The title of this post is taken from the second volume of Page Smith’s 8 volume social history of America. It refers to the creation of the American republic and how contemporaries of that event all saw the start of something unheard of in human history - a federal Constitutional republic - as the beginning of a New Age of Man, a new beginning where citizens, unsullied by the infection of class distinction and royalty common in Europe, could create a new Zion - a paradise on earth.
Much has been made by me and others of how important it is to hew to the principles and precepts espoused by our ancestors who invented this country. But perhaps we sometimes lose sight of some uncomfortable facts when it comes to “original intent” of the founders and the stratified nature of American society at that time.
We don’t want to pull forward to this time the notion that African Americans are 3/5 of a person for purposes of the census. Nor would we want to have the view of most of the founders that the elites should run the country while the rest of us shut up and do as they say. Most of those well propertied men distrusted the people (in the aggregate) and were fearful that if the mob ever got too much control of the levers of government, their property would be taken from them.
There is also the shameful treatment of women as it related to the Constitution and the law as well as a decided bias against settlers on the frontier. A failure to live up to treaties with the Indians resulted in regular and bloody wars. Big states hated little states and vice versa.
The Constitution was very much a document of its time. It reflected the very best thinking of enlightenment and pre-enlightenment philosophers. But it is not a perfect document and to say today that Obama will toss it out the window I believe goes too far in describing what he will try to do. It is the difficulties of today that will dictate how he approaches our challenges. And in the context of Constitutional precepts written 220 years ago, he will stretch some of those no doubt to achieve what he wants.
Where he reaches too far, we will smack him down. But I believe he should get some leeway if only because our founders did the same thing when they first confronted the theory of the constitution with the reality of their times.
The problems of early America were enormous, having just come through a ruinously expensive war, a barely united populace behind the idea of a country at all, and squabbling about everything from land grants to borders among the several states. In fact, once the Constitution was ratified, the universal question on everyone’s mind was “Now what?”
How could they even begin to solve these massive difficulties? The Constitution was, after all, just a piece of paper.
It helped that George Washington was the first president. Not a brilliant man by any means, Washington’s strengths were his leadership ability and his sterling reputation - something he used as vintner might pour out wine from a carafe. The longer Washington was in power, the more his reputation suffered, the more empty the carafe became. Washington deliberately expended his most precious resource to keep the country from flying apart.
After 8 years, his reputation was still great enough that he was able to keep us out of what would have been a catastrophic war between England and France while putting the nation (with Hamilton’s scheming help) on a sound fiscal footing.
Obama is no Washington although I believe he has demonstrated some leadership qualities that some recent presidents have not. The guy has to have something inside of him to create the kind of mass movement I saw last night in Grant Park at the Obama Victory Rally. Easily 80% of that crowd of nearly a million were under the age of 25. Media and money help, no doubt about it. But our new president has something else about him as well; the ability to inspire. That is a quality not all politicians have and I have a feeling we will have need of that ability before all is said and done in the near future.
I will probably oppose 90% of what Obama and the Democrats try to do. Some commenters on this site question how I can do that and still claim to see Obama as “my president.” If that’s the kind of attitude Obama supporters are going to have I fear for this country. Such authoritarian impulses are common in mass movements and it remains to be seen whether Obama is strong enough to resist the temptations such support presents for him. It would be easy to turn to his true believers in times of political trouble and simply ride roughshod over the naysayers. Let’s hope he has the moral compass and clarity of vision to see beyond such pettiness and embrace diversity of opinion - even when things get rough.
One thing is certain; Obama, the Democrats, and liberalism are going to be given a chance. There’s not much we conservatives can do about that. Do we work to constructively engage the opposition or do we simply participate in mindless, partisan hackery? I’m not saying that we shouldn’t fight, and fight hard, for what we believe in. But we shall soon see if Obama is serious about engaging us in a dialogue. If he is, I would think that for the sake of the country, we try to meet him halfway.
We must pick and choose our spots over the next 4 years. Constant caterwauling about every little thing an Obama Administration does will get us nowhere. While we should oppose those things that we believe are detrimental, perhaps it wouldn’t kill us if we actually looked around to see if there was anything we could support him on?
Obama has spoken passionately on issues of individual responsibility for African American fathers and other single parents. This is conservative bread and butter and I would have absolutely no problem in helping our new president make those words a reality.
I know most of these words are falling on deaf ears. But I believe in democracy. And in case you haven’t noticed, the majority has just spoken as loudly and as specifically as they can in a democracy. If it is all or nothing for you - if you wish to oppose the color of the curtains Obama picks out for the Oval Office - then I wish you luck in your solitude.
I plan on being engaged the next 4 years - fighting against those things I believe need to be fought while offering what support I can wherever I see our interests merge. That is the role of a responsible opposition.
Who knows? Perhaps we can teach liberals a thing or two about what it means to be in the minority.
Russia Takes A Swing At Obama…
President DmitryMedvedev hasn’t called President-Elect Barack Obama to congratulate him yet. If the newly and duly elected administration think the Russians haven’t called because the phone lines are jammed, they better think again. The Rus…
Trackback by The Country Contrarian — 11/5/2008 @ 12:03 pm
Hi Rick
I have been “lurking” on your site for some months, after being directed here while hoping that Chicago politics would forestall last night’s result. I am posting now because I agree that now more than ever it is important for conservatives to speak up and work together more closely and work hard to direct the changes our president will try to make. We did not lose the Senate, and we did not get as badly drubbed in the house as you correctly feared. What we need to do is take a leaf from the Democrats and be more inclined to build issues based coalitions and not so focused on litmus tests defining whether or not someone is conservative enough or the “proper” kind of conservatives. They didn’t do a test at the door to prove you were a Maoist or a PLP member to “let” you support Obama. We shouldn’t either. If an atheist opposes abortion for whatever reason we should be open to their support. We also need to be proactive. Today is a good day to begin working to save the coal industry - even before he tries the inevitable cap and trades. We should look carefully at his record and predict some of the most dangerous things he will attempt and start a pre-emptive campaign to “prepare the battlefield” before he makes a move.
Comment by Jim — 11/5/2008 @ 12:13 pm
Great post Rick.
I agree - now that Obama will be our president it’s time to find common ground with him and work with him on those things and vehemently oppose him in those matters in which we differ. You pointed out the key though - we need to pick our battles and nattering about every little thing will get us nowhere.
You’ve expressed the hope, as have many other conservative bloggers, that his lofty rhetoric of reaching out to conservatives will materialize. I don’t share this ‘hope’ and expect this won’t happen but if it does the opportunity should not be wasted in a frenzy of Obama Derangement Syndrome.
If it doesn’t happen then we roll up our sleeves and fight for our principles - and my hope being - that we do it with reason, critical thinking and the strength of our principles and avoid the slip into becoming what we’ve abhorred these last 8 years in liberals: screeching partisans who try to elicit change with anger and hatred.
Comment by Bald Ninja — 11/5/2008 @ 12:39 pm
Now it is time for the Liberals to be disappointed. Obama is taking control of a government that has a massive amount of debit, and by 2010 a social security program that will be taking in money to support it. He will be hard pressed, even if he raises taxes, to fund the programs he proposes. He has already warned of this, but I don’t think the uber liberals have gotten the message. Of course Bush will be blamed for this, just like Clinton was blamed by the Republicans. Some of it will be justified, you can’t ignore the fact that the Republicans even before the bailout made LBJ look like a fiscal conservative, but the excuses will wear off quick. What will the Conservatives do? This is the time they could make some gains if they drop the liberal bashing and offer alternatives, but with the Limbaugh kool aid cult noise machine in full swing I’m not holding my breath.
Comment by grognard — 11/5/2008 @ 12:55 pm
So we’ve elected Obama. So be it. He and the Democrat Congress will pass legislation that I will not like. That is the right of the victors.
HOWEVER, the Democrat party has been mentioning possible iniatives that go over the line into unacceptability. Serious attempts to breach our democratic covenant will see serious pushback. Examples of unacceptable policies, those that undermine our Constitution and our fundamental principles of governance, include:
1) a domestic security force. This has political intimidation possibilities written all over it. what other use will it have?
2) the Fairness Doctrine and other efforts to block opposing political speech
3) further erosion of the legitimacy of our election processes.
4) greater access to our political process by foreigners and foreign interests.
There will other bad ideas forthcoming.
Americans must draw a line in the sand when one party starts to change the systems of power ascension to ensure continued power for that party.
Comment by Whitehall — 11/5/2008 @ 1:14 pm
Good post Rick. You know, as I sat watching the Hyde Park party, I realized something: If nothing else, I am proud I live in a country where we can vote and exchange power peacefully. I was also proud that we elected the first African American President (though I doubt “racism” according to the left will ever die - there are too many people out there analyzing racism for a living to keep it alive). I still have all the same reservations about Obama that I did before, but I think there is something to be said that conservatives (well most of us anyway) are able to accept the peaceful exchange of power without making effigies of our least favorite candidate to burn in protest, or without making those lovely “X lied, people died” bumper stickers. We live in a country with free speech, which means we also have the freedom to make idiots of ourselves. I don’t plan to be that way.
Comment by Shelby — 11/5/2008 @ 1:17 pm
Well said! Partisanship does not equal hackery. I hope more of you readers can see that.
Comment by brooks — 11/5/2008 @ 1:36 pm
(…I intended to say “your” readers; but I guess it could work either way.)
Comment by brooks — 11/5/2008 @ 1:37 pm
“Work with him”; “find common ground”, yada, yada, yada. Let’s see just how far we conservatives can bend over in our attempt to “get along”. Maybe if we just abandon our conservative values a little more and become just a little more Democratic lite, we can all sit around sipping mint tea and singing Kumbaya.
Bull. We have been losing ground since we decided that we must “go along” to “get along”. Spending like Democrats, abandoning our core values to be accepted by the herd.
Now, we have a president elect that is so close to socialistic in his views that we are going to become more like Europe, as Europe learns that no matter whose in charge, socialism doesn’t work.
But look on the bright side: even though you taxes will go up, perhaps we can adopt the European system of six weeks off a year. Sure American production will crash, but so what? You can sleep late for six weeks. And then, there is always the health care system of the Europeans that the left touts. Never mind that there won’t be enough doctors, hospitals or clinics to take care of everybody. It will be great as long as you don’t have cancer or HIV/AIDs. And gee, maybe we can acheive the European standard of living, never mind that people on welfare live better than most Europeans.
Sure, the United States will continue to exist, but as what? And as what cost?
Fairness Doctrine?
An administration that has already proven they are willing to shut down dissent?
Higher taxes?
Few jobs?
Less productivity?
Greater union power?
A second Bill of Rights?
Hamas lobbed 35 missiles into Israel last night after the election and then said the “peace” would continue if Israel did not “retaliate”.
Russia is on the move against our missile defense system.
Rahm Emauel is posed to become Chief of Staff.
And Obama told his fawning, kneepad wearing followers last night “I will always be honest with you.” Nice to know he is finally going to start being honest now that he’s been elected by a nation who values American Idol more than duty, honor and service.
Comment by retire05 — 11/5/2008 @ 2:18 pm
Sorry to be a non-conformist, a non-unity “outcast” from the one, unifying, party liberals and RINOS dream of but… I find B. Hussein to be a joke. A leftist-laywer with very little experience in anything other than as a social agitator, “inspires” the masses? So what? Nowadays, masses of people turn out for American Idol contestants!
It all comes down to mass immigration. Keep immigration levels high and Latino, Asian, Arab/Muslim and Hindu immigrants will tend to become Democrats. Buh-bye USA of old. No longer a constitutional republic of limited government because these new “immigrants/new Americans” are used to mass, street protests and simple majority rule democracy.
Obambi is a pretentious poseur, with a fawning media to adore Him. Nothing more.
Comment by RSG — 11/5/2008 @ 2:37 pm
Rick the attraction of your site to me is your thinking. While I don’t always agree with your thinking I find I often do agree with it.
What would Republicans or Democrats recommend?
That Republicans win every Presidential election and have the majority in both houses of Congress or alternatively that Democrats win every Presidential election and have the majority in both houses of Congress? If so and permanent one party rule actually came to pass would America be better off?
The one party state concept was a basic principle of Nazi Germany and Stalin’s U.S.S.R. America should be glad that the Republican party loses elections and that the Democratic party loses elections. It seems to me that the Republican party or Democrat party losing elections helps America from turning into a clone of Nazi Germany and the U.S.S.R.
Comment by Agent Orange Peel — 11/5/2008 @ 2:49 pm
I would love it very much if America were much more like Europe.
I lived in socialist countries for six years and everything is easier there. Especially medicine. Also, the political discourse is friendlier and the people are educated.
Don’t worry. Obama will be a fine President and he will bring lots of the change we have needed for a while now.
Comment by RonReagan — 11/5/2008 @ 3:05 pm
Hundreds of years from now, when the history is written of this odd time in which the West openly cleared the way to its own destruction, the Bill Buckleys and the Bill Kristols will be long forgotten.
But whether the historians are Japanese, scratching their heads about what happened to a once-great country, or—God willing—scholars in a healthy American nation, looking back at our era as a youthful indiscretion, Pat Buchanan will be remembered the lone voice of sanity in a nation driven mad.
Comment by words, words, words....that justify FAILURE — 11/5/2008 @ 3:37 pm
RonReagan, may I suggest you return to that socialist utopia? And the fact that you brag that everything there is so much easier simply confirms the fact that you are too damn lazy to do what it takes to preserve the goals of our Founding Fathers. Perhaps you can go to France. They need more of your ilk.
And just what change do you think the Imposter will bring? More free stuff for someone who wants things to be “easier”?
You have been duped. And are just too stupid to know it.
Comment by retire05 — 11/5/2008 @ 3:56 pm
Good grief, dude, I think I heard you say the Constitution could be stretched a bit. Maybe it’s time you retitled your blog. You aren’t right wing at all.
Obama carries with him the baggage of being the most liberal Senator in the Senate. He is what he is and isn’t apt to change now.
But, you went to the Obama rally last night and suddenly believe that Obama is going to care what conservatives think. Wow. Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid are going to see things from a different perspective for the first time because they now have more power than ever.
Whitehall (post 5) is right. There a big issues that will need our undivided attention. We need to be a wall. Stop trying to figure out how to get along with Obama and instead figure out how we can make sure our country is protected.
Comment by Sara — 11/5/2008 @ 3:58 pm
If the US is more like Europe there is no more Europe. Who’s going to protect Europe from the monster in the closet if not America?
Comment by Bel Aire — 11/5/2008 @ 4:02 pm
Not only another great post, but I almost made it to double digits in the comments before the fanatics shattered the mood. I agree with the whole shebang (at least up until retire). Reasoned discussion, even passionate debate from across the universe can never be off the table, and thank you to the commenters that put into words what I couldn’t put my finger on last night and today — this is the way adults deal with exchanging power and control (excluding the Fox.com message boards — they’re running approx. 10% that the election establishes conclusively the End Times have begun, and they’re not speaking metaphorically).
Rick M.-
While your posts are always impressive displays of skill even if I disagree from word one, this last week or so you’ve really been formenting reasoned discourse at a “save post to hard drive library of great thinkers works” level. I’m slowly drifting from impressed to awe, and honestly it makes me feel a little . . . icky. Please post something nonsensical in the near future so I can go back to respectfully impressed. My worldview’s been shaken up quite enough in the last 24 hours as it is.
Your patience will be rewarded shortly. I feel a rant coming on.
Comment by busboy33 — 11/5/2008 @ 4:11 pm
RonReagan - I fell off my chair with your comments…You are too funny Ron!
Let me guess. You’re a highly educated college boy, eh? A bit “feminized”? Like your six weeks paid time off per year too I bet, eh?
Comment by RSG — 11/5/2008 @ 4:20 pm
Well said, Rick. I just hope enough of your compatriots settle down over the next weeks and months to see the wisdom of your words.
I certainly don’t expect the loyal opposition to roll over and play dead. That’s in no one’s interest. It’s when the energy and dynamism of a new administration collide with the well intentioned and reasoned opposition that some of government’s best moments occur. Some of the Reagan year back and forth with congress come to mind. The same can be said for some of the best to come out of the Clinton years.
My fervent hope is that the many smart Republicans I know take a moment to think about where we are in this country and revitalize their party with the power of new and renewed ideas for positive change. If they can do that then we will all be better for it. If not, we will all suffer a continuation of the sniping and partisanship of the past 15 years.
If Republicans can’t see the role they played in creating this poisoned atmosphere then they will have no chance of coming in from the cold. We all have to honestly reassess how we’ve interacted.
Fight, yet. Fight hard, yes. Oppose the actions and goals you find abhorrent. Do so in a constructive way by arguing for your principles and offering alternative solutions. Only then will we all profit from the collective intelligence of our citizens, Democrat or Republican.
Comment by emgersh — 11/5/2008 @ 4:51 pm
I could not agree more. I say the same today. I will never say Obama “isn’t my President” as he did to McCain in a debate as he said, “John, YOUR President”, etc. I will not behave as the Bush Deranged have since that day in 2000 when he was declared winner. I am an American above all else. I will not support most of his agenda but I will not sink to deranged levels.
I choose to be very involved at the local level and state level now to help cultivate candidates for the national stage. It is the only way for my party to survive.
Comment by Karen — 11/5/2008 @ 4:53 pm
Six weeks paid? That’s sounds pretty sweet. If I had six weeks paid vacation, I’d go to Europe and make fun of the socialists.
Comment by Chuck Tucson — 11/5/2008 @ 4:57 pm
@ Whitehall
“2) the Fairness Doctrine and other efforts to block opposing political speech”
Considering how you’re always ranting about the MSM and the dominance of the liberal media, I’d think the fairness doctrine would be in your interest. Wouldn’t it force the liberal media to provide equal time to opposing right wing ideas???
Not that the fairness doctrine is coming back. . . especially under the watch of a politician who so successfully maxed out the current system!
Comment by emgersh — 11/5/2008 @ 4:58 pm
I think Rick is right about picking and choosing the fights and getting back to being “For” things rather than “against” them. Like what are we going to do about Social Security? I think it should be phased out and ended and Conservatives should be the ones putting the plans together before the inevitable collapse. Remember that our opponents are driven by feelings and emotions and should be defeated by reason…
Comment by Jim — 11/5/2008 @ 5:03 pm
Great post Rick. I agree that Obama will try to bend the rules as much as he can but unfortunately, I believe at times the rules need to be bent so the changes that need to take place can take place. I just hope that Obama dosen’t take it to far.
Sara I dont get where you think Rick isn’t a right-wingist but believe me if you knew him or read his blog on a consistant baisis you would have no doubt he is. It doesnt take hating everything a left-wingist stans for to make you a right-wingist or vise-versa.
Comment by Joe E. — 11/5/2008 @ 5:23 pm
Many Republicans are wondering what went so terribly wrong during the 2008 election cycle. The Whitehouse, the Senate and the House of Representatives have all been lost in what can only be called a national mandate. Surely the 2006 election results should have put the party on notice that something serious was awry. In this post I will clearly identify the problem – a problem that Rick Moran and most other party apologists will not dare discuss.
The GOP left me and other “America first” conservatives - libertarians behind. The Republican Party that I had once supported was rooted in fiscal responsibility, personal freedom and prosperity, small and restrained government and the rule of law as expressed in our constitution. The problem is that the party was hi-jacked by the Zionist neoconservative administration that Bush unleashed on the nation (Wikipedia - Zionism is an international political movement that originally supported the reestablishment of a homeland for the Jewish People in Palestine and continues primarily as support for the modern state of Israel).
Most Zionists in America are Christians. Zionist policies have greatly damaged atheists, Christians, Jews, Muslims, et al, in America and the world. The PNAC (Project for the New American Century); the neoconservative think tank, has been clear in their quest to make the United States a new imperial empire to enforce their prescribed new world order. Their new world order plans call for perpetual war in the middle-east and a dangerous confrontation with Russia. Non-declared wars and military interventions are immoral, illegal (constitution states only congress can declare war) and as we are finding out in a very painful way, impossible to sustain financially.
Israeli’s are questioning the validity and wisdom of international Zionism. A growing amount of evidence suggests that Zionism is based on a deceitful corruption of history
Dr. Shlomo Sand (expert on European history at Tel Aviv University) is surprised than his latest academic work has spent the past 24 weeks on Israel’s bestseller list – and that success has come to the history professor despite his book challenging Israel’s “biggest taboo” – the legitimacy of Zionism. Dr Sand argues that the idea of a Jewish nation is a myth invented little more than a century ago and he has the facts to back up his claim.
“That was because the Romans did not exile people. In fact, Jews in Palestine were overwhelming peasants and all the evidence suggests they stayed on their lands.” Instead, he believes an alternative theory is more plausible: the exile was a myth promoted by early Christians to recruit Jews to the new faith. “Christians wanted later generations of Jews to believe that their ancestors had been exiled as a punishment from God.”
So if there was no exile, how is it that so many Jews ended up scattered around the globe before the modern state of Israel began encouraging them to “return”? Dr Sand said that, in the centuries immediately preceding and following the Christian era, Judaism was a proselytizing religion, desperate for converts. “This is mentioned in the Roman literature of the time.”
Translations are under way into a dozen languages, including Arabic and English. Dr. Sands predicted a rough ride from the pro-Israel lobby when the book is launched by his English publisher, Verso, in the United States next year. There can be little doubt that AIPAC has tremendous influence on both of our main political parties in the US. And, there is little doubt that the US media is also influenced (controlled?) by groups like AIPAC. We are led to believe that these lobbying groups represent the monolithic opinions of Jews in the US and Israel while the reality is that alternative groups like the JTA (Jewish Telegraphic Agency; dubbed the J-Street Group) more closely represent popular Jewish opinion.
Christian Zionists like Reverend Hagee and the countless Christian fundamentalists who claim to be friends of Israel are actually the enemies – they use the nation of Israel to advance their Biblical beliefs and prophecies to create and sustain a separate Jewish homeland at the expense of the Palestians. This destroys any real hopes for peace and stability. Free speech in America has given way to a bullying political correctness. To question Zionism is to be labeled an ugly “anti-Semitic.” In reality, the term Semite means a member of any of various ancient and modern peoples originating in southwestern Asia; including Akkadians, Canaanites, Phoenicians, Hebrews, Arabs, and Ethiopian Semites (Wikipedia). By definition; one cannot be “anti-Semitic” if they are pro-Arabic, pro-Ethiopian or pro-Hebrew. And, one may be pro-American without being anti anything.
John McCain and the Zionist-neocon leadership within the Republican Party espouse a ruling philosophy that is antagonistic to the once popular platform of fiscal responsibility, personal freedom and prosperity, small-restrained government and the rule of law as expressed in our constitution. McCain and the Republican leadership refuse to link the high cost of perpetual middle-east wars/military interventions with our fiscal crisis. Simply put, we cannot afford spending trillions of dollars a year on war and “building democracies” without totally destroying our individual prosperity and national economy.
New born Americans come into this world enslaved in debt that they did not incur while adults are having their future financial prosperity taken from them, all in the cause of sustaining imperial wars and military interventions. John McCain talks about the need to gain victory in Iraq but the truth is that Iraq was conquered in 2003 – that’s a done deal. It is impossible to find victory in an ongoing occupation. We continue to destroy and rebuild Iraq’s infrastructure while ours crumbles at home.
By keeping the country at war, Zionist Republicans have grown the government at an exponential rate – which undermines our individual freedom and prosperity. The United States has been under a declared state of emergency since 2001. Homeland Security, the Patriot Act, FISA, increased executive branch powers, et al; are the heavy boot steps in a steady march towards fascism.
Unbelievably, the US Government has placed its sovereignty in jeopardy by becoming the guarantor of most debt in America. Our homes, businesses and personal property have become collateral for risky debt and insolvent corporations. Republicans have become fascists by privatizing corporate losses and debt while federalizing control and ownership. And it is no coincidence that many international bankers are self described Zionists. Why are Americans asked to provide billions of dollars in foreign aid to middle-east countries; many wealthier/per capita than us, while we are simultaneously told that we are on the verge of an economic collapse that requires a multi-trillion bail-out? We are asked to empower; without question or oversight, the Treasury Department with the authority to determine our fiscal future.
Voltaire warned that “Those who can make you believe in absurdities can also make you commit atrocities.” Such is the sad truth of Zionism. How many hundreds of thousands of Iraqis have been killed or made refugees in the name of Zionism? How many US soldiers and Iraqi civilians have been terminally wounded by the slow poisoning death that comes from expelled depleted uranium bombs and bullets? How many innocent Afghanis, Iranians, Pakistanis, Palestinians and Syrians will we kill under the moral guise of Zionism?
The Republican Party is moving beyond any possible reform. They have become treasonous by placing the interest of other nations above our own. Just as failed corporations should be allowed to liquidate under bankruptcy, the Republican Party should be liquidated.
Comment by DrKrbyLuv — 11/5/2008 @ 5:31 pm
Rick, Nicely put. I am an ex-Dem who has grown conservative over the years, but have been uncomfortable with much of what some of the Republican party is. I see that Clinton Derangement Syndrome in the 90s as a mirror image of Bush DS in the 00s. It was my reaction against Clinton hatred that actually helped me vote for Bush in 2004.
I did not vote for Obama. I don’t agree with him in many ways. I really like McCain, but I think his time had passed. I didn’t see anything in the last two months or in the debates that would convince an undecided voter.
Fair or not, Bush and the Republicans until ‘06, created this loss. I was attracted to Gingrich in the 90s, but could never cross the line. I finally did in 2004, but have been disappointed by the Republican party in the last 4 years.
The prospect of the Pelosicrats is frightening. I can only hope Obama has the cojones to resist the left-wing temptation.
Let’s give them 2 to 4 years and see what they will do. If they fail, then they will get what the Republicans are getting now–rejection.
Comment by mark — 11/5/2008 @ 5:53 pm
Just a brief response to Dr. Luv
We didn’t lose the senate or the house, that is overstatement.
As for Israel there should be a Jewish homeland in the MidEast. More than a million Arabs are citizens of Israel. The sticking point is the repeated calls for annihilation of all Jews by their Arab neighbors and their refusal to let them live. Side by side nation states have been offered since 1947 and rejected by Palestinians.
You are right that we must make choices about our priorities and goals and decide what our international role will be. That choice may have been made for us by the international economy and the collapse of our own. If Joe Biden is right Obama will abandon Israel early in his term. Than we will see what the conservative voters who failed to vote in this cycle think about the choice they have made. Same with the Jews who have voted straight Democratic as their party has moved to the left.
Comment by Jim — 11/5/2008 @ 6:14 pm
Who knows? Perhaps we can teach liberals a thing or two about what it means to be in the minority.
Were you around when we were in the minority…for about 40 years? Our reasoned and accomodating “loyal opposition” got us nowhere! You presume to teach “manners” class to an opposition who concerns itself only in the consolidation of power. Conservatives should be learning from our leftward leaning brethren about the acquisition and use of power, but it sounds more like we just want to make nice. Bah.
Comment by Phils57 — 11/5/2008 @ 6:24 pm
PS: Earlier I meant to say Grant Park, not Hyde Park. I think I had a few too many alcoholic beverages last night. Nothing like drunkenness for unity!
Comment by Shelby — 11/5/2008 @ 8:09 pm
What’s the difference between Joe Lieberman, Bill Kristol, and Democrat Rahm Emanuel?
Absolutely nothing, except the Neocon-follower can’t see it. It’ll be 8 more years of the same. The antiwar Democrat voter is in for a big disappointment under Emanuel.
Looks like Obama is going for Welfare & Warfare and will have to inflate the money supply to satisfy AIPAC and the welfare class.
It doesn’t look good for the dollar in the long run. Buy some gold.
Comment by Jeffery — 11/5/2008 @ 8:17 pm
I will likewise echo nicely put. I’ve compiled a list of some 76 items on Obama and Democrat’s agenda. It would have been longer but thought 76 was a good number as in 1776. I just reviewed them and did not find any I would or could support. I suspect if you did the same Rick, you would be close to my number.
But all that is beside the point, they will do what they wish restrained by who? The blue dog Democrats?. A stretch. All those folks want to do is to be reelected. If there is a way that will favor their reelection, there will be no restraint and no compromise.
These are the people that are capable of causing a bank run and it’s resultant collapse (Schumer’s infamous letter) and killing millions of fetuses including babies with only a foot still in the womb and you somehow expect some sort of morality and fair play? The only issue I believe is whether they think they can attain perpetual reelection. And there is a rather simple method.
Dump the Senate filibuster and pass a comprehensive immigration bill adding perhaps 10 to 20 million new voters. About 120 million voted this week. That works out to adding about 10% to the voting pool and if only half of them vote, the Democrats are golden for 2010, 2012, 2014, and as far as you can count. The advantages are enormous, they likely won’t ever have a better opportunity, and the great thing is it’s all legal.
There is only one party today that believes the end justifies the means. If they play this card, fight all you want. I suspect Zell Miller has a goodly supply of spit balls left over from a few years ago.
They love power and this would be the ultimate power play. What’s disconcerting is they are all very capable of taking those steps to one party rule.
Comment by cedarhill — 11/5/2008 @ 8:33 pm
Obama, the Dems, and liberalism will be given another chance. They’ve been having chances since 1932, and still haven’t gotten it right. The leftwing temptation is in Obama’s genes, and he will not resist.
Obama is soon going to be in over his head. A global power vacuum has been building because of the loco left, and it will probably set in with a vengeance now. The Russians are already stirring and moving missiles into the Kaliningrad enclave. Karzai is complaining about civvie deaths from our bombs when the enemy uses civvies as shields (watch how the Pakistani Army behaves with this type of rubbish).
The US has become weak because of the loco left. Moral cowards rarely rise to dangerous challenges because at heart they are cowards. The danger we are in is because Clinton was a moral coward. The danger has not ended, and will now increase.
Domestically, I don’t worry about the loco left because the FedGov is about tapped out. The sources of borrowing are drying up, and people are realizing that Uncle Sam is a deadbeat and will never be able to pay the Federal debt. It’s ironic that the Dems think they are the party of Jefferson and Jackson, but what they stand for is against the liberty Jefferson stood for, and against the fiscal conservatism of Jackson.
McCain got what he deserved, and the Reps got what they deserved since they refused to reform the primary system to prevent RINOs from saying it was their turn. That got us Dole in ‘96, then another country clubber this year. The RNC either quits ignoring the base and doing what they want because the base has “no where else to turn” or they will find they do somewhere else to go, just as they did in ‘96 and this year.
RSG is right about immigration. Also another fact is the Dems will now control the census. They wanted statistical sampling rather than a constitutional enumeration. Some are already saying they will hijack the census. Folks, the left is evil, and intend to stop at nothing to get full blown Nazism or Communism. They are insane, and the country is being swallowed by them.
Incidentally, Rick, this is not supposed to be “democracy” but a constitutional republic. There is a massive difference, but neither party wants to recognize it. Democracy brought the new deal, the great society, and other leftist boondoggles, and all unconstitutional. All the glibness in the world will not change these facts, and simply trying to be a gentleman about it will get nowhere. The change has been in one direction, and it was predicted over 200 years ago.
Sorry to seem so negative. I wish you luck, but I don’t think you have the courage to do what needs to be done in the Republican Party. The Rs have stayed true to their Lincolnian roots, and that has been the major problem. The Rs have always been a big government party. It is the Dems who were the conservatives. They have repudiated their roots.
Comment by Quartermaster — 11/5/2008 @ 8:42 pm
Very gracious thoughts indeed. Thank you. We are all now living in a post 11/4 world.
Comment by still liberal — 11/5/2008 @ 10:05 pm
Retire 05
I have lived in socialist economies and I have lived here.
What have you done in your life that gives you more experience than me?
Let’s see. Um…nothing.
I have a better idea.
Why don’t YOU move to France?
Comment by RonReagan — 11/5/2008 @ 10:21 pm
“Let me guess. You’re a highly educated college boy, eh? A bit “feminized”? Like your six weeks paid time off per year too I bet, eh?”
So that’s you’re argument. I went to college, have an educated, which ‘feminized’ me. And somehow getting paid time off is something to ridicule.
Regarding being feminised- you know what’s funny. I am in my mid 50s, but I had 26 professional fights. I bet you I would whip your ass.
Anyway, my digression. Your argument is utterly without merit, it’s irrelevant and redolent of the rightwing slime machine that needs no logic, just stereotypical epithets.
That’s also why you just lost.
I recommend what one poster said in another thread. Return to your intellectual roots. Which would not be possible for you RSG, but for the party, possibly.
Comment by RonReagan — 11/5/2008 @ 10:26 pm
[...] at: Right Wing Nut House | Michelle Malkin | Hot Air [...]
Pingback by Neocon News » Can I open my eyes now? Is it over? — 11/5/2008 @ 10:41 pm
Well, the article does a cracking job of assembling straw men, then mowing them down with pinpoint accuracy. Obama is a creation of media and white liberal guilt. He is a standard issue product of the corrupt Chicago political machine, whose cynical use of those around him…his grandmother, his ‘Auntie’, his pastor, his political patrons (Ayers)…is obvious to those who wish to see it. “Inspire”? Well, history is full of inspirational politicians. The question is simply ‘what is it that inspires them’? Promises of wealth spreading, of ‘bringing us together’ (now there’s a line we’ve not heard before)? Reagan inspired, but behind it were two very specific principles, as George Will memorably put it, that ‘the American people were taxed too much, and the Soviet Union was getting away with murder’. What are the principles behind Obama’s rhetoric? That the Constitution ‘constrains’ the activist impulses of community organizers? That government needs to force the ‘rich’ to ’share their wealth’? That a ‘right to health care’ can and should be found in the Constitution?
Certainly, the Founders recognized that their document wasn’t perfect, and knew they were flawed men. That’s why they placed in the Constitution the means by which it can be changed, updated, added to and taken from. What if those tens of millions of his ‘inspired’ agree with his desire to create new ‘rights’ via amendment…to income, to health care, to jobs…how would you intend to ’smack them down’? He almost certainly will use his presidency and his majorities in Congress to seek a new national health care entitlement…and we all know that what DC creates never, ever goes away.
I’m sure he is, in the gym playing 3 on 3, a terrific guy. A great husband and father. But he wasn’t elected to play hoops, or as Father of the United States. The hope that he somehow will moderate his ideology developed over the years, steeped in Alinsky, Wright, and Ayers, is based either in willful ignorance or naivety. They have their champion in the WH now, and we ignore that at our peril.
Comment by Bob C — 11/6/2008 @ 7:14 am
“Constant caterwauling about every little thing an Obama Administration does will get us nowhere.”
This is exactly what the dems did to Bush and it got them into power. They politiczed Katrina and ignored the Posse Comitatus Act. They politicized OIF and ignored their own proclamations of the dangers Saddam posed before the 1998 removal of inspectors. They politicized 9/11 by trying to place all the blame on Bush while ignoring Sandy Berger lifting classified documents from the National Archives - Condi simply said we were not a war footing. they tried to politicize the crooked CEO’s by ignoring the fact that the corruption occured under Clinton’s admin and exploded early in Bush’s. Everything they could politicize they did and it worked.
Comment by nate — 11/6/2008 @ 9:24 am
I congratulate you on a very well thought out dissertation. I do agree that conservatives need to pick the battles that mean the most and try to meet some agreement point across the aisle.
Let me ask you a question or two, if I may.
Can you tell me and the readers when was the last time the democrats crossed the aisle to support any legislation that changed/modified a democrat keepsake program?
I know you can do it, because the democrats do it all the time.
Do you remember when was the last time the republicans reached across the aisle to play ball with the democrats and instead of just getting a bloody nose, they got the bat shoved up their ass?
The republicans don’t know how to play the same way the democrats do, even when they have the majority. The first thing the republicans need to do is find some backbone and then integrity. I still hope integrity is a word that in the republican lexicon because they sure haven’t demonstrated it lately. When the republicans can figure out who and what they are, then maybe they will find their way out of the wilderness. Until then, they will nothing more than a well worn speed bump for the democrats and the surge left we are going to experience for at least the next 4 years. I just hope not too much damage is done to the fabric and framework of the ‘good old USA’ that can’t be undone at a later date.
Have a good day.
Comment by Belad — 11/6/2008 @ 10:29 am
Here’s a newsflash for ya: in the past 48 hrs, I have heard more conciliatory speech and pledges to work with Obama from the GOP than I have heard in the past 8 years from the Democrats. The thing I hear most often from the Democrats and other Obama supporters is how he will be a centrist. It is funny that both parties are pinning their hopes on The Most Liberal Senator NOT to do exactly what he has stated he would do.
I hope that when the dust has settled, Obama will not have tried to lead this country down the path toward “universal everything, responsibility for nothing.” Nothing in his character or past performance makes me think he won’t try, but I can only hope.
One doesn’t have to an obstructionist to stand up for what’s right.
Comment by Mike — 11/6/2008 @ 1:55 pm
I do not share the new president’s world view, but that does not make him a bad person, or me an idiot.
Over the past many years, there have been several liberals and several conservatives elected as president. None of them, with maybe the exception of Carter, really stayed in their mold. All were ultimately pulled into the center where they had to govern from. I suspect that Obama will also end up governing from the center.
Remember, he had the most “points” that is why he is the president. However, the popular vote was almost evenly split and Congress itself, though two parties, is made up of many different ideological factions. Obama, in order to get things done has to deal will all these factions, plus keep the American people “happy”.
An old saying “love is blind, marriage is an eye opener” can just as easily apply to this “marriage” of an avowed liberal who promised all but the moon to everyone, and now has to figure out how to deliver the goods.
Comment by John — 11/7/2008 @ 3:17 am
You are very gifted and informed columnist,today on KSFO W/Lee Rogers was the first time I’ve heard you speak.I’m a 64 year old American man who is to the far right of President Regan who happens to be black__let me be clear I’m not an African American
I’m an American,never been out of this country,but oh! I have lived life I was first black to enjoy certain rights previously denied
minorities before and another thing,we’re not minorities anymore I get tired of hearing it
next we won’t be people of color or African American it will be something else.Please stay with me
I’m coming to a point,from the time I was first able to walk to school by myself two Asian boys & one girl would wait for me and gang up on me after school,I could write a book on my injustices not to mention my dead
brothers or my grand parents being
chased off their land by the KKK in Mississippi never to be reclaimed by family again and we
NEITHER” you get that Jackson,Sharpton,Farahkan Maxine
(BIG MOUTH)Waters and all the rest
of the Public Pimps.Don’t get me wrong I voter for President Bush
both times,but 7 days after his first victory he had a private cession with Hillary Clinton above
Air Force One remember that? He’s been backstabing the American people every since unfortunetly
he was the only choice we had in both elections now it was McCain
the American people have ENOUGH of
the lying carpet baggers so many
choose to drink the cool-aid close their eyes and mark a big X
for Obama. I recall another time
in Jonestown Ghauna they drank the kool-aid there too__ or what about Uganda remember Edi Ahmein or Castro I’m not saying we have a
dictator on our hands but these Tyrants all came to power when the people said enough,and they paid dearly. But our situation is
different__right? After all we wouldn’t cut off their nose’s to spite their faces and try to rationalize what they just did__or
would they?
Comment by Ledgitiment American — 11/7/2008 @ 5:12 pm
“Quite simply, Palin wows male voters…”
Well, some of them, anyway: Hannity, Limbaugh, Kristol, Beck, Buchanan, Joe the Plumber, you, and others of a similar bent.
Then there are less susceptible males who, like my husband, regard Ms. Palin as an embarrassing ignorant throwback. Thankfully, many smart men aren’t mesmerized into an unthinking coma by a nice set of high-heeled legs.
Comment by S.W.R. — 11/7/2008 @ 8:24 pm
You want to have a dialogue with Obama.
And why should he want to have one with you?
You have marginalized yourselves into near inconsequence.
And Obama would have a dialogue with which wing of the Republican party? When you have a Republican party, then perhaps he might respond.
Comment by bobwire — 11/8/2008 @ 1:13 am
Great post, well thought out and surprisingly sober manifesto for opposition. I hope the movement of your kind of conservatives grows so we can have a healthy conflict of ideas in this country and always make it for the better. Being left of center myself, you are the kind of conservative I could hang out with and come to some kind of consensus. I am happy to disagree with reasonable people and even be swayed by logical argument. For some of your compatriots to argue that Bush did nothing to stimulate a Democratic victory and to blame it solely on “nitpicking” is ridiculous. This kind of thinking will relegate the GOP to the status of the Conservative Party in the UK.
We can have different ideas and do idielogical battle and not hate one another. Hate destroys the hater and weakens our country. We can do this together, with respect.
Comment by Floyd Webb — 11/8/2008 @ 8:44 am