Military History Quiz by Victor Davis Hanson
If you think you know something of history, this quiz, based on the latest book by VDH, The Savior Generals, can be fun and challenging.
The quiz is part of PJ Media’s latest project, the Freedom Academy. I’m a member of the literary panel for the academy, along with authors and web personalities like Andrew McCarthy, Jonah Goldberg, Rich Lowry and others. Here’s the info about the book club.
Here are a couple of questions from the quiz:
How did Themistocles Die? (10 points)
Of old age in Athens
Killed gallantly the next year at the Battle of Plataea
Committed suicide while working for the Persians
We have no information of what happened to himWho were the Americans actually fighting in Korea? (10 points)
North Korean communist forces
Red Chinese soldiers of the People’s Liberation Army
Russian military advisors
All of the aboveWhom did Sherman consider his most gifted colleague? (10 points)
Gen. Henry Halleck
Secretary of War Stanton
General U.S. Grant
General George Thomas
Not easy, eh? Be prepared for some brain teasers from the professor.
By the way, your going to want to become a premium member of the Freedom Academy if only to have access to Dr. Hanson’s 4 hour series of lectures on Western Civilization. There are also series of programs on the Federalist Papers, and a series on the creation of the US Constitution.
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