RINO Hour of Power: ‘The Dream’: 50 Years On
Fifty years ago this week, Martin Luther King stood on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial and told a quarter of a million people of his dream of an American future where race didn’t matter in judging your fellow man, only the content of his character.
King, who spent most of his life as a Republican, never imagined that his descendents in the civil rights movement would make every effort to ensure that race would become the only thing that mattered and that one’s character was judged by politics, and not on any moral basis that King would have recognized.
Host Rick Moran and co-host Fausta Wertz will be joined on this week’s edition of the RINO Hour of Power by J. Christian Adams, a former attorney in the civil rights division, to talk about the state of Martin Luther King’s dream 50 years on.
We stream live from 8:00 - 9:00 PM Eastern time. A podcast will be available shortly after then end of the show.
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