Well, perhaps not all 43 of this list of conservative bloggers that John Hawkins polled to get “The Top 25 Worst Americans.” After all, we don’t know who voted Barack Obama on to that list over, say, Jeffrey Dahmer. The serial killing cannibal was not on the list of 25 worst Americans which either means he didn’t get enough votes or most conservative bloggers enjoy “liva and faaaaahva beans with a nice keyanti.”
Out of all the gangsters, serial killers, mass murderers, incompetent & crooked politicians, spies, traitors, and ultra left-wing kooks in all of American history — have you ever wondered who the worst of the worst was? Well, we here at RWN wondered about that, too, and that’s why we decided to email more than a hundred bloggers to get their opinions. Representatives from the following 43 blogs responded…
101 Dead Armadillos, Argghhhh!, Basil’s Blog, Cold Fury, Conservative Compendium, The Dana Show, DANEgerus Weblog, Dodgeblogium, Cara Ellison, Exurban League, Fausta’s Blog, Freeman Hunt, GraniteGrok, House of Eratosthenes, Infidels Are Cool, IMAO, Jordan Woodward, Moe Lane, Mean Ol’ Meany, The Liberal Heretics, Midnight Blue, Pirate’s Cove, Nice Deb, Pundit Boy, Professor Bainbridge, Pursuing, Liz Mair, Moonbattery, mountaineer musings, No Oil For Pacifists, No Runny Eggs, Right View from the Left Coast, Russ. Just Russ, Say Anything, Don Singleton, The TrogloPundit, The Underground Conservative, This Ain’t Hell, The Virtuous Republic, Vox Popoli, WILLisms, Wintery knight, YidwithLid
And what did all that 10 Watt brainpower come up with? (Number of votes in parenth)
23) Saul Alinsky (7)
23) Bill Clinton (7)
23) Hillary Clinton (7)
19) Michael Moore (7)
19) George Soros (8)
19) Alger Hiss (8)
19) Al Sharpton (8)
13) Al Gore (9)
13) Noam Chomsky (9)
13) Richard Nixon (9)
13) Jane Fonda (9)
13) Harry Reid (9)
13) Nancy Pelosi (9)
11) John Wilkes Booth (10)
11) Margaret Sanger (10)
9) Aldrich Ames (11)
9) Timothy McVeigh (11)
7) Ted Kennedy (14)
7) Lyndon Johnson (14)
5) Benedict Arnold (17)
5) Woodrow Wilson (17)
4) The Rosenbergs (19)
3) Franklin Delano Roosevelt (21)
2) Barack Obama (23)
1) Jimmy Carter (25)
Absolutely astonishing. One mass murderer (McVeigh) and one assassin (Booth) made the list. No gangsters. No old west gunmen. Both Woodrow Wilson and FDR in the top 5 worst? If you’re going to penalize presidents so severely for having wrongheaded ideas about economic policy, why not include George Bush? Or the modern Republican party who never met a deficit they didn’t embrace as long is it was caused by tax cuts.
Frankly, this is embarrassing. Putting the Clintons, Pelosi, Reid, Gore, Sharpton, and other contemporary Democrats ahead of someone like Nathan Bedford Forest who was at least partly responsible for creating the KKK after the Civil War and spent his spare nights riding around the countryside whipping, lynching, and burning at the stake innocent African Americans demonstrates an extraordinary ignorance of American history.
No Aaron Burr? His descendant, Gore Vidal, might have made honorable mention on the list, but Burr was a genuine bad guy. He not only murdered Alexander Hamilton in a duel, Burr hatched a plot to take over large swaths of land in the west, set himself up as king, and secede from the US.
I guess making idiotic, dishonest documentaries about America (Michael Moore) is a bigger crime than killing one of the Founders and anointing oneself a monarch.
Here’s my list of “The Top 5 Worst Americans Missed by Idiotic Conservative Bloggers:
5. Ted Bundy. Might have killed more than 50 women.
4. William Randolph Hearst - the inventor of modern liberal journalism who singlehandedly whipped up war fever against Spain in his 30 newspapers while dominating the media - to the detriment of democracy - like no one before or since.
3. John C. Calhoun - his constant threats to take South Carolina out of the Union if the institution of slavery was touched were bad enough. But his embrace of the doctrine of nullification and his being an inspiration to the secessionists was a direct cause of the Civil War.
2. William Walker - one of the most unlovely Americans who ever lived. His attempts on behalf of the south to bring parts of Mexico and central America into an “Empire of Slavery” - setting up colonies that would then be annexed by the US - was not only a cockamamie scheme but thousands died because of it.
1. Bloody Bill Anderson - speaking of thousands being killed, how about the terrorist Bill Anderson? Not only did he ride through Missouri and Kanas during the Civil War, killing wantonly and with great glee, (200 massacred in Lawrence Kanas in 1863) some of his men ended up carrying on the “fight” for years afterward, including the James brothers and the Younger boys.
As Steve Bainbridge and Jim Geraghty have already noted, this is just bizarre. Bainbridge rightly observes that the list “reflects the partisan passions of the moment, not anything resembling a serious verdict of history.” Instead, he prefers traitors, terrorists, and racists as his Worst Americans. Geraghty says these are merely “the top figures who bug conservative bloggers” and thinks more mobsters and serial killers should have made the list.
I sometimes participate in John’s polls but this one is actually too much work. It’s pretty easy to come up with a list of Greatest Americans – Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, Edison, etc. But Worst Figures? That’s pretty hard.
To me, such a list should be reserved for people who had a large impact and who intentionally did evil, not simply those who acted according to the widespread beliefs of the day that are now viewed as repugnant.
James goes a little off the rails himself when he tries to question the inclusion of Benedict Arnold on the list:
Not only did his plot fail but, as a technical matter, he was in fact a British subject.
Arnold not only “intentionally did evil” as James points out should be part of the criteria for making such a list, but he also did it almost exclusively for money and position. James’ “technicality” regarding Arnold’s citizenship doesn’t wash. He was easily as much an American citizen as British subject.
Nice try James. A scholar’s argument to be sure.
This is one poll John Hawkins should have quietly filed in the trash can.
[...] Update: Rick Moran has chimed in with what is clearly the most amusing response to this whole thing — The Top 43 Dumbest Conservative Bloggers. [...]
Pingback by Below The Beltway » Blog Archive » The Worst Figures In American History — 8/14/2010 @ 10:27 am
[...] Update: Rick Moran has chimed in with what is clearly the most amusing response to this whole thing — The Top 43 Dumbest Conservative Bloggers. [...]
Pingback by Below The Beltway » Blog Archive » The Worst Figures In American History — 8/14/2010 @ 10:27 am
[...] has turned on the right-of-center blogosphere and trashed them calling those who answered “dumb”. He should be flattered to be up there with The [...]
Pingback by Dodgeblogium » Moran channels Johnson over RWN pool — 8/14/2010 @ 12:16 pm
[...] of the kerfuffle, including Doug Mataconis, who I shall presently eviscerate. As usual, Rick Moran beat me to the punch while I was writing this and already said much of what I wanted to express, (Curse You, Red Baron!) [...]
Pingback by The Greenroom » How Does One Become a “Worst American?” — 8/14/2010 @ 12:39 pm
[...] And then we come to Rick Moran, who seems to slowly traveling the same unhinged bat shit crazy roads as Charles Johnson and Andrew Sullivan. He can’t simply disagree, oh, no, that would be too easy (and normal for Rick, as he seems to spend more time disagreeing and insulting conservatives than anything else, anymore). Instead, we get THE TOP 43 DUMBEST CONSERVATIVE BLOGGERS [...]
Pingback by When Conservatives Bloggers Go Bat Guano Crazy Over A Freakin’ List » Pirate's Cove — 8/14/2010 @ 1:55 pm
[...] A lot of the list comes across as “the top figures who bug conservative bloggers,” and I don’t think it’s healthy to mix the categories of “people who bug me” and “history’s greatest monsters.” Even if the Simpsons did put Jimmy Carter atop that list first. 8/14/2010 THE TOP 43 DUMBEST CONSERVATIVE BLOGGERS [...]
Pingback by Update: Some Conservative Bloggers Select The 25 Worst Figures In American History and others Have a Fit « Cliftonchadwick's Blog — 8/14/2010 @ 6:47 pm
[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Doug Mataconis, Terry Canaan. Terry Canaan said: #Wingnut bloggers totally cool with Lee Harvey Oswald #p2 #tcot #teaparty [...]
Pingback by Tweets that mention Right Wing Nut House » THE TOP 43 DUMBEST CONSERVATIVE BLOGGERS -- — 8/14/2010 @ 7:12 pm
Speaking of a Right Wing Nut House……
Rick Moran didn’t like the list that a bunch of conservative bloggers came up with, and said so. And called them the “Dumbest Conservative Bloggers.”
Trackback by BasilsBlog — 8/15/2010 @ 1:33 am
[...] I guess some liberal moon-bat has put together a list of the “dumbest conservative bloggers” and I’m not on it. [...]
Pingback by Alphecca » Rats, I Didn’t Make the List! — 8/15/2010 @ 2:45 am
[...] less extreme right or I’m becoming more conservative. Scary stuff, that. “…Frankly, this is embarrassing. Putting the Clintons, Pelosi, Reid, Gore, Sharpton, and other contemporary Democrats ahead of [...]
Pingback by The “Worst” Conservative List Ever – Really Isn’t About Blogging « The Pink Flamingo — 8/15/2010 @ 6:15 am
[...] Rick Moran didn’t like the names on the list (Jimmy Carter was the most often cited so he was made No. 1 but the names were not ranked) so he called the bloggers “the “Dumbest Conservative Bloggers.” [...]
Pingback by Daily scoreboard « Don Surber — 8/15/2010 @ 2:47 pm
[...] II: Be sure to read Rick Moran’s criticism as well. [...]
Pingback by Hot Air » Do a couple of blog posts prove politics is “broken”? — 8/16/2010 @ 11:10 am
[...] Rick Moran and others have pointed out that my recollection of Benedict Arnold’s misdeeds is too kind. I vaguely remembered that he plotted to turn West Point (then decades away from being a military academy, instead being a key vantage point on the Hudson River) over to the Brits and failed miserably and that he lived a life of quiet ignominy in London after the war. I’d forgotten that he subsequently led British troops in a slaughter of citizens of his erstwhile home. And, while he was, like all of the Revolutionaries, a British subject under law, he was born and raised in New England. Filed Under: *FEATURED, Blogosphere, James Joyner Tagged With: Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Jim Geraghty, Jimmy Carter, John Hawkins, Steve Bainbridge [...]
Pingback by Worst Figures in American History — 8/16/2010 @ 11:46 am
[...] Matt Lewis, Jazz Shaw and Rick Moran were none to pleased about the results of this blogger poll. Doug Mataconis summed up the reactions [...]
Pingback by Assumptions Get You Nowhere in the Blogosphere. | Midnight Blue Says — 8/16/2010 @ 9:38 pm
[...] Rick Moran: Absolutely astonishing. One mass murderer (McVeigh) and one assassin (Booth) made the list. No gangsters. No old west gunmen. Both Woodrow Wilson and FDR in the top 5 worst? If you’re going to penalize presidents so severely for having wrongheaded ideas about economic policy, why not include George Bush? Or the modern Republican party who never met a deficit they didn’t embrace as long is it was caused by tax cuts. [...]
Pingback by Worst. List. Ever. « Around The Sphere — 8/17/2010 @ 5:29 pm
[...] up to the scandalous Worst American’s poll which twisted the knickers of some conservative bloggers, John Hawkins posted to RWN the top 25 conservative picks for the greatest figures in American [...]
Pingback by RWN Poll – 25 of the Greatest Figures in American History | Midnight Blue Says — 8/21/2010 @ 2:24 pm