On the 25th of this month, this blog will celebrate its second anniversary. During that time, I have used this site exactly three times to solicit funds.
The first time I requested monetary assistance, I think I had a grand total of 175 readers a day. Nevertheless, people were very generous and I was surprised and grateful at the response.
The other two blegs came this year with one in January and one in June. Both times I was amazed that so many were willing to help support me in my “mid life change of career” to writing. But I vowed to myself to make the bleg only a twice-a-year event for the blog, believing that anything more smacked of hubris.
Thus, it is with the greatest reluctance that I impose upon your good will and generosity, gentle reader, by asking that you assist Sue and I in dealing with something of a family emergency.
No one’s life is at risk, thank God. But Sue must leave her job for a few weeks in order to attend to a health problem involving a member of her family. This means that our primary source of income for the next few weeks will not be flowing into the household account.
Thankfully, Sue and I live extremely modest lives with very little in the way of monthly bills to worry about. (The largest single bill we have outside of rent for the house is the $165 a month for cable TV/broadband). We share the use of one car (paid for), rarely go out, and haven’t had a vacation for almost two years. Prior to my beginning this quest to try and make a living as a writer/commentator, we paid off all of our debt (we have one credit card between us), and reduced expenses to the absolute minimum.
So our needs are modest. And unlike the last two solicitations, I am going to request that no more funds be given once the target amount is achieved. That amount is $450, which combined with other income and my savings, will get us over the hump until Sue gets back to work in 2 or 3 weeks.
I know from experience that you will be supportive in your response. I have provided a link to both my PayPal and Amazon donation accounts below.
Thank you.
Right before 8:00 PM Central this evening, my target of $450 was reached.
To all of you who gave so generously, Sue and I thank you. I really am humbled that so many of you were willing to help us.
I hope I can continue to give you what you come here for - a little diversion from the everyday and a little pep to rev up your soul.
Rick Moran
Hitting the tin cup
Help a buddy out….
Trackback by The LLama Butchers — 9/12/2006 @ 9:56 am
I chipped in. Hope my skills with PayPal worked, kinda rusty. Good luck.
Comment by Karen — 9/12/2006 @ 1:31 pm
What’s your haul so far?
Comment by Sirius Familiaris — 9/12/2006 @ 3:05 pm
I’m sorry I couldn’t contribute this time. I will try to do so in the future. I think you do a terrific job!
Comment by John — 9/13/2006 @ 3:47 pm
[...] I realize that many of you generously gave when I had the “Bleg Blitz” last September – a 12 hour fund raising effort that solved an emergency need for cash when Sue’s granddaughter was born and she had to leave work to take care of her daughter in law for 10 days. For those who opened their wallets back then, I would like to again say “thank you” and please do not feel obligated to donate again. [...]
Pingback by Right Wing Nut House » THE THIRD ANNUAL, BI-ANNUAL IN-HOUSE BLOG BLEG — 1/3/2007 @ 8:14 am
[...] I realize that many of you generously gave when I had the “Bleg Blitz” last September – a 12 hour fund raising effort that solved an emergency need for cash when Sue’s granddaughter was born and she had to leave work to take care of her daughter in law for 10 days. For those who opened their wallets back then, I would like to again say “thank you” and please do not feel obligated to donate again. [...]
Pingback by Right Wing Nut House » THIRD ANNUAL, BI-ANNUAL, IN-HOUSE BLOG BLEG (EXTENDED VERSION) — 1/4/2007 @ 9:37 am