Do you smell that?
What does it smell like to you? W.A.R. is in the air and it’s coming in exactly one month.
WIDE AWAKES RADIO is a new media venture that will feature prominent conservative bloggers in a no holds barred format that will be both enlightening and enormously entertaining.
If you like red meat analysis when talking about bread and butter issues, you are going to want to turn on the stream and keep it there all day long. Here’s an eye-popping promo for the network:
Yours truly will premier The Rick Moran Show on Wednesday, July 5 at 8:00 AM EDT. The show will air every weekday, Monday through Friday, from 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM EDT. We’ll have news, reaction to events, interviews with the famous and not so famous, a little goofiness, and a few rants interspersed here and there.
If you like this blog, you’ll love The Rick Moran Show. And if you don’t like this blog, you’ll still like The Rick Moran Show If you like this blog sometimes but not others, you will adore The Rick Moran Show all the time.
I guess that covers almost everybody…
In all seriousness, if you’re a blogger, you will not want to miss my show. I’ll be reading and discussing blog posts - both right and left - as well discussing news and views that will make you think.
For you non bloggers, there will be plenty to interest you. We’ll be talking about culture, sports, science, technology, history, books, and anything and everything that interests me. I don’t know how I’m going to fit it all into two hours but we’re also going to be taking your calls on whatever the topic of the day happens to be.
The lineup of hosts for W.A.R. is really quite impressive:
Pamela of Atlas Shrugs
Jim of Gateway Pundit
Emperor Misha of Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler
Jay of Stop the ACLU
Jack Idema
Cao of Cao’s Blog
Kit and Heidi of Euphoric Reality
Gribbit of Gribbit’s World
Buckley F. Williams of The Nose on your Face
Ric Ottiano of Release the Hounds
Jake of Freedom Folks
Glenn Blagg and Cracker will present Total Kaos (and trust me; it will be)
GM Roper
Reel Teen
Wild Bill and The Passionate American Show
And last but not least, our fearless leader and Father Confessor, Kender of Kender’s Musings. The wild Scotsman will attempt to ride herd on this unruly bunch and tuck us in at night to make sure we all get our shut eye. So actually, Kender will be both a Father Confessor and a Mother Superior at one and the same time.
Nice work if you can get it.
Watch this site for more news, promos, links, and hints when we firm up the schedules and formats. But make sure you mark your calendar because starting on July 5th…
Nicely done chief!
Comment by Jake Jacobsen — 6/5/2006 @ 12:27 pm
I’ll be listening everyday. I guess I have to though. Oh why am I such a loser? :
Comment by Wild Bill — 6/5/2006 @ 12:37 pm
Yes! Hell, it’ll be better than WIND …
Comment by jeff — 6/5/2006 @ 1:37 pm
The only way this could possibly be better, is if this started today. Jake will fit right in,but what about his other half appearing? Looking forward to more brain-ammo.
Comment by Parker — 6/5/2006 @ 6:01 pm
Count me out. On the web written comments can be seen again and again until my poor brain understands. On the radaroo no such thing exists (I think sloooow).
good luck anyway.
Comment by w hall — 6/5/2006 @ 7:00 pm
Is this where we have Christopher Lee as Saruman speaking to his army of Uruk-hai at Isengard, squeaking in his cracking voice “TO WAR”
OK, I guess you had to see Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers to get that joke. Not one of the better martial speeches of all time, just because Lee’s voice cracked.
Comment by ProCynic — 6/6/2006 @ 8:58 am
As I was just thinking….this is exactly what the world needs….
more red meat ranting
Comment by Tano — 6/6/2006 @ 10:02 am
Can I smell it? I fear it ! I fear a plot hatched by you and others to permanently entrap me to my computer. Hours will pass by and I will be here still, trapped by the alluring voices with amusing musings. Have you no shame?
While your blog is an attractive hazard, you now seek to turn top-rate bloggers into, dare I say it, top-rate gabbers with us helpless to dare NOT listen. If we go away, even for our basic needs, we will feel that we are letting someone down, that I’m not goin’ to be fully informed, may miss a gem or two.
Never did I believe that my need to log in, respond or just read at this site would lead me down this dark, dank road of continual checking to see if you have up-dated, if my postings give you a touch of mirth, anger, etc. While I am confortable with this association, to now hear your voice, in my home, at different times of the day, I agan, FEAR.
Hey, this may turn out to be the best Diet I’ve ever been on. OR I have this one month warning and if I get a move on I can put my computer in the kitchen, add cot and toilet. I’ll have to make a deal with the local merchants to deliver goods to my home. Well, there goes the diet!
OOPS just re-read your post and see that I can cancel the construction on my kitchen and forget the merchants, you will only tie up my mornings for two hours. Two hours…. I need more then two stinkin’ hours
Very good luck on your new venture, will be there, bright and early, for the premier.
June 6 God bless America D-Day today. Bless all the young men and women who are serving us today to help spread freedom and democracy. Protect our president, keep him strong and resolved in his efforts to protect our country. And, for God’s sake, please alter his efforts regarding our southern borders!
Comment by diamond — 6/6/2006 @ 11:45 am
Hey don’t forget about me
I’m going live on air at 9 PM Tues and Thurs
Comment by Stacy L. Harp — 6/24/2006 @ 7:24 pm