Right Wing Nut House



Filed under: Decision '08 — Rick Moran @ 11:41 am

It’s true. Obama actually said it. Here’s the exact quote:

Do we feel confident that the Iraqi government is behind the aid to these “special groups” or do we believe they are just tacitly tolerating it?

Still don’t believe me? It’s about 1:15 into this video:


No. Of course Obama doesn’t believe that. But if this site were named “Think Progress,” (whose motto is “When you Think Progress, think idiocy”) we could create a nice, splashy headline screaming across the page accusing Obama of having exactly one more brain cell than the morons who who write for the most easily debunked lefty website on the planet.

Not surprisingly, other lefty blogs have picked up on McCain’s brain cramp and are trumpeting the idea that the Arizona senator is some kind of dunce when it comes to foreign policy. Given their own paltry understanding of how the world works (hint: gathering in a circle with the thugs of the world and singing “Kumbya” is not a foreign policy), it is laughable that they would accuse a senator who has sat on the armed services committee for 17 years, visited more than 90 countries, met dozens of world leaders, and written on the subject for some of the most prestigious foreign policy publications around of having an inferior understanding of events compared to a former street organizer and lawyer for a slumlord.

Even with all his gaffes, Obama makes McCain look like George Fricking Marshall when it comes to knowledge of matters regarding national security. And yet, the ignoramuses at Think Progress believe every time McCain proves he’s human and his mind gets ahead of his mouth, this bespeaks someone as ignorant as they are about the world around us.

Truly remarkably, unbelievably ridiculous.

Unlike McCain, who misspoke about al-Qaeda earlier in the day (and corrected himself immediately - something that the dolts at Think Progress just couldn’t bring themselves to include in either the transcript or video of McCain’s gaffe), Obama never corrected himself with regards to his belief that the Iraqi government is behind the Iranian “special groups.”

Using a single, operating brain cell as the marmosets at Think Progress, we can only deduce from Obama’s words that he actually believes the Iraqi government is bent on its own destruction and is in charge of “special groups” of terrorists who are murdering their own citizens not to mention members of their own government.

Thankfully, most of us use considerably more brainpower than the nincompoops at Think Progress. Otherwise, the world of Idiocracy would move from the realm of fantasy to the reality of left wing Utopia.


  1. It’s time to finally say it, loud and clear, Barack Hussein Obama is a dangerous and demented fool with the IQ of a houseplant!

    Comment by Gayle Miller — 4/9/2008 @ 1:33 pm

  2. Yes, an excellent point, if only it weren’t patently obvious by now that a standard practice for supporters of the war in Iraq is to use the term “Al-Quaeda” as many times as possible, no matter how misleading, irrelevant or outright contradictory to reality that description is.

    This has happened consistently since the early days before the invasion of Iraq (often with belated corrections) and was responsible for a lot of people’s misconceptions that Iraq had anything to do with 911.

    In contrast, Obama made the classic “Ira[q/n]” error.

    Or at least I assume that he did. Frankly, with the state of politics in Iraq, and the vagueness of who these “Special groups” are, or what exactly they are supposed to be doing, it would surprise me greatly if some people in the Iraqi government aren’t supporting them. Certainly some of them have been actively involved with killing others, and as you well know, the ones most in cahoots with Tehran are the ones with the most power in the Iraqi government at the moment.

    “Given their own paltry understanding of how the world works (hint: gathering in a circle with the thugs of the world and singing “Kumbya” is not a foreign policy), it is laughable that they would accuse a senator who has sat on the armed services committee for 17 years, visited more than 90 countries, met dozens of world leaders, and written on the subject for some of the most prestigious foreign policy publications around of having an inferior understanding of events compared to a former street organizer and lawyer for a slumlord.”

    Yes, this is all very well, but the obvious fact is that McCain supported and continues to support the invasion of Iraq, a policy that has been a monumental failure from day one to now. How do you weigh this up against his many foreign visits, etc? If my financial advisor lost me most of my savings, I wouldn’t much care how long he has been practicing, I would be changing him for someone else. Maybe that’s just me.

    Comment by Drongo — 4/9/2008 @ 1:42 pm

  3. – a policy that has been a monumental failure from day one to now. –

    I don’t know how you can say this without a smile on your face unless you are one of these sinlge brain cell morons. The policies of the post-invasion Iraq were a blunder, in hindsight, which as we know is always 20/20. However, the new strategy has produced marked and somewhat dramatic results over the past 9 months.

    Did you even listen to the hours of testimony these two great Americans enagaged in over the last few days? There has been enromous poltical reconciliaiton and their brand new, infant legislature managed to be more cohesive and managed to get significantly more done than our inept Congress. The Basra situation was an enormous development as well. Now, I’ll admit that that Maliki did not eliminate the Sadr forces, but they did mobilize an impressive and centralized effort to address a situation that needed to be addressed for a couple of years. The fact that the central government was able to pull off a coordinated military campaign and walk away from it with tangible results should be a welcome sign to anyone hoping for progress in Iraq. However, Dems who are completely wed to a US defeat will never admit this and their enablers in the MSM further distort the truth because they are hoping for a terrorist and extremeist victory. They should all be ashamed that they are putting millions of lives in jeopardy for a slight advantage in the domestic political climate of the US. Fortunately, the American people are not a stupid as Dems and the MSM would like them to be. Americans are an optimistic people by nature, and a majority still hope for a sustainable Iraqi government.

    Forget that we went in or that the policies did not work as we wanted them to before. The question is, how do we want to leave Iraq? Do we want to leave it broken and unable to defend itself or its citizens, or do we want a government that can protect itself from foreign nations and can provide safety for its citizens? I suggest you speak to some veterans returning from recent service and get their interpretation. I have personally talked to two friends who just returned from their THIRD tour. One is a Capt. in the Corp who commands a Recon company, and the other is a sergeant combat engineer in the Corps. They both speak of “incredible” progress and say we are on the verge of victory. Go figure that this perspective from the troops and personnel on the ground does not make into our national discorse. I am ashamed at times to be an American when we have such selfish and ignorant citizens. I should expect no less from the citizens of a state that elected Rod Blowheartavich twice though. Sigggghhhhh. Ugggggghhhhhhh.

    Comment by Joe — 4/9/2008 @ 7:04 pm

  4. Good post, Rick. Its funny how your perspective can change from pre-weed to post-weed. Pre-weed, I agreed with you. Post-weed, I think that we need to balance the pathetic left’s distortions with our own distortions (to even the playing field- some of the morons that read “Think Progress” may also read the Nuthouse). Or possibly, the guys at TP are smarter than us, know that their post is propaganda, but are trying to influence the group on the left side of the bell curve. I know that your response it that you must take the high road, but I won’t agree with you again until tomorrow morning.

    Comment by Michael B. — 4/9/2008 @ 7:34 pm

  5. 1. do we really expect anything less than that from them.
    2. so john mccain supports our troops and the idea of finishing what we started, exactly how many senators dissented on that vote? the fact of the matter is that he actually wants to finish something and finish it right so we don’t have to try and do it AGAIN. but then again maybe that’s just me.

    Comment by jambrowski — 4/9/2008 @ 8:42 pm

  6. I agree with Rick. I am so weary of these idiot gotcha moments. It’s tiresome. It’s boring. It’s irrelevant. There are plenty of actual differences between Mr. Obama and Mr. McCain for us to talk about. And from where I sit both men deserve respect and the assumption that they are worthy representatives of their parties.

    Comment by michael reynolds — 4/9/2008 @ 9:13 pm

  7. Michael - I absolutely respect Senator John McCain. Barack Hussein Obama? He’s the village idiot and has earned no respect from me. Notice what I said EARNED no respect.

    John McCain wasn’t my first, or even second, choice for the Republican nomination. However, when measuring him against either of his two opponents, he fares very well. They are both pinheads, both cowards, both dangerous to this country’s future and welfare.

    Comment by Gayle Miller — 4/10/2008 @ 9:32 am

  8. gayle:
    Thanks for demonstrating the difference between adult conversation on important issues, and the raging, silly, superficial discourse typical of too many people online.

    It would be great if we could start to deal with actual issues, actual problems actually facing the country. You’d rather name call.


    Comment by michael reynolds — 4/10/2008 @ 5:13 pm

  9. Michael, who is name callling?
    Like the dems NEVER do that, get real.

    Comment by Drewsmom — 4/11/2008 @ 6:20 am

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