Right Wing Nut House


RINO Hour of Power: A Look at the Electoral Map for 2016

Filed under: RINO Hour of Power — Rick Moran @ 5:27 pm

Join us for another fascinating episode of the RINO Hour of Power with your host Rick Moran and special co-host Rich Baehr of the American Thinker.

Demographics is destiny and for either the Republicans or Democrats in 2016, it will prove the decisive factor in winning or losing. Who has the advantage going into 2016? And how are the mid term elections shaping up?

We’ll ask Bridget Johnson, Washington correspondent for PJ Media.

The show streams live from 8:00 - 9:00 PM Eastern time. A podcast will be available shortly after the end of the show

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  1. [...] reading here: RINO Hour of Power: A Look at the Electoral Map for 2016 [...]

    Pingback by RINO Hour of Power: A Look at the Electoral Map for 2016 | Liberal Whoppers — 1/21/2014 @ 11:27 pm

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