I think I need a drink. Bad. Bourbon, if you don’t mind. Make it a double, please - no ice.
I find as we almost reach the point of midsomer’s eve - when fairies and pixies dance around the sacred fire in the woods and the elves work their magic to torment us mortals - that the level of my ambition to do a decent day’s worth of writing for this site falls exactly to the level of my concern over my personal appearance.
As I sit at my desk, my hair is mussed, I haven’t shaved in 2 days, Zsu-Zsu has taken to maintaining a polite and proper distance from me (even in bed) and my cats are eying me with baleful glances of haughty disdain - as if I am an inferior being because I am unable to keep clean by licking myself all over.
I suppose I should break down and take a shower but to tell you the truth, there is something glorious in feeling grungy. Is this how our paleolithic ancestors felt all the time? I feel like grunting. Not the mindless ruttings of liberal commentators but rather the deep, satisfied vocalizations of a man at peace with his slovenliness and grateful for the primal sin of sloth.
I am revelling in my indolence, celebrating my apathy. My cup runneth over (and down my chin) with joy at the prospect of lazing in my bed watching re-runs of Law and Order at midday. Perhaps I’ll pop a movie into the VCR or slip a Gretchen Wilson CD into the player and kick back a spell. Maybe I’ll get lost in my Norwich, dreaming the dreams of the Byzantium emperors who failed finally and utterly to resist the advance of Islam. We are still paying for their stupidity today.
I could do any number of things. But before I can tend to my own psychic needs, the Watcher demands a pound of my flesh for neglecting he and my fellow council members over the last two weeks. Ergo, before I can play, I must pay:
Council results for W/E June 23rd:
Council Category
First Place: “The Iraqi Insurgency Has No Central Command” by The Glittering Eye.
Second Place: “Children in Danger From the UN” by Gates of Vienna.
Non Council Category
First Place: “The Jihadi Network’s Fatal Flaw” from The American Thinker
Second Place: “Srebrenica, Kosovo, Unknown” by New Sisyphus
Council results for W/Ed June 30:
Council Category
First Place: “The Dance of Escalation and Reaction” by Shrinkwrapped
Second Place: “How Do You Solve a Problem Like… Korea?” by The Glittering Eye
Non Council Category
First Place: “It’s an Islamic Jihad, Stupid” from Townhall.
Second Place: “Peter, Paul, and Ingrate” from Florida Cracker
If you’d like to participate in next week’s Watcher’s Council contest, go here and follow instructions.
Right Wing Nut HouseI think I need a drink. Bad. Bourbon, if you don’t mind. Make it a double, please – no ice.
I find as we almost reach the point of midsomer’s eve – when fairies and pixies dance around the sacred fire in th…
Trackback by Radio Left — 7/6/2006 @ 2:15 pm
zQ3FehSu6BDqc 9IRaeL4l3YG5 uUl793Sdwk
Comment by b0qhQeGDZ2 — 7/6/2006 @ 8:32 pm
Scrutator is a spoof
I have little doubt that GOP4Me will subsequently write that Scrutator is a serious blog, that I was off my meds when I wrote this, etc.
But let me repeat:
Trackback by Scrutator — 7/7/2006 @ 12:03 am