Right Wing Nut House



Filed under: PJ Media — Rick Moran @ 8:30 am

My latest at Pajamas Media is up today, a piece that is about 95% satire. It is exaggerated, over the top, and bears little resemblance to facts or the truth.

If you lack a sense of humor, please do not read or comment on it. But the idea of informing on your fellow citizens is creepy even if the White House won’t be making a list or keeping the emails. Pity if some of you can’t see it.

Anyway, here’s a sample of my brilliant, amusing prose:

I was too young and too obscure to make Richard Nixon’s enemies list back in the day. Not yet out of my teens, my attendance at subversive rallies against the Vietnam War and my contributions to a wildly anti-Nixon publication at my high school we bravely called The Truth just weren’t enough to bring me to the attention of Charles Colson. Thus, I never had a chance to get my name listed along with other great Americans like Ted Kennedy, Paul Newman, and Joe Namath.

I was a good little radical back then, mouthing all the idiocy we heard our elders spouting about evil corporations, evil conservatives, and the evil, evil military. Alas, the world passed me by and the one great opportunity of a lifetime to be recognized as an enemy of the state was lost.

Until now.

Having since grown up, gotten a job, and been disabused of the idea that there is, in fact, such a thing as a free lunch — along with other magical ideas liberals hold — you can imagine my delight when I heard that President Obama is going to be starting an enemies list of his own.

This time, I am absolutely determined to make the grade. Nothing will stand in my way. Come hell or high water, I am going to get my name on that list if I have to camp out in front of the office of Linda Douglass, communications director for the White House Office of Health Reform, until she slaps my moniker on that list just to get rid of me.

Read the whole thing.


  1. I will give you amusing. As someone wrote elsewhere, it would be a healthy thing if the Obama Administration actually took up all its time spying on the majority of the nation that opposes this idiotic health care legislation.

    On a serious note, what in the hell has happened to the President and All His Men? As I recall, shortly before the economic meltdown and McCain’s horrible “suspend the campaign and deal with the economy” stunt, the president had fallen behind in the polls. It was sheer luck, if a horrible recession can be called such a thing, that propelled Obama into office despite McCain’s dreadful campaign.

    I have come to wonder if the Obama communications team had started to falter late last summer, and by a fluke were able to coast until a month or two ago. Now they seem adrift and lost. I also don’t think Obama would condone domestic spying on “enemies,” but that implication is not unreasonable given what Douglass and Company have said and done. These people need PR 101 or they are in for a long, long, long three and one-half years.

    Comment by jackson1234 — 8/7/2009 @ 9:07 am

  2. I can only impagine the horror that would have been depicted in the media had this been done during the Bush administration. Poosible New York Times headlnes would have been some of the following:



    Comment by SShiell — 8/7/2009 @ 9:36 am

  3. In order to fulfill your wish, I have forwarded the text of your post to flag@whitehouse.gov.

    Just doing my part! :)

    Comment by Cordeiro — 8/7/2009 @ 10:53 am

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