping Leopold
Jason Leopold reported on Friday that Rove has been indicted and that it will be announced in the coming week. Is it true, or has Leopold been set up or lied to? Speculation on Leopold’s sources ends up with Larry Johnson and the VIPS crew.
Trackback by SEIXON — 5/15/2006 @ 1:29 am
I’m thinking that whoever leaked to Leopold, if this story is completely bunk, knew that he has a poor reputation due to being a former cocaine addict, a convicted felon (grand larceny and forgery), and has had problems with plagiarism and unethical journalistic practices.
Knowing this, they could easily set up Leopold with this bunk story, and if he decides to turn on his sources (source confidentiality, what’s that?) then they can just turn it right back at him and say that he is just making it up.
In fact, I don’t think Leopold would be so stupid that he would put his entire credibility (or what’s left of it) on the line if he knew it was completely false. That makes me want to believe that either the story is true, or he is being set up.
With that said, Leopold has been riding the “Rove to be indicted” wave since October of last year. If the story turns out to be fake, be prepared to see him write another story to try and spin it. There’s always one or another excuse he can come up with, alter the story, and keep stringing along the hopeful Bush-haters.
Chris Matthews and David Shuster seem to be pretty sure of themselves in saying that Rove is going to get served, if that is any consolation to Leopold.
Comment by Seixon — 5/15/2006 @ 1:41 am
Left Claims Karl Rove Indicted For Perjury And Lying To Investigators. Show Me The Money.
So Friday night I decided to cruise by a couple of my favorite blogs to see if anyone had any new updates or anything I hadn’t heard about, and the first thing that caught my attention was this short post…
Trackback by RightWinged.com — 5/15/2006 @ 3:02 am
[...] Right Wing Nut House (Rick Moran) LEOPOLD’S FAIRY TALE HAS THE LEFT ATWITTER — “Where are the reports coming from? The overactive and fertile imagination of Jason Leopold. I have a feeling that if Rove is, in fact, indicted this week, Mr. Leopold will be the last to know.” conservative politics, President Bush, The Left Trackback URL:http://brightandearlyblog.com/2006/05/first-cup-051506/trackback/ [...]
Pingback by bRight & Early » First Cup 05.15.06 — 5/15/2006 @ 7:24 am
Karl Twain
Reports of Rove’s indictment are greatly exaggerated, writes Byron York @ NRO, who spoke to his spokesman Mark Corallo. But TalkLeft’s Jeralyn Merritt, who is still over the case, comments on Jason Leopold’s reponse. Rick Moran and Seixon are skepti…
Trackback by Pajamas Media — 5/15/2006 @ 8:00 am
Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
Comment by Neo — 5/15/2006 @ 10:06 am
Now They Think Rove Leaked His Own Indictment??
Sadly, the sounds of head exploding over at the Pit of Despair could be heard round the world when Karl Rove began his speech at AEI this morning. The reports of him cancelling the speech because he had a date to frog march were not true.
Trackback by Chickenhawk Express — 5/15/2006 @ 11:46 am
I suppose we’ll know in 24 hours or so if Leopold is telling the truth or imagining things. I sure hope he has more than two sources though. The video on my blog of David Shuster on Hardball doesn’t confirm Leopold’s story, but it sure makes it sound like an indictment is coming sooner rather than later.
Comment by PoliticalCritic — 5/15/2006 @ 11:59 am
.Apparently this is Larry C. Johnson admitting Wilson is leaking secret GJ information…
Wilson can “leak” “secret” GJ information as much as he wants. Take a look at Rule 6 of The Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure
(2) Secrecy.
(A) No obligation of secrecy may be imposed on any person except in accordance with Rule 6 (e)(2)(B).
(B) Unless these rules provide otherwise, the following persons must not disclose a matter occurring before the grand jury:
(i) a grand juror;
(ii) an interpreter;
(iii) a court reporter;
(iv) an operator of a recording device;
(v) a person who transcribes recorded testimony;
(vi) an attorney for the government; or
(vii) a person to whom disclosure is made under Rule 6 (e)(3)(A)(ii) or (iii).
Comment by Bill Shockey — 5/15/2006 @ 12:12 pm
I suppose the last thing this subject needs right now is another theory why BS baffles brains, but hey, what the heck.
When thinking why this Leopold character is willing to put his journalistic career deeper into the abyss, the only pattern of behavior similar is that of a gambler or inside trader. When it is possible to manipulate the opinions of others to gain a profit, those greedy enough will get lost in the game. Now I’m not sure if this guy is after egotistical or financial satisfaction, but my brows hit the roof when I noted the words “Insider trader” on a posted resume. ( All information yet to be confirmed ).
I’m sure with a bit of deft searching on the world wide web, you would be able to find bookmaker or trading odds on the demise of Karl Rove.
Hhhmmm, maybe I’m putting two and two together and getting seven, but if I was a greedy sod with a sea of sycophants ready to believe in my words, a hefty sum could be made over the course of a year.
Of course this is all conjecture!!!
Comment by Alman — 5/15/2006 @ 12:37 pm
Will Pitt actually admitted that Joe Wilson was one of the sources in a drunken tirade over at DU earlier this AM.
Comment by chickenhawk express — 5/15/2006 @ 6:12 pm
[...] Leaping Leopold WSJ on the “Web Storm” Byron York reports * NY Sun Kurtz on Leopold Outside the Beltway * Florida Masochist * Wizbang * Right Wing Nuthouse * Talk Left [...]
Pingback by Hot Air » Blog Archive » Rovemania! — 5/16/2006 @ 8:53 am
The Wall Street Journal has a piece today covering the left-wing blog storm over false rumors that Karl Rove was indicted and about to jump ship on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, or Monday. We take a break from the border blues…
Trackback by Michelle Malkin — 5/16/2006 @ 10:23 am
Still No Rove Indictment, Give Us The Goods TruthOut.org
***SCROLL FOR UPDATES*** Yesterday we discussed the left side of the blogosphere’s “Rove has been indicted” campaign, in which rumors initially flew Friday that Rove told the White House he was going to be indicted, and later that the indictments…
Trackback by RightWinged.com — 5/16/2006 @ 11:19 am