Right Wing Nut House



Filed under: Blogging, Politics — Rick Moran @ 4:43 pm

Greg Sargent is reporting that some of the top liberal bloggers are “furious” with progressive groups and the Democratic party for not bribing them to support their initiatives by placing ads on their sites.

Some of the leading liberal bloggers are privately furious with the major progressive groups - and in some cases, the Democratic Party committees - for failing to spend money advertising on their sites, even as these groups constantly ask the bloggers for free assistance in driving their message.

It’s a development that’s creating tensions on the left and raises questions about the future role of the blogosphere at a time when a Dem is in the White House and liberalism could be headed for a period of sustained ascendancy.

A number of these top bloggers agreed to come on record with me after privately arguing to these groups that they deserved a share in the ad wealth and couldn’t be taken for granted any longer.

“They come to us, expecting us to give them free publicity, and we do, but it’s not a two way street,” Jane Hamsher, the founder of FiredogLake, said in an interview. “They won’t do anything in return. They’re not advertising with us. They’re not offering fellowships. They’re not doing anything to help financially, and people are growing increasingly resentful.”

Hamsher singled out Americans United for Change, which raises and spends big money on TV ad campaigns driving Obama’s agenda, as well as the constellation of groups associated with it, and the American Association of Retired Persons, also a big TV advertiser.

“Most want the easy way - having a big blogger promote their agenda,” adds Markos Moulitsas, the founder of DailyKos. “Then they turn around and spend $50K for a one-page ad in the New York Times or whatever.” Moulitsas adds that officials at such groups often do nothing to engage the sites’s audiences by, say, writing posts, instead wanting the bloggers to do everything for them. 

Hey! I’m with you guys 100%. If you’re going to shill, the least you can ask for is some pocket change. All those years of brown nosing and you’d think these big shots would have the common courtesy to toss a few coins in the hat and give you a hanky to wipe the stain off your face. I mean, what’s the use of prostituting yourself if the party pooh-bahs won’t leave any money on the dresser when they leave?

I realize it is difficult at times to follow liberal logic but aren’t they the ones who refer to the righty blogosphere as an “echo chamber?” And yet here we have them grousing that no one wants to pay them to perform as  a lock step, unified message machine for the White House and Democratic Congress. That kind of irony is usually found in great literature, not the grubby, grasping whinings of  a bunch of overhyped, underwhelming partisan pikers.

Methinks they have an elevated opinion of their own importance.

Adds John Amato, the founder of Crooks and Liars: “These groups actually believe that we should promote their stuff for free. Do they not understand that we need funds to sustain our viability?”

When was the last time someone walked up to you and said, “I will wash your windows if you help me sustain my viability.?”

Holy crap, what kind of double talk is that? The libs want money. They want to feel the greenbacks bulging in their pockets. They want to caress those Hamiltons, smell those Grants, make love to those beautiful Benjamin Franklins.

And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that - unless you are so besotted with guilt and worry that you are taking more than “your share” that you “need funds to sustain [your] viability” rather than have marvelous dreams of avarice and wealth. Do you think Markos dreams guilty dreams of driving a vette 100 MPH down the interstate, laughing uncontrollably and without feeling remorse about burning all that  carbon? Do you think Avarosis has fantasies of a night with the Chippendale dancers in a decidedly un eco friendly mansion? What do liberals fantasize about when, like some right wing Christians, they deny themselves the simple (but expensive) pleasures in life? 

Whatever those daydreams are, let’s pray that groups like Moveon and AARP get around to funding them. Everyone is entitled to what they’re worth - at least in their own minds. And given the tireless work these bloggers have performed for the progressive movement in smearing, besmirching, lying, exaggerating, deliberately misconstruing intent, and assassinating the character of their opponents, by God, they deserve it.


  1. So, they think capitalism is great for themselves, but, not for everyone else. Kinda like with taxes, reducing carbon footprints, etc.

    Comment by William Teach — 4/8/2009 @ 7:19 pm

  2. [...] precious. As Rick Moran is saying, the left constantly droned on about the Vast Right Wing Echo Chamber, how all the [...]

    Pingback by Liberal Bloggers Need Waa-mbulance: Where’s Our Money! » Pirate’s Cove — 4/8/2009 @ 7:38 pm

  3. [...] precious. As Rick Moranis saying, the left constantly droned on about the Vast Right Wing Echo Chamber, how all the [...]

    Pingback by Liberal Bloggers Need Waa-mbulance: Where’s Our Money! : Stop The ACLU — 4/8/2009 @ 7:39 pm

  4. Your last paragraph Rick sounds like what rightwing blogs do. For your info Daily Kos ripped Holder and the Obama administration for keeping some of Bush’s rulings on illegal wiretaps. Unlike republicans, democrats aren’t monolithic.

    Comment by Joe — 4/8/2009 @ 8:02 pm

  5. Let’s see: conservatives ripped Bush for his stance on illegal aliens, Dubai Ports, Harriet Miers, his unwillingness to defend his policies, many of his Iraq policies, his failure to stop the pork barrel spending, and unwillingness to veto massive spending, among others. Still and all, the man had principles, and you knew what you were getting with Bush.

    With Obama, all the left is getting is buyers remorse.

    Nice deflection, though, Joe.

    Comment by William Teach — 4/8/2009 @ 8:25 pm

  6. Wow, and AP wants to be paid too. You just listed some of the left wing knee-jerk blogs I seldom read because about all they do is sprout the party line.

    I don’t blog so I don’t know the expenses of blogging especially for an individual blogger. I do know that almost all blogging sites that I’ve read do have a please donate button.

    But I think it’s funny for these bloggers asking to be paid for shilling. Now they know what the term, giving your milk for free, means.

    Comment by Gaia's Child — 4/8/2009 @ 9:04 pm

  7. [...] Rick Moran of Right Wing Nut House also can’t help but gloat: [...]

    Pingback by Heavyweight “Liberal” Bloggers Torqued Off At Progressive Groups | THE GUN TOTING LIBERAL™ — 4/8/2009 @ 9:56 pm

  8. I think it’s fine that they get paid off with advertising dollars. But we’ll see how “independent” they can think when they become part of the Democratic money machine.

    BTW, does anybody know if Kos or any of the other bloggers gets a “scrape” for fundraising? That’s an area where I’d argue that they could and should be making money, just as any professional fundraiser does.

    Comment by Pat Curley — 4/8/2009 @ 11:58 pm

  9. I think it’s fine that they get paid off with advertising dollars. But we’ll see how “independent” they can think when they become part of the Democratic money machine.

    BTW, does anybody know if Kos or any of the other bloggers gets a “scrape” for fundraising? That’s an area where I’d argue that they could and should be making money, just as any professional fundraiser does.
    Sorry… forgot to say great post - can’t wait to read your next one!

    Comment by Pat Curley — 4/9/2009 @ 5:59 am

  10. [...] Rick Moran offered only false sympathy. [...]

    Pingback by Never Yet Melted » Left Blogosphere Leaders: Show Us the Money! — 4/9/2009 @ 6:54 am

  11. Let’s see: conservatives ripped Bush for his stance on illegal aliens, Dubai Ports, Harriet Miers, his unwillingness to defend his policies, many of his Iraq policies, his failure to stop the pork barrel spending, and unwillingness to veto massive spending, among others. Still and all, the man had principles, and you knew what you were getting with Bush.”

    LOL you cannot be serious. The illegal aliens 100% I’ll give you, Bush alienated the base, but PLEASE cite to any reputable post from the early stages of the Iraq War, which was clearly illegal from day 1 (as a lawyer, I’ll tell you willful ignorance or recklessness are the same thing), or a call to veto his budgets. Yes, Obama’s is bigger by .4 billion, but he didn’t exempt “unexpected” expenditures like Iraq as bush did in his (while our troops used scrap metal as body armor but I digress)….who could have expected we would invade a country that had nothing to do with our national security! A totally unexpected budget expenditure to be sure. I clearly remember all the “tea-parties” during that time. /sorcasm

    I’m not the biggest fan of Olbermann, but the guy did a SCATHING attack on Obama’s retaining of the status-quo of Bush’s wiretapping and torture memos policy that def. surprised me as I always assumed he was a partisan hack (he def was during the election run-up). He’s no Glenn Greenwald to be sure, but PLEASE LINK to any backing of you said that took place as it was happening. Olbermann did a few nights ago, Greenwald has since day 1. Plenty of conservatives jumped the ship with the rest of the rats about Iraq once it was clear it wasn’t working, very few stood up before it happened and said “regardless if this works 100% as we think it will and we’re greeted as liberators, it is ILLEGAL and IMMORAL.” Your post seems to implies that, please cite or correct me where I’m wrong.

    Comment by Longhorn Jon — 4/10/2009 @ 12:41 am

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