Right Wing Nut House



Filed under: FrontPage.Com, PJ Media, Politics — Rick Moran @ 7:58 am

I have been remiss in publishing links to my work around the web lately. Allow me to rectify that:

My latest was published at FPM today about the planned massive demonstration today in Tahrir Square, Cairo. Protestors are angered at the slow pace of change and want the military to step aside for a civilian “transnational council” that would rule until elections were held - now put off till probably December.

On 7/12, I had another piece at FPM “Syria Embassy Attack: The Last Straw?” which gave some background on the attack on the US embassy in Damascus. Assad bused in hundreds of thugs to attack both our and the French consulate. It was in response to a visit to Hama by our ambassador to stand in solidarity with the Syrian people in their right to protest.

On 7/11, my FPM piece was on the “The Peaceful Palestinian ‘Fly-In’ Lie.” So many useful idiots - so little time to list them all.

Finally, the brand new PJ Media Lifestyles page was the venue for my short blog post on Falling Skies and why it might go all PC on us.

Enjoy. Political writing to return at any moment so stay tuned.

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