RINO Hour of Power: Is President Obama Checking Out of the Presidency?
It’s a bizarre situation in Washington as several pundits and commentators have openly wondered if the president of the United States is as engaged as he should be.
As the world literally spins out of control, the president appears to be withdrawing from the center of action. Fundraiser after fundraiser, golf games, dinner parties - the president’s reputation for “no drama” notwithstanding, the president appears bored and listless in his public appearances.
The chasm that opens up beneath our feet if these observations are even partly true is frightening to contemplate. On tonight’s RINO Hour of Power, we’ll discuss and try to interpret the president’s ennui with Bryan Preston of PJ Media’s The Grid and Rich Baehr, political correspondnet of the American Thinker.
We stream live from 8:00 - 9:00 PM Eastern time. A poodcast will be available shortly after the end of the show.
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