RINO Hour of Power: The Opening to Cuba
The US proposal to relax restrictions on Cuba has been controversial. Some believe that exchanges with Cuba will get the Castro regime to open up its society and bring freedom to the island.
Others believe that notion is nonsense.
The issue has divided Cuban Americans, largely along generatioinal lines, with younger people supporting the move and older Americans opposing it. What does the future hold and will the embargo be lifted soon?
The RINO Hour of Power, with your host Rick Moran, will examine the issue from every angle with author and radio host Silvio Canto, an American who escaped Cuba with his family shortly after Castro took power. Co-hosting the show will be Fausta Wertz, who runs the popular Latin America blog Fausta’s Blog.
The show streams live from 8:00 - 9:00 PM Eastern time. A podcast will be available shortly after the end of the show.
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