Right Wing Nut House



Filed under: Blogging — Rick Moran @ 8:46 am

For the first time since I began blogging 3 years ago, I found it necessary to pull an entire post from the site.

Entitled “The Most Shockingly Dishonest Poll in the History of the Media,” it linked to this poll at ABC News that shows the Iraqis don’t feel any safer today as a result of the surge.

The methodology at the end of the article stated the poll had been taken 6 months ago. It did not mention that they had additionally polled Iraqis in August. I found out that little tidbit thanks to Allah at Hot Air.

Obviously, I erred in my original post that ABC and the BBC tried to put a fast one over on us. I apologize to those who may have been misled by my erroneous information.


  1. Asked whom they blame most for the current violence in Iraq, far and away the most common answer — voiced by four in 10 Iraqis — is either U.S. and coalition forces (31 percent), or George W. Bush personally (nine percent). Al Qaeda and foreign jihadi fighters are cited by 18 percent (far more by Shiites and Kurds than by Sunnis).

    There are similarities, e.g. holding al Qaeda and other “freedom fighters” in higher esteem than our own U.S. troops, however this breakdown on the “blame game” might be instructive for the nutroots, whose BDS compels them to seemingly lay everything at Bush’s feet.

    In contrast with the manufactured outrage coming from the 15% on the fringe left who will never win an election, Iraqis living in a war zone actually have tangible reasons to hate Bush and wallow in pessimism, yet they continue to maintain a comparatively more sane and hopeful perspective.

    Comment by Chip — 9/10/2007 @ 11:31 am

  2. I know this may sound a bit superficial, but until Baghdad gets a steady supply of water and electricity, I don’t think many citizens are going to think well of ANYTHING going on there.

    Comment by daveinboca — 9/10/2007 @ 10:14 pm

  3. [...] Oh alright, it’s not the most misleading in history, but this post is a homage to a dead and lamented post. You see, earlier today Right Wing Nuthouse called the new BBC poll of the Iraqi people the “The Most Shockingly Dishonest Poll in the History of the Media,” but later pulled the post (for the first time ever). Now, I missed that original post over there before it disappeared, but apparently RWN had zeroed in on the dates involved in the surge section and disputed them, later killing their post when they found it wasn’t old data. I think they quit too soon personally. [...]

    Pingback by postpolitical » The Most Shockingly Misleading Poll in History — 9/11/2007 @ 12:41 am

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