RINO Hour of Power: Eight Year Anniversary of Broadcasting on Blog Talk Radio
On March 17, 2007 I broadcast my first show on Blog Talk Radio. It was “The Rick Moran Show” back then and if I recall correctly, it aired at 4:00 PM Central time that day.
Eight years later and a new title for the show, I’m still here every Tuesday night broadcasting live. Over time, I’ve built a modest audience and am constantly surprised by some of the people who tune in occassionally.
For this anniversary show, I decided to rebroadcast our most popular show during this 8 year run; an interview with my brother Terry Moran of ABC News. It first aired in May, 2014 and served as a relaunch to the RINO Hour of Power which had been on hiatus for several weeks.
The show streams live from 8:00 - 9:00 PM Eastern time. A podcast will be available shortly after the end of the show.
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