I should have made it clear in my earlier comment - I LIKE it when Farkers post their cat photos. :) It's great to see how many of them are completely sappy about their "kids."
Comment Posted By Kimberly On 23.06.2005 @ 09:30
As a proud member of Carnival of the Cats on past occasions, I just have to say - have you ever read Fark.com? Their comments tend to run predictibly left-wing - except for any article cat-related, in which case the Farkers give politics a pass while everyone posts photos of their kitties. It's like people just cannot WAIT for an opportunity to use up server space for cat photos.
In the future, everyone will have 15 photos of cats online.
Comment Posted By Kimberly On 22.06.2005 @ 13:16
Unfortunately the idiocy is not limited to this side of the pond. Check out the new "Science Lite" guidelines in the UK. Granted, that article doesn't specifically mention multiculturalism, but give them time. If it's soon to become more important for UK kids to know how they feel about science than what they know about it, the multicultural aspect will creep in for sure.
Comment Posted By Kimberly On 9.05.2005 @ 12:44
I wholeheartedly agree with you on this.
I broke down this morning while getting dressed after hearing that the SCOTUS rejected the parent's plea. I have felt especially touched by this case because I have been in their shoes. My son had meningitis when he was nearly a year old and we were told that he was going to die. Well, he will be turning 17 in May, so I am not so trusting of medical opinions. I know they can be wrong, as they were in my son's case.
However, we cannot even think of asking the President or the Governor to intervene in this manner. The reason that the U.S. IS the U.S. is because of our Constitution. Otherwise, we are simply a piece of land. They both took an oath of office to uphold the Constitution and to ask them in any way to overthrow it is wrong.
Comment Posted By kimberly On 24.03.2005 @ 12:08
I have felt nothing but sorrow over this case. It sickens me that anyone would take one ounce of pleasure in what is the most horrific circumstances imaginable. Terri's parents and her siblings are being forced to watch her die and are completely powerless to stop it. Where is the joy in that?
Comment Posted By kimberly On 22.03.2005 @ 18:07
I completely agree. I was just thinking earlier that if I were a resident of the state of Florida I would make it my personal mission to ensure that this asshat was removed from office in 2006. He is the most repugnant member of Congress outside of Leahy and that racist twat McKinney.
Comment Posted By kimberly On 20.03.2005 @ 23:19
I think it will only come after the war within the Democratic party occurs. When Lieberman is sidelined and Dean is elevated to DNC chair, that is really indicative of some deep rooted problems in the party. Does liberalism win elections? Nope. However, they will continue to lose until they are truly the big tent party that they claim to be and allow the moderates and conservatives a place at the table.
Comment Posted By kimberly On 1.03.2005 @ 16:08
Ha! Great list.
Comment Posted By kimberly On 26.02.2005 @ 19:31
Polipundit just did a post on Terri Schiavo asking about what it is like to starve to death and how long it takes. You should trackback them.
I read this post last night and I was in tears. It is horrific what some people think is humane. They don't do this to death row inmates, why should someone who has suffered enough have to endure this much agony?
Comment Posted By kimberly On 25.02.2005 @ 14:44
It appalls me at the lack of concern for life in this country. Why are we so apathetic towards those who are weaker and unable to speak for themselves? Life is the ultimate right and yet we will blather on incessantly about a politician or newsperson that has stepped over a line, yet don't seem remotely concerned about those issues that truly are a matter of life and death. Great post and you are very correct.
Comment Posted By kimberly On 23.02.2005 @ 18:20