Right Wing Nut House



Filed under: Blogging — Rick Moran @ 5:52 am

Incredible as it may seem, my spam catcher Askimet has prevented more than one million spam trackbacks and comments from appearing on this site. The time period was 16 months.

Caught Spam
Akismet has caught 1,001,123 spam for you since you installed it.

You have no spam currently in the queue. Must be your lucky day. :)

There are times when the spam is coming in so quickly - 60 to 80 a minute - that site loading slows to a crawl.

When I move to my new hosting company, I hope the spam situation will get better. But I’m not crossing my fingers.


  1. when my company recently moved to a new hosting company, the spam went way down. and then they further tweaked their filter and it decreased even more. so take hope.

    Comment by HyperIon — 8/29/2007 @ 2:45 pm

  2. Kill them, Mr. Moran. Kill them all.

    Comment by busboy33 — 8/29/2007 @ 9:59 pm

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