It could hardly help but be a success given the talent behind it. Nevertheless, Hot Air, the Michelle Malkin creation that literally took the blogs by storm when it came on line, turns one today. And we here at The House would like to stand and applaud everyone associated with that quality site for doing such an extraordinary job.
Original, funny, with just the right balance between snark and serious commentary, Hot Air has become something of an overnight sensation, ranking 7th in the current eco-stats and closing in on 100,000 visitors a day.
Of course, it never hurts when talented people like Ian, Bryan, See-Dubya, and the one and only Allahpundit work together to not only give us a product high in quality video but also sober, serious commentary on the day’s issues. And that’s what makes this site much more than just an imitation of John Amato’s Crooks and Liars. The political and foreign policy acumen of the staff makes Hot Air an informational treasure trove. Coupled with links to a wide variety of MSM and blog sources, Hot Air readers are probably among the best informed on the net.
As a personal aside, I am grateful to everyone at Hot Air for their generous linking to this site which has contributed in no small way to the growth of my blog.
Here’s to many more years of success for all the good folks at Hot Air…
Thanks a lot, dude. You’re one of our favorites. Much appreciated.
Comment by Allah — 4/24/2007 @ 12:07 pm