Right Wing Nut House



Filed under: Blogging — Rick Moran @ 3:36 pm

Sue and I are taking part in our annual swapping of some cold bug. Every year about this time, no matter what we do, no matter how careful we are to stay apart, we keep giving each other a bug that resists our best efforts to die. One of us will be almost over it when almost on cue, we have a relapse and the whole coughing/sneezing/runny nose thing starts up again.

This year, we even tried spraying disinfectant every couple of days - it didn’t work. Whatever it is, it has me laid low these past few days and this, along with the problems with my website (which still persist) have made writing for The House a no-go for the last several days.

I hope to be back in the saddle tomorrow or Wednesday and apologize for my absence.


Rick Moran


  1. All the best!! That’s why I don’t live in cold places anymore.

    Comment by funny man — 3/16/2009 @ 4:51 pm

  2. Hey Rick, feel better soon! Lots of interesting things to blog about are happening in your absence…

    Comment by Surabaya Stew — 3/16/2009 @ 9:44 pm

  3. Rick,

    Get well soon!! There are people out here counting on it!!

    This is link is for everyone.

    On the far left network called PBS, there is a far left show called NOW with Bill Moyers. They talked to a far left economist called Ken Rogoff, from the far left University called Harvard.

    For anyone looking to be provoked click here:

    Comments anyone?

    Comment by bsjones — 3/17/2009 @ 12:45 am

  4. CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP! Is there anything it can’t cure?

    Meanwhile, yet another clue to help answer your question about the extent of Obama’s “radicalism.”

    Charging soldiers to treat their wounds is stupid, crass, and morally unacceptable - but hardly “radical.”


    Comment by John Howard — 3/17/2009 @ 6:07 am

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