Right Wing Nut House



Filed under: Decision '08, FRED!, Politics — Rick Moran @ 1:21 pm

I realize that my legions of devoted followers have been sitting on the edge of their seats for days wondering when I was going to make a formal endorsement for a Republican candidate for President.

Not wanting to deprive you, my gentle readers, of an adequate oxygen supply any longer, you may now stop holding your breaths; it’s Fred.

No surprise to readers of this site but I think even my most devoted House Nuts didn’t understand the dilemma I was in. You see, I’m endorsing Fred Thompson despite the fact that I don’t think he can win, that a miracle would have to strike for Fred to capture the nomination.

“Don’t believe the polls!” is the battle cry of politicians who are way behind. This is pure sophistry when you consider the fact that many candidates have their own internal polls telling them pretty much what the public polls are saying; you’re behind and you don’t have much of a chance of winning. In Fred’s case, the polls reflect a very sobering reality; he’s got too much ground to make up and not enough time to do it.

He’s doing exactly the right thing by abandoning any thought of campaigning anywhere else except Iowa. It is in the Hawkeye state - the first in the nation test of strength - that Thompson must show himself a viable candidate. His own expectations are for third place. This is probably doable except for one thing; finishing third with 10-12% of the vote (which is where he’s at now) is not going to excite anyone anywhere. I think the only way Fred will be able to realistically continue the campaign is if he shocks the world and finishes second. This also is possible although the absolute latest from Iowa shows McCain in second with 20% and Romney 3rd with 17%. The important thing is that Romney is tanking. That leaves an opening for Thompson.

Where do you suppose McCain is most vulnerable? If you said immigration, you win a cookie. And who is the strongest candidate on immigration left in the field now that Tom Tancredo has exited the race? If you guessed Fred Thompson you get nothing because everyone knows that.

With Romney slipping, Thompson has a whisper of a chance at second place if he can hammer McCain between now and January 3 on immigration. This will probably end up helping Huckaduck also but that can’t be helped. A second in Iowa keeps the campaign alive at least through South Carolina.

But enough of the strategy, why endorse Fred now if I don’t think he can win? A simple matter of standing up for your guy when the chips are down and he’s at his lowest explains it. The most recent polls in Florida and South Carolina have Fred in 5th place and in single digits. If ever Fred needed a boost, it is from those of us who have liked what he stands for but held back from endorsing him for one reason or another. In my case, it was between Fred and Romney. But today’s news about Romney backpedaling on his contention that Governor George Romney marched with Martin Luther King during the civil rights era is the straw that broke the camel’s back. It never happened and his campaign disingenuously came out with a statement saying that Mitt was “speaking figuratively” not “literally.”

Well, figuratively speaking, I’m a fine figure of a man, devilishly handsome, and have women three at a time when I’m not battling terrorists and making liberal’s heads explode.

On the other hand, if you want to be “literal” about it, I’m 50 pounds overweight, devilishly cute, haven’t spoken to another woman since I met my Zsu-Zsu, and I write long, logical, cogent articles against terrorism while making liberal’s heads explode.

I don’t trust a man who speaks “figuratively” as an adjunct to using plain English. Romney speaks “figuratively” fluently - on abortion, gay marriage, immigration, and other issues. I can’t abide politicians who find it necessary to shade, color, or otherwise try to obscure their positions on issues. It smacks of pandering which is not only dishonest but reveals an inconstant character and someone without any core principles or beliefs.

Fred Thompson has no such weakness as far as I can determine. He is a man who knows his mind and has the intellectual heft to flesh out his ideas in an impressive, rational, and completely logical way. He knows government, knows the Congress, and knows what he believes. As a communicator, he may lack passion. But he makes up for it by speaking clearly and concisely about issues he cares deeply about.

Fred is real - what you see is what you get. In a way, he reminds me more of Eisenhower than Reagan. Not a simple man but a transparent one. There is little subterfuge or guile and his direct, no Mickey Mouse style of speaking and campaigning is a breath of fresh air when placed against his blow-dried rivals Romney and The Huckster.

In short, Fred Thompson is head and shoulders the better man when compared to any other Republican candidate. He may not be the best speaker. He may not shine on the campaign trail. But just who or what are we electing next November? The guy with the pretty smile and easy joke? Or are we trying to elect someone with the penetrating mind and the Iron will to go to Washington and really try and change things while being able to stand tall for America as we face the many serious threats against us in a very uncertain world.

So I would say to my fellow bloggers who, like me, know our endorsement means very little as far as the big picture of the campaign is concerned, that our collective voices, if shouted loud enough, just might do some good. The time is now to stand up for Fred if you support him. He needs our help desperately. Give as much money as you can spare. Write about the campaign often between now and January 3.

Go Fred!


Michelle Malkin commenting on Tom Tancredo’s coming departure from the campaign, offers a list of attributes she would like to see in a nominee:

Where do conservatives who take homeland security seriously turn?

I don’t need a candidate with whom I agree on 100 percent of the issues. At the very least, however, I’d like a candidate who doesn’t share the Left’s utter contempt for, apathy, or sheer condescension toward grass-roots Republicans and immigration enforcement activists. Character counts. Steadfastness counts. A spine would help. So would genuine passion and energy.

I would guess that her last criteria - “genuine passion and energy” - was probably a dig at Fred. I don’t necessarily disagree. Just go to Fred’s YouTube page and watch some of his early speeches and talks before small groups.

Deadly boring.

Does this mean Thompson lacks passion? Or “energy?” I think it means that Fred tries to engage people on an intellectual rather than emotional level. In politics, that doesn’t work very well. His recent performances are much more focused and yes, more energized. But being able to reach out and touch a voter’s soul may not be one of his strong points.

Other than that, Malkin was describing Fred Thompson to a “T.”


  1. You may want to be dismissive of the “Fred isn’t electable” mantra, but there is some truth to it. I would love to see either him or Romney get the nomination. I firmly believe that they would both govern as conservatives. Which candidate running can win the most conservative voters (fiscal, defense, AND social)? My bet is Mitt can!

    Comment by Cory — 12/20/2007 @ 2:13 pm

  2. Fred Thompson may (probably will) surprise a lot of pundits in the next couple of months. My prediction.

    At the moment I still trend McCain for a variety of reasons including the POW history, and despite the illegal immigration debacle.

    My honest opinion is that I should be in the race - at least I’d be able to handle Oink & Boink better than most and my rather devastating honesty would be a refreshing contrast to their inability to even think the truth!

    Comment by Gayle Miller — 12/20/2007 @ 2:15 pm

  3. Fred Thompzzzzzzzzzon if nominated will be the first candidate to ever fall asleep during the debates.

    Comment by edward cropper — 12/20/2007 @ 2:55 pm

  4. The MSM doesn’t want Thompson, nor any real conservative to win. I think they know Her Royal Thighness would lose to any GOP semi-conservative or true conservative in a fair battle.

    They don’t want a fair battle, so they will prop Huck up just to crush him.
    John McCain still doesn’t realize that he is just a tool, and I don’t mean just the lib’s tool, I mean he is a tool, period.
    Romney is a polished, “just for men” looking guy, with just the right amount of focus-grouped grey. No one can get excited for him.
    Guliani would be the best DHS secretary we could have, then we need to demolish that department. But he will leave a lot of conservatives sitting home, but could still win.He is no conservative, but the Dems fear him, and so want to use Huck on him.

    Fred is the man. If the rest of the field is cleared, the media could no longer ignore him. Her Thighness cannot beat him, not without legions of dead indians. The woman has huge negatives. Obama? If an amateur socialist with a middle name of “Hussein” can win the white house, then it is time for us to find a Pinochet, and do some darwinian action on the left side of the US isle.

    Comment by smarty — 12/20/2007 @ 3:26 pm

  5. A very nice article Rick.

    You have expressed the feelings of many of us Fred Thompson supporters. Fred Thompson is the best man for the job. He has the best ideas and explains them in his honest way.

    He isn’t a showman. I guess really, he leaves that for the movies. He is though a Consistent

    He certainly does have a rough road to travel, not only in Iowa but with hope through Carolina and beyond. Your endorsement as well as those from other bloggers is encouraging not only because for many of us it reinforces our long held personal opinion about Fred Thompson but because you like many bloggers have a knack for explaining your reasons much better than us who post our smart comments to your articles.

    And another point. Your article inspired me to donate a few more dollars into the Fred Thompson campaign. Hopefully it will inspire many others to do the same.

    Comment by borderbum — 12/20/2007 @ 3:44 pm

  6. I support Fred as well, its a longshot, but not impossible.

    Comment by doubleplusundead — 12/20/2007 @ 3:50 pm

  7. ” … more focused and yes more energized”
    Not according to the “lazy” story on politico.
    Sorry, no link.

    Comment by charlie — 12/20/2007 @ 4:19 pm

  8. Well, I’ve made my 5th contribution to Fred’s campaign.

    To me, the 2008 POTUS election is far too important to just sit back and let things just take their course (mostly guided by the leftist media); I’m not sure how long our nation can continue to stand without paying attention to our departure from our founding constitutional principles.

    Fred Thompson is the only Republican candidate that I can trust to really make a difference… all of the others will just result in “Washington business as usual”.

    Comment by electric-rascal — 12/20/2007 @ 4:26 pm

  9. “He is a man who knows his mind and has the intellectual heft to flesh out his ideas in an impressive, rational, and completely logical way. He knows government, knows the Congress, and knows what he believes. As a communicator, he may lack passion. But he makes up for it by speaking clearly and concisely about issues he cares deeply about.”

    Good lord, taken out of context like this it seems like you’re talking about Ron Paul, or *gasp* Dennis Kucinich. All you forgot was “knows the United States Constitution like the back of his hand.”

    This current crop of ‘candidates’ mostly makes me sick to my stomach. I’m talking about both sides of the isle here.

    Electing Romney would be the equivalent of electing a Scientologist.

    Giuliani… he’s just horrible. I can’t even believe he can call himself a republican and keep a straight face.

    Huckabee? The guy lied about the cross in his add. There’s nothing unintentional about advertising. If he’s willing to lie about something that stupid… I guess he’ll fit right in then. Oh, and there’s the whole DuMond thing.

    McCain? aka Carl Rove’s bitch? He coulda been someone. Interesting watching the media try to recreate him.

    Paul? This is an example of what happens when a party implodes.

    Tancredo? Demonstrating some real intelligence by getting the hell out.

    Fred Thompson? Oh my GOD, have you seen how hot his wife is? She gets my vote.

    Comment by tHePeOPle — 12/20/2007 @ 4:53 pm

  10. Here in Iowa things are not all Huckabee. Thompson has more ground support than I myself realized. Illegal Immigration is a very hot topic around here. Huckabee can’t pretend to be strong on that. I keep running into more and more people that have Fred! on their mind. Will see just how much success his bus trip will have. Jan 3rd is coming up fast.

    Comment by Jim — 12/20/2007 @ 4:58 pm

  11. The “miracle” you speak of for Fred to win is the same direct cause which provided three liberal candidates to either lead or have led in the polls.

    This is stone voter ignorance and nothing else. By all rights, those three clowns shouldn’t have made it out of the gate on a republican ticket let alone lead in the polls!

    Comment by Chris — 12/20/2007 @ 6:03 pm

  12. Heh, your headline made me think you were saying “Bring out your Fred!” Not that I have room to laugh at those rooting for distinctly underdog candidates; mine was dead and buried and they were tamping down the ground when he got up and started walking again.

    Comment by Brainster — 12/20/2007 @ 6:03 pm

  13. I am well on record in that I have said for years that the concept of the first two primary states being professional king makers for the rest of the country should have been trashed years ago in favor of larger closely matched states.

    Iowa gets way to much of candidate time if you look at the stats on the number of visits by all the players compared to other states they have been to.

    I don’t remember anyone dieing and making them king and it’s long overdue for this to be the last election that occurs in.

    Right now the field on the right is still so wide open that I don’t think whatever happens in the first two states will have the impact it had in past years because it will still be a multi way horse race with the top position changing but the same ones likely staying near the top.

    I don’t think it is really going to become critical until South Carolina comes into play especially when you also consider how primary dates have been moved up and juggled.

    The sad part is the big multi state primary day will possibly have voting going on with almost no visits to a lot of the states by some candidates at all or at least very few.

    Iowa having a chance to do everything but watch the candidates techniques of flossing their teeth and much larger states will see a two day 15 stop whistle tour makes absolutely not a lick of sense.

    Comment by SlimGuy — 12/20/2007 @ 6:37 pm

  14. SLimGuy is right.

    No states should be before “Super Tuesday”…none.

    Comment by Chris — 12/20/2007 @ 6:49 pm

  15. Glad to hear that Rick. But I’m shocked to learn you aren’t a fine figure of a man, devilishly handsome, and have women three at a time when I’m not battling terrorists and making liberals’ heads explode.

    I’ve always felt Fred was the most solid and straight forward of all the candidates.

    Comment by clarice — 12/20/2007 @ 8:45 pm

  16. [...] Beldar: Fred is the “Goldilocks Candidate.” Just Right. Pejman: “A candidate who puts substance over style” IMAO Right Wing Nut House: “Fred is real – what you see is what you get. In a way, he reminds me more of Eisenhower than Reagan. Not a simple man but a transparent one.” [...]

    Pingback by BobKrumm.com » The analytical case for Fred — 12/21/2007 @ 9:41 am

  17. Fred Storm Rising

    For those of you, who missed the highlights of an otherwise disappointing debate in Iowa, please go to http://www.fred08.com. For those of you who share my affinity for the media, you will truly appreciate Fred’s performance.

    This is the kind of thing that I have been trying to articulate about Fred Thompson. He doesn’t kowtow to the media and they HATE him for it! That is why despite a solid conservative record, and a very appealing style, the media has chosen to ordain Mike Huckabee “The Conservative Candidate” to challenge Romney.

    But if you do consider yourself a conservative, and truly want to select a candidate who holds the same beliefs we do, than do a side by side comparison on the issues between Romney, Huckabee and Thompson. If you go to the “issues” section of the Fred Thompson web site there is one provided.

    Look, I will support the candidate who gets the Republican nomination, but I am not willing to start settling just yet!

    Fred Thompson’s campaign doesn’t excite me because he has the best network, or highest paid consultants. His campaign INSPIRES ME because I have a candidate who doesn’t force me to compromise my corps beliefs by casting a vote for him!

    Romney and Huckabee with all their strong points require me to ignore issues which are near and dear to me.

    Does anyone honestly believe that Romney would be touting his pro life/gun credentials if he was running for another term in Massachusetts?

    Does anyone believe that Huckabee would really be tuff on crime or immigration when his record shows the opposite in Arkansas?

    There is one conservative in this race whose record matches his rhetoric, one candidate whose presence and ability to articulate our principles makes him ideal for making our case to the nation, and that candidate is Fred Thompson.

    I for one will not permit the media, of all things, to disregard a candidate who provides the greatest promise of a return to sound conservative governance.

    So listen closely the next time you here someone running down Fred Thompson. You will notice that there is no mention of his policies or voting record, just the irrelevant claim that his campaign lacks “buzz” or “pizzazz” or whatever adjective the media has now deemed as critical to holding the highest office in the land.

    Comment by Nick Freitas — 12/21/2007 @ 12:14 pm

  18. ” … more focused and yes more energized”

    Not according to the “lazy” story on politico.
    Sorry, no link.

    Why no link? Are you too lazy too? Or do you just not want people to find out Politico made it all up.

    Comment by The Black Republican — 12/22/2007 @ 10:42 am

  19. [...] In the post in which he endorses Thompson Rick writes that he doesn’t think that Thompson can win, but that’s irrelevant. He supports him nonetheless because: But enough of the strategy, why endorse Fred now if I don’t think he can win? A simple matter of standing up for your guy when the chips are down and he’s at his lowest explains it. The most recent polls in Florida and South Carolina have Fred in 5th place and in single digits. If ever Fred needed a boost, it is from those of us who have liked what he stands for but held back from endorsing him for one reason or another. In my case, it was between Fred and Romney. But today’s news about Romney backpedaling on his contention that Governor George Romney marched with Martin Luther King during the civil rights era is the straw that broke the camel’s back. It never happened and his campaign disingenuously came out with a statement saying that Mitt was “speaking figuratively” not “literally.” [...]

    Pingback by PoliGazette » Conservative Bloggers Support Fred Thompson — 12/23/2007 @ 3:51 pm

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