Right Wing Nut House



Filed under: PJ Media — Rick Moran @ 9:27 am

My latest Pajamas Media column is on the suddenly narrowing options open to Hillary Clinton’s faltering campaign.

Hillary isn’t just losing these primaries. She is getting slaughtered. But she still has one last card to play; her ability to carry Democratic strongholds:

If Obama has a knock against him during this brilliant run of victories beginning on Super Tuesday when he won 13 states to Clinton’s 8, and continuing on through his last 8 straight wins since then, it is that the Illinois senator has failed to win any of the 10 largest states in the union save his home state of Illinois. This is significant because traditional Democratic general election strategy relies on the huge electoral vote harvest available in those states to be competitive with Republicans on election day.

Clinton’s argument to Super Delegates is that since she is more capable of taking those large states, she should be the nominee. Most of Obama’s victories have come in states that will probably not go Democratic in the fall. The true test, Clinton will plead, of who is most electable — and that will be the criteria most of the Super Delegates will be weighing — comes in those states where most Democratic voters are concentrated; the large states on both coasts.

It is a compelling argument and probably the only one she has left. But Obama will have his own counter-argument. It is he who will have won the large majority of primaries and primary votes. It would be undemocratic, he will say, to choose a candidate who finished second when the people spoke but was handed the nomination by a quirk in party rules.

For the rest, go here.


  1. I hope she gets trashed in Texas and Ohio. Also, the Huckster needs to go, just go, numbers dont lie.
    added note:
    Baseball is under way, P/C reported today first spring game in 13 days and the opener 41 days away. Thank you God.

    Comment by ajmontana — 2/13/2008 @ 5:52 pm

  2. [...] Right Wing Nut House Hillary In Hot Water Rick Moran [...]

    Pingback by Hillary in Hot Water : BigMouthFrog — 2/14/2008 @ 2:01 pm

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