Right Wing Nut House


RINO Hour of Power: Cliffhanger: Can We Avoid Catastrophe?

Filed under: RINO Hour of Power — Rick Moran @ 4:50 pm

Join us for another breathtaking episode of the RINO Hour of Power, hosted by Rick Moran with special guest host Fausta Wertz.

Negotiations to prevent a fiscal calamity after January 1 are going slowly and despite some hopeful signs, the two sides are stil a long way from an agreement. Can congress and the president cut a deal before mandatory cuts in the budget and tax increases push us over the fiscal cliff. Bryan Preston of PJ Media will join Fausta and Rick to talk about the prospects for a deal and other issues surrounding the negotiations.

The show will stream live from 8:00 - 9:00 PM eastern time. A podcast will be available shortly after the end of the show.

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  1. [...] here: RINO Hour of Power: Cliffhanger: Can We Avoid Catastrophe? [...]

    Pingback by RINO Hour of Power: Cliffhanger: Can We Avoid Catastrophe? | Liberal Whoppers — 11/27/2012 @ 10:51 pm

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