Well here we are - another post defending pedophiles, excusing GOP coverups, enabling child rapists, and may I throw in a little gay bashing too, please?
You lefties are no fun at all…
Actually, the scandal involving Congressman Foley was in desperate need of some fresh outrage, what with most of us having reached the point of outrage fatigue about 48 hours ago.
Never fear. More dirty IM’s and this time…PRESTO! We Got Orgasm!
Former Congressman Mark Foley (R-FL) interrupted a vote on the floor of the House in 2003 to engage in Internet sex with a high school student who had served as a congressional page, according to new Internet instant messages provided to ABC News by former pages.
ABC News now has obtained 52 separate instant message exchanges, which former pages say were sent by Foley, using the screen name Maf54, to two different boys under the age of 18.
Maf54: I miss you
Teen: ya me too
Maf54: we are still voting
Maf54: you miss me tooThe exchange continues in which Foley and the teen both appear to describe having sexual orgasms.
I fully expect that by Friday, we will have solid evidence that Foley had personal, inappropriate sexual contact with a teenager. The revelation will occur when the story once again needs a boost to gin up the outrage, it not being enough that Foley is a criminally debauched scumbag who is now practicing the fine art of damage control by claiming 1) It was the booze; and 2) I was molested myself as a teenager by a priest. Excuse us while we collectively gag on the bile rising in our throats as we witness once again that time honored technique, honed to perfection by the high and mighty, who try and elicit sympathy for themselves by attempting to prove that their dastardly deeds were really not their fault.
It was Demon Rum or the Siren’s Song of Drugs or My Daddy Beat Me or My Momma Slept With Me or I Was a Victim Myself Once and on and on…
Predictable. And contemptible.
Speaking of contemptible, here’s a little bit of hypocrisy brought to you by that bastion of truth, justice, and the anti-American way at Daily Kos. Is it important in the scheme of things regarding Foley and the Republicans? Naw. But it sure is fun to make the left look more idiotic than they already are.
You may be aware that the Kos Kids have their very own liberal encyclopedia called “dKosopedia.” This saves them time and effort when needing to quickly identify what the party line is on any given historical event or individual in politics as well as giving them a shared narrative that surrounds them and binds their universe together. Kind of like the Force but without all those nasty religious overtones.
A good friend of this site who blogs at Superfun Power Hour has dug up some information that shows how very seriously the Kos Kommunity is taking this Foley business - so seriously that they have amended the entry in the dKosopedia describing the only similar incident in Congressional history - the Gerry Studds disgrace (or triumph depending on your point of view).
Here’s the original entry on the Studds Stud Scandal via a cached version:
On July 20, 1983, Gerry was censured for having an affair 10 years earlier with a male page. He turned his back as the charges against him were read. The anti-gay crew had worked hard to demonize him (as they would Barney Frank several years later over allegations of a male prostitute having clients in Frank’s apartment). Gerry held a press conference with the page and admitted to a relationship. They each firmly stated that what had gone on in their bedroom was their business, and absolutely no one else’s.
Now here is the version as it appears today after having undergone a slight revision - namely the highlighted section above disappears down the rabbit hole:
On July 20, 1983, Studds was censured for having an affair 10 years earlier with a male page. At the same time, Rep. Dan Crane (R-IL) was censured for having a relationship with a female page in 1980. Studds refused to apologize for his conduct and turned his back as the charges against him were read. He later held a press conference with the page and admitted to a relationship, and they each stated that what had gone on in their bedroom was their business, and absolutely no one else’s.
It seems that there are people who defend pedophiles like Studds by calling their accusers “the anti-gay crew” and people who condemn pedophiles like Foley unequivocally - except one of the groups gets to erase history whenever it’s convenient to do so. After all, it just wouldn’t do to apologize for one pedophile while putting on your outrage suit to condemn another.
Again, not particularly relevant to anything except its fun to catch the liberals with their pants around their ankles. And besides, its been 24 hours and no one has called me any vile names. I sorta miss it…
[...] Right Wing Nut House - A CURE FOR SCANDAL ENNUI Good Stuff! Well here we are – another post defending pedophiles, excusing GOP coverups, enabling child rapists, and may I throw in a little gay bashing too, please? [...]
Pingback by 186k Per Second - » The Old I Was Molested By A Priest, I’m Gay and an Alcoholic Excuse ! — 10/3/2006 @ 8:19 pm
[...] Right Wing Nut House - A CURE FOR SCANDAL ENNUI Good Stuff! Well here we are – another post defending pedophiles, excusing GOP coverups, enabling child rapists, and may I throw in a little gay bashing too, please? [...]
Pingback by 186k Per Second - » The Old I Was Molested By A Priest, I’m Gay and an Alcoholic Excuse ! — 10/3/2006 @ 8:19 pm
Down the memory hole - Studd’s dKosopedia entry
UPDATE: Welcome HotAir, Ace of Spades, RWNH and American Thinker readers. Come for the dKostastrophe, stay for the veal!
A lib friend emailed me this link to a Media Matters post on Newt’s defense of the House leadership and asked for my reaction. …
Trackback by Super Fun Power Hour — 10/3/2006 @ 9:16 pm
I hate to correct you, Mr. Moran, but Foley is not a pedophile. Pedophilia refers to molestation of a child. Molestation of an adolescent is pederasty. Thus, Foley is a pederast.
Comment by GawainsGhost — 10/3/2006 @ 10:42 pm
Did you know that the link to CREW’s version of the Foley emails has been pulled?
Imagine that.
Comment by Quilly Mammoth — 10/3/2006 @ 10:44 pm
And another point, Dan Crane apologised profusely, pleaded guilty, accepted his censure, and was soundly defeated by the voters in the next election.
And Studds was re-elected.
See we get rid of our scum.
Democrats tend to hang onto, and make victims, out of theirs.
Comment by Rachel — 10/3/2006 @ 11:03 pm
QM, I found them here:
by going to the home page, clicking the Sept 29 top stories and then clicking the “Emails between Foley and page” link.
I do get the error message when I click your link.
Comment by quercus albus — 10/3/2006 @ 11:41 pm
Re #7 I did not copy the old pdf. I’m not sure what was “Updated”, if anything.
Possibly on p4. Did the previous pdf of the emails have a forwarded message indication from MAF54@aol.com on July 29, ‘05 stating “do I have the right email” and signed “Mark Foley”?
Comment by quercus albus — 10/3/2006 @ 11:50 pm
All though it makes little difference in the big picture I suspect that the old .pdf file had layers and code that a well equipped person could use to determine exactly when it was that they began to alter the e-mails. The date that they began to toy with the e-mails would be a good indicator of when they received the IMs.
I think that the Soros Spin Machine was caught off guard by the speed at which the alternative media responds to lies. I’m sure the media types seconded from Media Matters to groups like CREW are very good at manipulating traditional electronic news. We’ll see how good they are at manipulting the Blogosphere.
Comment by Quilly Mammoth — 10/4/2006 @ 5:49 am
Kind of reminds one of the good old “get Clinton” days, doesn’t it? Whitewater, Monicagate, Troopergate, Travelgate, who murdered Vince Foster, etc.; a million new, fresh allegations to keep the outrage stirred, with lying about a blowjob being the crime that stuck. Call it karma, being hoisted on one’s own petard, a reverse Swiftboat, or whatever. Those dastardly liberals just play politics, while we conservatives only walk on the water of truth and fair play. And by the way, did you hear John McCain fathered a black baby?
Rick, let me leave you with a quote from that great 20th Century philosopher, Bugs Bunny. “What a maroon!”
Comment by ed — 10/4/2006 @ 7:29 am
I want to hear the msm talk about the race in New York where the guy is making taxpayers pay for phone sex, but alas, this won’t be discussed, the dems are in full destroy mode now.
Also heard someone call in today on a local show we have here in Alabama, she is a reporter, and said a MAJOR DEM has been sitting on this, and when it comes out the sh*##t’s gonna hit the fan, and she said its gonna come out before the elections.
We shall see.
For the story on the New York race go to Lucianne.com.
Comment by Drewsmom — 10/4/2006 @ 8:17 am
Elian Gonzalas couldn’t be reached for comment.
Comment by b — 10/4/2006 @ 11:25 am
Video: Russert discusses Foley sex scandal
Oct. 3: Tim Russert, NBC news analyst and host of NBC’s “Meet the Press,” talks with “Today” show an
Trackback by Unpartisan.com Political News and Blog Aggregator — 10/4/2006 @ 11:41 am
Then by all means, lets get called some names. LOL
the raw story has a post up claiming that MAF54 has signed on to the message service as of yesterday, which I find hard to believe, but they are showing a screen shot.
This, if true, brings up some very good questions.. since I think it is safe to assume that after all this, Foley is not going to be stupid enough to get caught online from the rehab…… who IS signing on to his account and how long have they had this ability, and who can be 100% sure that ALL the instant messages are from Foley? Something starting to smell really rotten here?
Comment by Susan — 10/4/2006 @ 12:45 pm
So, if Foley toed the Rogers/Aravosis line, none of his reprehensible behavior would have ever gotten out to the public and he would most certainly be elected to another term. Interesting.
All about “protecting the children.” Heh.
This meme should be spread further.
Comment by doug deeper — 10/5/2006 @ 7:04 am
Forget Foley. Focus on the real issues.
The issue is terrorism. Democrats want to allow them secure communications and freedom to travel, conspire and organize to attack us again. They are rooting for Al Qeada to win in Iraq.
The issue is illegal immigration. Democrats are already registering illegal immigrants to vote. They support La Raza (”The Race”) and ignore the impact of open borders on our overburdened public education and public health infrastructures or our national security.
The issue is increased taxation. Democrats are desperate to roll back the Bush tax cuts that propelled our economy out of the recession diverting the money into new social programs to buy votes.
The issue is Phoney Environmentalism. Kyoto would devastate the US economy and cause massive unemployment here while spurring the Chinese and Indian economies.
The issue is George Soros. He doesn’t support radical left causes because he wants a better world. He made $11B as a currency speculator and the US Dollar is his next target. Soros wants the US economy to crash. He’s betting against the United States.
Mark Foley is not an issue. He is no longer in the House of Representatives. His office is sealed and his records are being investigated. He will be given due process and, if guilty, punished like any other citizen (except William Jefferson).
Conservatives must stay in the game and “move on.”
Comment by arch — 10/5/2006 @ 7:30 am
Enjoy - if you can quit cryin’ in your beer long enough…
Comment by Fordson — 10/5/2006 @ 11:03 am
Pingback by Right Wing Nut House » “NEVER SAY NEVER”…WELL, OKAY. BUT THE GOP IS TOAST — 10/8/2006 @ 11:26 am