Right Wing Nut House


RINO Hour of Power: Scandals in Washington; Hope in Latin America

Filed under: RINO Hour of Power — Rick Moran @ 4:16 pm

Join us for another blockbuster episode of the RINO Hour of Power with your host Rick Moran and special co-host Fausta Wertz of Fausta’s Blog.

Tonight, we’ll spend equal time talking about developments in the scandals in Washington and some truly remarkable news out of Latin America. One of the most exciting things in international relations today is the Pacific Alliance, a new grouping of free market, free trade economies in Latin America and elsewhere that is rewriting the book on how to build a successful economy.

To discuss the developments in Washington and news out of Latin America will be Monica Showalter of Investors Business Daily.

We stream live from 8:00 - 9:00 PM Eastern time. A podcast will be available shortly after the end of the show.

You can join us live by clicking the icon below or by clicking here.

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  1. [...] posted here: RINO Hour of Power: Scandals in Washington; Hope in Latin America [...]

    Pingback by RINO Hour of Power: Scandals in Washington; Hope in Latin America | Liberal Whoppers — 6/4/2013 @ 9:16 pm

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