Right Wing Nut House



Filed under: Blogging — Rick Moran @ 6:00 am

I’ll be covering the Blogworld Expo for Pajamas Media for the next two days so posting will be light - probably just link to my stuff at the PJ Media website.

If you’re going to Blogworld and want to meet up, leave a message for me at The Tropicana Hotel or stop by the PJ Media booth and leave a message there. Won’t have much free time but I’ll be glad to sit down for a drink.

I’ll also probably do a Blog Talk Radio show from Vegas - most likely on Friday. I’ll try to give a heads up here on the website.

I’m really looking forward to this although with my other duties for Michelle Malkin and American Thinker, I’ll be one busy boy - probably have little time for the casinos. Don’t feel sorry for me though - I intend to get very little sleep…


  1. Enjoy Vegas, Rick. It’s a fun, goofy town.
    A bit off topic, but I was hoping you’d address the economy in an upcoming post, as related to its effect on the politics of the 2008 race for the Presidency, referring particularly to the tanking dollar, just under $100/barrel oil, the jittery volatile stock market, giant banks in a credit/financial crisis, etc.

    Comment by Barry Allen — 11/8/2007 @ 10:19 pm

  2. Lorenzo:

    Your anti Semitic comment was deleted. It would have been disallowed anyway because of your ignorance and incoherence. I couldn’t have people reading your comment and thinking I had no standards about the level of intelligence of my readership.

    What an embarrassment you are.

    Comment by Rick Moran — 11/19/2007 @ 6:09 pm

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