Right Wing Nut House



Filed under: PJ Media — Rick Moran @ 8:31 am

My latest Pajamas Media column is up and I guarantee controversy.

I take a look at Barack Obama’s candidacy and place it in some historical perspective:

An extraordinary statistic jumped out of the jumble of numbers and percentages that pulled me up short and caused me to reflect on the past as well as the future. In the exit polls from the Democratic party primary in Georgia, nestled in with indicators of age, income, and religion was the vote cast by white males. When you think about it, this is startling:

Vote by Sex and Race Clinton Edwards Obama

White Men (16%)

Clinton – 48%
Edwards – 6%
Obama – 45%

Within Obama’s lifetime, a black man in Georgia has gone from being prevented from exercising his right to vote to capturing a near majority of the sons and grandsons of his former oppressors in a run for the highest office in the land.

I suppose it’s no big thing for many younger Americans who weren’t born and raised with the idea that there were limits inherent in the American political system that would prevent a black man from achieving what Mr. Obama has achieved. It is a shameful thing to believe in those limits – bred to it by history and circumstance as we of my generation were.

Read it all before commenting please.


  1. Why can’t he be judged for what he thinks, whatever that is, and not how he looks. When is this ‘White Guilt’ going to stop. How long???

    Comment by David Obst — 2/6/2008 @ 9:55 am

  2. Great column, Rick.

    The upside for Republicans should Obama win the Presidency is he would be their best argument for getting rid of affirmative action.


    Comment by Melanie — 2/6/2008 @ 10:20 am

  3. I take a look at Barack
    Obama’s candidacy Rick Moran’s post
    and place it in some historical
    extraordinary statistic jumped out of the jumble of
    numbers and percentages that pulled me up short and caused me to
    reflect on the past as well as the future. In the exit polls from the
    Democratic party primary in Georgia, nestled in with indicators of age,
    income, and religion was the vote cast by white males. When you Rick Moran
    about it, this is startling:

    Vote by Sex and Race Clinton Edwards Obama
    White Men (16%)
    Clinton – 48%
    Edwards – 6%
    Obama – 45%

    Within Obama’s lifetime, a black man in
    Georgia has gone from being prevented from exercising his right to vote
    to capturing a near majority of the registered Democratic
    party sons and grandsons of his former oppressors and the sons of some who
    fought in ways small and large to overthrow the oppressions
    in a run for the highest office in the land.

    I suppose it’s no big thing for many
    younger Americans who weren’t born and raised with the idea
    that there were limits inherent in the American political system that
    would prevent a black man from achieving what Mr. Obama has achieved.
    It is a shameful thing to believe in those limits – bred to
    it by history and circumstance as we
    of my generation were.

    Read it all before commenting please.
    It would be extraordinary if the white male Republican voters
    of any state could be said to have cast their votes in this manner.
     As a white, male, southern Democrat, I can assure you that
    there is nothing extraordinary about my casting a vote for a black
    candidate in preference to white candidate.  It happens all
    the time.

    Comment by milo — 2/6/2008 @ 11:20 am

  4. Formatting above completely lost. Sorry.

    Comment by milo — 2/6/2008 @ 11:21 am

  5. Elegant. Nothing really to add.

    Comment by hoody — 2/6/2008 @ 11:59 am

  6. I also stand in awe of this. After attending high school in NC in the 70’s I am amazed at the changes. I remember the true racism, and the very real Klan.

    A black man running for President back then? People would have scoffed.

    It truly does amaze me and please me that things have come so far.


    Comment by Allen — 2/6/2008 @ 6:20 pm

  7. Rick,
    I am a white, evangelical, conservative, male from the south. I think post-modern liberalism is a curse and a disease on our republic. I would love to see it vanquished. And yet, I must admit that when I have pondered myself the things that you mention in regard to Mr. Obama, there is an inner glee and excitement, a joy inside that makes me smile. It is an indication that King’s dream has indeed arrived. Surely this glee must be tempered by the realities of our disintegrating national identity, but it is something that no matter where your politics reside we all can and should celebrate. Thanks for your insights. Cheers!

    Comment by Michael — 2/7/2008 @ 9:52 pm

  8. O bama is an empty suit

    Comment by john j — 2/23/2008 @ 1:56 pm

  9. Your going to elect a person with no accomplishments and no experience…our enenmies will love that.Till victory is America’s and there is no enemy…but peace.

    Comment by john j — 2/23/2008 @ 1:57 pm

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