Right Wing Nut House



Filed under: Blogging — Rick Moran @ 10:40 am

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This is me after slipping on the ice this morning. Good thing no one was around to see my dress fly up all the way to my eyes.

Watching someone slip and fall the way I did this morning may have been the catalyst for the first human laugh. Tens of thousands of years ago, it is more than possible that some Paleolithic dummy didn’t see the black ice where that next step was going and . . . whoosh!

The effect on his fellows was probably instantaneous - and electric. An exchange of glances, a painful smile employing muscles never before used for that purpose. A rough giggle that rippled through the entire tribe. And then one soul - the Adam or Eve of laughter - let out a huge guffaw and the entire tribe joined in. The truth is, there are few things funnier than watching a human being have their legs slip out from under them while having their feet fly into the air and seeing the poor unfortunate land on their tush.

The experience is almost existential. When you feel yourself slipping, you instinctively dig your shoes into the ground hoping to stop. Then the brief, terrifying (but giddy) feeling of soaring through the air. And before you know it you are looking at your feet flying up parallel to your bemused head. The last thing you think before you hit the ground is “Please God don’t let me break anything important.” And then . . . kerplop!

I didn’t feel any pain at first. At that point, you’re grabbing all of your moving parts just to make sure they’re still there. And the rush of adrenaline and endorphins to your brain blocks any discomfort you might be feeling.

Well, here I am 3 hours later and I can’t bend my elbow without pain, my wrist hurts like hell, my tush has a major league black and blue mark and my hip feels like some little man is drilling a hole right through the center of it. It’s okay to type so I’ll be back later today with some blogging but I wonder if the pain will make me angry?

Don’t make me angry. You wouldn’t like it when I’m angry…


  1. Go to the chiropractor today. You’ll cut down your recovery time significantly. (I’m a tad biased, as I am a chiropractor.:)

    Comment by Melissa — 3/5/2007 @ 11:49 am

  2. It’s good advice to see a chiropractor as soon as is reasonably possible. The trip won’t alleviate all of your pain, but, will significantly reduce the time you spend in pain. One final thing, a question actually, how high did you bounce ? Ouch, hope that you recover quickly.

    Comment by Edward Lunny — 3/5/2007 @ 1:28 pm

  3. The best part about falling on ice is that to make the sore spots feel better, you have to use…more stinking ice.

    Comment by Slublog — 3/5/2007 @ 1:35 pm

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