Right Wing Nut House



Filed under: "24" — Rick Moran @ 5:07 am

I have reluctantly decided to end my attempts to summarize each episode of 24 this year.

There are several reasons for this but chief among them is lack of time. With two jobs on the internet and my own site to write for, the summaries were getting squeezed into whatever time was left over - which turned out to be not too damned much.

The quality and timeliness of the summaries were not up to my standards either. Not being able to spend the time thoroughly reviewing each episode meant that I was forced to fall back on the hack summaries at the Fox website. And the writing was definitely sub-par - something of an embarrassment when I re-read the few summaries I was able to get on the site.

When I started these summaries 4 years ago, there may have been two or three other bloggers who were posting on 24 and no one was writing about the episodes with (depending on your point of view) either the manic obsessiveness or attention to detail that I was. Now there are literally dozens of writers who, with varying degrees of detail and snark, fill the reader in on what happened the previous evening.

Looking back, I am proud of the effort I made to not only try and entertain but put the show in the context of modern politics, literary history (as in describing characters and plot devices used by dramatists going back to the Greeks), and the War on Terror while placing Jack Bauer in the pantheon of American heroes and following the development of his character.

But it hit me last night with the death of Bill Buchanan on the show. Despite what I believe is a revival of the series’ excellence, 24 is, to some extent, a dated enterprise. The crew we have in the White House now will no doubt continue our counterterrorism activities. But one gets the sense that the kind of war Jack Bauer is fighting every Monday night just doesn’t exist anymore. The War on Terror - and Jack Bauer - are anachronisms now, taking second place to an economy that continues to decline at a frightening pace. The villains Jack battles now are homegrown - evil capitalists, corrupt bureaucrats, and narrow minded lawmakers who have the audacity to question his methods after he has saved the United States countless times. The true enemy - Islamic extremism - is never mentioned. It doesn’t exist in Jack’s world anymore. It makes Jack’s “counterterrorism” efforts a surreal exercise in studied ignorance - the same mindset that strip searches little old ladies at airports while allowing a Syrian band to carry out “dry runs” testing our airline security and then letting them go.

I will continue to write about Bauer from time to time. It would be hard for me not to since I think sometimes Jack is my alter ego as I have written about him so much. But from here on out, I will be watching the show for pure enjoyment - a not unpleasant task given the fact that despite a ridiculously made up enemy, the series once again has us on the edge of our seats and has regained the ability to deliver hammer blows to our hearts, shocking us with plot twists and killing off regulars as few shows have ever done.

Thanks to all for reading these summaries. If you came to this site because of them, I hope you stick around for the other stuff.


  1. If the real world terrorists are in place and armed inside the US, what better time to unleash attacks than during the current financial crisis. The inept government we have now would not have a clue as to what to do, and chaos would bring the country to the edge of collapse if not over the edge.
    Osama will have won without leaving his cave. Real life “24″ on the streets.

    Comment by Lars — 3/10/2009 @ 7:40 am

  2. Interesting perspective. A thought occurred last night; 24 seemed a little over the edge, exaggerated, you might say, relative to all the dirty agents, staff, etc. Then I came back to reality and pondered the real life corruption, 535 examples on capitol hill just for starters, not to mention the state legislators, all of a sudden 24 seemed more true to life. For whatever their reasons might be, the shakers and movers seem hell bent on killing off heroes with impunity. Since we’re in mid season and the show has now become a nail biter, I’ll hang in there to the end. Regarding the future, I’ll seriously and slowly re-evaluate the Monday night routine. Relative to the blogger critique; perhaps I’ve been spoiled by the Moran style because after looking at the other bloggers, they just don’t cut the mustard. Far be it from me to question your planned changes. All things must be done decently and in order albeit the fact, you’ll be missed.

    Comment by jazplyr — 3/10/2009 @ 8:00 am

  3. To bad because you did it the best. Maybe you are just getting lazy or busy. Maybe just tired of writing about it. But not sure if it has anything to do with what you are talking about. it is a TV show and I think it is pretty good this season.

    Comment by Bob — 3/12/2009 @ 3:16 am

  4. I originally stumbled onto your blog because of 24. Now it is the first blogsite I check on a daily basis. I agree with the opinions of the show, and fear/hope this will be the last year. Further, the weekly “global warning” message is getting a little boring. Keep of the good work and I look forward to future posts.

    Comment by George — 3/12/2009 @ 7:14 am

  5. Rick,

    For 4 years now I have enjoyed your summaries of 24. It will be a shame to not read them any more. But we all understand the reasoning. Most people have to, at one time or another in their lives, put down something they enjoy for something that they must do instead.

    One final comment. This season I have played a little mental game comparing “Madame President” with our own President Obama to see which of the two is (in my opinion) the better leader for our country.

    Both of these leaders have (again in my opinion) similar politics but different styles of leading. Weekly I have vacillated back and forth, not sure which one would be best (or the least worst.) Right now I would have to give the job to “Madame President” since she seems to have a moral center unlike President Obama who seems to effortlessly reflect the direction of the political wind. It could be due to the fact that I know more about “Madame President” than I do President Obama that gives her the edge in my mind.

    In any case it has been a pleasure following your 24 blog. Thanks Rick!

    Wramblin’ Wreck

    Comment by Wramblin' Wreck — 3/12/2009 @ 12:39 pm

  6. Rick, I too stumbled on your site because of your 24 blogging, and liked what I saw.

    I do have one favor to ask though. Since you are giving it up, would you mind posting links to 2 or 3 of your favorite 24 blogs?

    I will do so. And some of the speculation boards that give me a lot of inspiration if not accuracy.


    Comment by Kevin — 3/12/2009 @ 5:00 pm

  7. Thanks for the four years, Rick!

    I was here long before reading the “24″ recaps — and I will keep reading your work. I first started watching “24″ two seasons ago (with President Logan and his wife Martha). When I go back to watch the season previous to that, I will read the recap from your archive after every episode. For now, I will look for another recap-er. Know of any good recap sites?

    Thanks, again, and I am glad you are full-time on the AT site, now.

    Comment by The First Gentleman — 3/12/2009 @ 5:03 pm

  8. Yo Rick,

    I’ll truly miss your summaries, - my wife and I have fond memories of commenting back and forth on your observations. But I can completely understand where you’re coming from. One of the most difficult decisions I’ve had to make in the last few years was to completely give up blogging on TMH’s Bacon Bits. (Now the URL has been grabbed by someone else, so it goes.) The real-world paying job and a growing family got in the way - blogging for me was purely for political sport (plus a perhaps misguided belief that I could make a difference in the b’sphere). Now you are a working stiff who DOES make a difference — you gotta do what ya gotta do.

    It has been a pleasure - do I say an honor? - to see Jack and his/our world through your brilliant and spot-on humorous/sarcastic filter. I’ll be keen to see a few philosophical/political comments from you as the various nefarious bureaucratic demons get exorcised through the purifying light and air cast on their wriggling bodies as Paladin Jack overturns more stones. (I just opened a new can of mixed metaphors, want some?)

    I’ll be stopping by RWNH, of course - in fact it seems I have a lot of reading to do from you on The Obaminator this week. Stay sane, right, and be cool, you’re doing great.I admire your stamina!

    BTW: Gads, I just realized I can’t remember your former alias, Rick! What was it? How embarrassing. Too many kids in the house now - the 18 month old, he’s on a rampage; 6 and 9 y.o. girls are very teenish — my brain cells are falling left and right like Obama’s campaign promises. ;)

    It was Superhawk. And sorry to hear about Bacon Bits. We had some lively back and forths on a few issues, didn’t we?


    Comment by The MaryHunter — 3/12/2009 @ 7:59 pm

  9. The most disheartening aspect of “24″ is that life doesn’t seem to exactly follow art.

    Take for instance all those “palace coups” that occur on “24″, this season included.

    Comment by Neo — 3/14/2009 @ 12:54 pm

  10. I’ll miss the re-caps. Will you post your “favorite” 24 posting sites here, or in another post in your “non-24″ site?

    Thanks again

    Comment by golfer1 — 3/14/2009 @ 4:25 pm

  11. I’ll miss the re-caps. Will you post your “favorite” 24 posting sites here, or in another post in your “non-24″ site?

    Thanks again

    Comment by golfer1 — 3/14/2009 @ 4:25 pm

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